Category: Concepts
A professional well-versed in a wide variety of concepts related to Information Technology can expect to find career opportunities in all parts of the globe. Computer sciences professionals need be familiar with a wide range of concepts, tools and abstract ideas related to computers. Many high-tech and creative job environments are available for programmers, developers, researchers, computer scientists and IT professionals who have attained necessary skills and possess talent to succeed in today’s cut-throat competition.
Online training tutorials in this website focus on various topics related to programming. These tutorials are provided for the benefit of students and professional who interested to build a career in Information Technology, programming and development. User can gain knowledge and insight on allied topics such as debugging, designing documents in programming methodology, feasibility studies, testing, table space, software development, ISPF, features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), client/server computing and basic concepts of SQL.
Tutorials and online training in this website offer explanations of many important concepts related to development and programming including; database terminology, Interactive System Productive Facility (ISPF), Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) and aspect checking in COBOL program.
Students and IT professional can go through tutorials based on technology trends, supply chain management and Neuro-Linguistic programming to become familiar with latest concepts in the field of computer sciences.