Oracle 9i
Oracle9i was released in the year 2001 with over 400 new features, Oracle 9i combined the traditional business model with emerging internet applications. It is known for its strength in offering performance, scalability, and availability in hosted service software. In Oracle 9i, the Oracle Parallel Server option was replaced with Real Application Clusters, a computer-cluster database. Oracle 9i also offered feature to read and write XML documents.
Training Objective
This section includes the tutorials which aim to educate the readers about the Oracle 9i concepts. These tutorials cover Oracle 9i Objects, Blocks, Cursors, Constraints, Control Structures, Collections, Exception handling, Procedure and Functions, Triggers, Package and Utilities.
Target Audience
Oracle 9i tutorials provides concrete self-learning platform for beginners and will strengthen the fundamentals for intermediate database professionals.
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We are excited to let you know that we are launching shortly The New Technology Learning Series. We will be starting with Oracle 9i: SQL, PLSQL, and SQL *Plus. Below is the course schedule by week. Please let us know if you have suggestions. Oracle 9i: SQL, PL SQL, and SQL *Plus Course Description: This course introduces students to data server technology, and explores the concepts of relational databases and the powerful SQL and PL/SQL programming languages. Students will learn and practice how to create and maintain database objects. You will also learn to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. Finally,…
Before we actually start with the lessons, we need to install and setup Oracle on your pc to be able to practice. I would recommend all of you to install Oracle before you start with any of our lessons in the following weeks. Please use discussion board for any questions you might have in this Learning Series. That helps other users answering the same questions. Next week we will be starting with our first lesson. In the mean time please setup your pc with Oracle Software. Follow the link to download the appropriate version according to your operating system. Download…
In week 6 of our Oracle 9i training course we will be learning about Data types with the differences between different Oracle versions, creating tables, altering tables, dropping tables, Integrity constraints supported by Oracle, Inserting records, Modifying the records and deleteting the records. If you can’t see the screen shots, please save them on to your hard disk. Table: Tables are basic units of data storage. A table is defined as intersection of rows and columns. Data is stored in rows and columns. Oracle Data Types: CHAR: Char data type stores fixed-length character strings. Max Size: Oracle 7 255 bytes…
February 2, 2005
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This week we will be learing about Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes, Views, Data Dictionary View, Controlling Database Objects, GRANT, REVOKE Roles and Privileges. COMMIT, ROLLBACK and SAVEPOINT SQL*PLUS has a facility to automatically commit all the work, without explicitly issuing the commit command i.e. SET AUTOCOMMIT ON — Enables autocommit feature. SET AUTOCOMMIT OFF — Is the default and disables the automatic committing Note: Certain actions automatically force a commit. DDL Commands CREATE, DROP, ALTER and DCL commands EXIT, GRANT, REVOKE, CONNECT, DISCONNECT, AUDIT and NOAUDIT are example for this. (i.e. the work done by these commands can not be taken…
February 14, 2005
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This Week we will be learning about Creating PL/SQL Blocks which includes Declaration Section, Variables, Scope of Variables, Constants Records, Manipulating Data in PL/SQL and Using DML in PL/SQL . PL/SQL is a procedural extension for Oracle’s Structured Query Language. PL/SQL is not a separate language rather a technology. Mean to say that you will not have a separate place or prompt for executing your PL/SQL programs. PL/SQL technology is like an engine that executes PL/SQL blocks and subprograms. This engine can be started in Oracle server or in application development tools such as Oracle Forms, Oracle Reports etc. As…
February 16, 2005
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This tutorial teaches about how to structure flow of control through a PL/SQL program. The control structures of PL/SQL are simple yet powerful. Control structures in PL/SQL can be divided into selection or conditional, iterative and sequential. Control Structures This chapter teaches about how to structure flow of control through a PL/SQL program. The control structures of PL/SQL are simple yet powerful. Control structures in PL/SQL can be divided into selection or conditional, iterative and sequential. Conditional Control (Selection): This structure tests a condition, depending on the condition is true or false it decides the sequence of statements to be…
February 26, 2005
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In this week tutorial 10 as part of Oracle 9i SQL and PL/SQL training explains about the Introduction to Cursors, different types and the Cursors and Loops with sample code and screen shots. CURSOR For every SQL statement execution certain area in memory is allocated. PL/SQL allow you to name this area. This private SQL area is called context area or cursor. A cursor acts as a handle or pointer into the context area. A PL/SQL program controls the context area using the cursor. Cursor represents a structure in memory and is different from cursor variable. When you declare a cursor,…
February 27, 2005
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Above are the SQL scripts used in the tutorials form 1 through 10. Please find the link for to download all the scripts in zip file. Download Examples [catlist id=172].
March 3, 2005
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This week tutorial covers Oracle Exception Handling and the different types in it with sample SQL scripts along with the screen shots. Topics covered in this week, Introduction to Exception Handling – Propagation of Errors Types of Exceptions – Named System Exceptions; Unnamed System Exceptions; User-Defined Exceptions. Exceptions An Exception is an error situation, which arises during program execution. When an error occurs exception is raised, normal execution is stopped and control transfers to exception-handling part. Exception handlers are routines written to handle the exception. The exceptions can be internally defined (system-defined or pre-defined) or User-defined exception. Predefined exception is…
March 3, 2005
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This tutorial covers Defining and Using Collections – Declaring, Initializing, and Referencing PL/SQL Collections and Collection Methods – Using the Collection Methods. Oracle 9i: PL/SQL Collections Introduction Version 8.0 and higher versions of Oracle are referred to as ORDBMS (Object-Relational Database Management System). The traditional Oracle database management system is extended to include Object-Oriented Concepts and structures such as abstract data types, nested tables, varying arrays, object views and references. Abstract Datatypes Also called user-defined datatypes are those that consist one or more subtypes. Apart from using standard oracle datatypes they can also use other abstract datatypes. An abstract datatype…
This tutorial covers Developing Procedures and Functions, Creating a Procedure, Executing a Procedure, Creating a Function, Executing a Function, Passing Parameters – IN Parameters, OUT Parameters, IN OUT Parameters, Purity of a User-Defined Function and Positional and Named Notations. Oracle 9i : Procedures and Functions PL/SQL subprograms A subprogram is a named block of PL/SQL. There are two types of subprograms in PL/SQL namely Procedures and Functions. Every subprogram will have a declarative part, an executable part or body, and an exception handling part, which is optional. Declarative part contains variable declarations. Body of a subprogram contains executable statements of…
This Weeks tutorial explains about Oracle Triggers, Building a Trigger, Trigger Execution, Trigger Restrictions and Testing Mutating Tables.Database Triggers A database triggers is stored PL/SQL program unit associated with a specific database table or view. The code in the trigger defines the action the database needs to perform whenever some database manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) takes place. Unlike the stored procedure and functions, which have to be called explicitly, the database triggers are fires (executed) or called implicitly whenever the table is affected by any of the above said DML operations. Till oracle 7.0 only 12 triggers could be associated…
This weeks tutorial explains about Oracle Packages, Developing Packages, Package Specification, Package Body; Overloading, Oracle Supplied Packages and Dbms_output. Oracle Packages A package is a group of procedures, functions, variables and SQL statements created as a single unit. It is used to store together related objects. A package has two parts, Package Specification or spec or package header and Package Body. Package Specification acts as an interface to the package. Declaration of types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors and subprograms is done in Package specifications. Package specification does not contain any code. Package body is used to provide implementation for the…
This tutorial explains about Export Utility, Import Utility and SQL* Loader. They are supplied as part of the Oracle Software and need not have to be purchased or downloaded separately.