Online Task Management Tools

The Internet has paved the way for various opportunities and breakthroughs. Through it, we are now enjoying the benefits of fast communication, online shopping, online bill payments, easy access to information, and even the chance to work at home. Additionally, with the Internet, getting things done in the office has never been easier. We can simply do video-conferencing to hold meetings with colleagues, superiors, and clients who are located elsewhere; we can send emails to people who are in other parts of the globe, taking only seconds for them to… Read More

Personal Task Management

Ideally, work and personal life should be kept separated; however, there are times when our personal activities get in the way of work, and vice versa. An example is when you need to watch your son’s baseball game, and there is a business meeting scheduled, or when you have to meet with a client, and are already running late for your anniversary dinner with your spouse. Because these things cannot be avoided, making use of personal task management is deemed necessary. What is Personal Task Management? Personal task management is… Read More

Task Management for Team Groups

To build a great team, every member should be working on the same goal. How is this achieved? Before anything else, understand that teams are formed mainly to handle tasks created to help the company grow and profit. This means that each individual member of the team should know how to become efficient and effective when it comes to doing the tasks assigned to them. This is where task management takes on an important role in helping the team become productive. Many factors contribute to keeping a team working on… Read More

Task Management for Project Leaders

Task management is the key to performing any endeavor successfully. We can use it for managing our tasks in the office, as well as in getting things done at home. It keeps us efficient, thereby being able to finish our tasks sooner than those who prefer not to follow a set of workable systems. In project management, this is even deemed a necessity mainly because each project can be performed and completed by working on a series of tasks. If there are tasks left undone, then the project is rendered… Read More

How to Prioritize Tasks

When you are working on a particular task or a set of tasks for a period of time, you will most likely come up with a to-do list. When your list includes at least half a dozen line items, it is common for us to find it difficult to know which ones to do first and which ones to do last. Mind you, your to-do list can be overwhelming and even stressful to you. A very important aspect of task management tackles on knowing how to prioritize tasks. If you… Read More

Task Management and Productivity

Productivity is defined as the value of one’s output divided by time, which could be further subdivided into the output hourly or daily. In any business, being productive is essential to garnering profits; the more productive, the better. One of the very essential ways to ensure high productivity is to know how to manage tasks. If an individual is given five things to do for the day but does not know how to prioritize, he could be wasting away precious hours which should have been spent doing things that are… Read More

Task Follow Ups

Living in a hectic world is not easy. We miss out on even the most important things in our day to day activities. Yes, you can be well-organized and insist that you have always been dependable in whatever it is you do but, we cannot always say the same thing for others. A lot of factors can affect one’s efficiency as well as the success of every task, and if we are not careful, we might just forget and overlook central points in our task. That is why there is… Read More

How to Manage Tasks Efficiently

Everyone is given 24 hours everyday to work, to eat, to sleep, and to do the things they want to do. We all have the same amount of time to live as we please and to get our work done, but why is it that there are people who are more productive than us? Why is it that they can complete projects earlier than we do? This article will help you understand why. Efficiency is about doing things quickly and still producing the same excellent results. It is about maximizing… Read More

How to Create a Task Management Plan

Task management is all about managing your tasks properly in an efficient manner. The activities that are part of this process range from planning, setting priorities, checking needed resources, testing, documentation, and reporting of outcomes. Since we are often presented with numerous tasks daily, it is important that you not only know what are involved in task management, but that you should also come up with a plan to help you. Understanding a Task Management Plan A task management plan is the answer if you aim to deal with your… Read More

Task Life Cycle

Task management involves familiarizing yourself with the processes, tools, principles, and even the life cycle of a task. An understanding of these aspects is necessary so you can make the most of it and ensure completion of the task. While it is true that these may depend on the factors surrounding a particular task, invariably, the concepts remain the same. When it comes to its life cycle, we will discuss the basic phases included, which can be modified depending on the complexities and objectives of a given task. The Basic… Read More

Task Management Aspects

A task is any undertaking designed to help a company reach their objectives. It could be a sub-category of bigger outputs or bigger tasks which you can complete in various lengths of time, from something as short as 15 minutes to even one that requires longer durations, such as 15 days. In task management, which is considered as the process used to help anyone handle tasks efficiently and effectively, various aspects are involved. These include managerial, behavioral, and other aspects such as those involving technological advancements to assist any individual.… Read More

Task Management Principles

As with many things, task management is governed by certain principles. These are the foundation by which we base our actions and decisions on. Because of their value, it is essential for every task manager to familiarize themselves of the principles that are part and parcel of every task they perform. A very important point you need to remember is that principles are sets of rules that have been tested over time. By using these, you could save yourself from mistakes and frustrations which will only cause undue stress and… Read More

Importance of Task Management

Why is their a need for task management to be incorporated in our everyday work? To begin with, if you are like most executives, you must have at least 25 individual tasks for you to take care of on any given day. Not all of these are of the same significance as the others; some are urgent and important; others are not urgent but important; there are those that are urgent but not important; and of course there are always those that are not urgent and not important. When you… Read More

Task Management

Business executives are faced with an armload of tasks everyday. Part of their key responsibilities is being able to manage the tasks assigned to them effectively and efficiently so as to maximize productivity among themselves as well as their subordinates. If you are an executive, you need to learn and understand what task management is all about, and how you can use this to perform well in every task given to you. Let us start by getting a clear overview of task management, along with the benefits you can get… Read More