The Future of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing may be a relatively new concept for some businesses and consumers. But even though some businesses are only starting to adopt and realizing the advantages of cloud computing, industry giants are already looking forward to the next big step of cloud computing. For now, cloud computing could be easily identified with grid computing wherein the “cloud” become the application for business purposes. Although grid computing is more focused on the server capabilities of the application, their similarities are based on the focus on providing online and on-time services… Read More

Moving Beyond the Desktop Experience

Cloud computing signifies the slow changes of the consumer and business experience with their local gadget. Combined with strong internet connection, the local applications and gadgets has become a platform as everything will be launched online. The data processes and back-end operations of a business is now available in the cloud. Small businesses don’t have to spend considerable amount for local installation. The desktop experience in large and small companies is slowly being replaced with applications that could be launched at anytime and in almost any gadget. The evolution of… Read More

Everything as a Service (EaaS) Model

Cloud computing is often used by businesses in limited processes. The enterprise could contact a specific vendor if they wanted to implement some cloud computing processes in their business setting. As long as the business knows what they specifically need from the vendor, the services related to cloud computing could be easily set up and launched in no time. Even if the cloud computing process is very small, the business could immediately see the changes in their processing. The rest of the processes in the enterprise will have to be… Read More

Selecting a Cloud Computing Vendor

Most, if not all small businesses today, do not have the capability of building an infrastructure that will support cloud computing. The required funds to build data centers that could support each other, not to mention the manpower support in needs are just too much. The application development for cloud computing would also take time and considerable resources. Developers would be hired, testers will be needed and projected users (the employees) would have to be taken out of their regular operations just to test the cloud computing application. But even… Read More

Migrating to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is greatly considered today by most businesses. Small and large-scale businesses alike have seen the advantage of cloud computing. Because of the ability of getting every data processes in the cloud (online), business will enjoy mobility without being held down to a single application. The real time interaction of cloud computing is not only based on single person in the local gadget. Everyone involved will have real time interaction with the data and might even offer some changes. But transferring from local data availability and processes to cloud… Read More

Software as a Service (SaaS) Model

Cloud computing can come in many forms. It could be launched as a purely platform services wherein the cloud computing vendor will be there to act as a webhost, a vendor that providers functions to be developed by the enterprise or as a framework for developing powerful RIAs (Rich Internet Application). Each provides advantage and limitations to the enterprise which dictates the different versions of cloud computing applications and form of development. Businesses usually take considerable time and resources in choosing the right vendor. If they choose to localize cloud… Read More

Cloud Computing Security

Security is one of the biggest concerns of businesses in any form. Whether a business is a small brick-and-mortar or a multi-million online ventures, security should be implemented. Exposing the company to different security flaws is always inviting to different elements with malicious intent. A single security strike could mean millions of dollars for businesses and might single handedly close the business down. Proper implementation of security measures is highly recommended for cloud computing. The mere fact that the application is launched through internet makes it vulnerable to any time… Read More

Cloud Computing in Enterprise

One of the main reasons why cloud computing is aggressively being developed is the enterprise or the business setting. Many businesses, large and small, have come to realize the potential of cloud computing in terms of easing business transactions without having to spend too much on additional infrastructure, manpower and even time. There mere fact that transactions in almost any form could be done online has made cloud computing a good answer to different business problems. Most businesses will just resort to local installation of applications in their gadgets. Some… Read More

Cloud Computing User’s Perspective

The entire buzz about cloud computing and its effects on businesses are all geared towards the improvement of customer experience. Businesses want to improve their business process to increase the number of customers through better service and increased availability. The user’s experience in cloud computing could actually be direct wherein they would have the ability to use the online application of the business or their experience could be indirect wherein the improved tools in cloud computing will improve the customer interaction with the company. Either way, business should always focus… Read More

Cloud Computing Platforms

Implementing cloud computing through a platform is one of the most popular options for businesses today in online transactions. Largely different from software based cloud computing, platforms are basically programming languages or applications that could be customized based on the need of the enterprise. Because the platforms are geared towards different functionalities needed by the enterprise, they are dubbed as platform as a service or PaaS. Before going further, it is important to differentiate PaaS to SaaS (Software as a Service). SaaS are applications that could be used in the… Read More

Cloud Computing Behavior

The behavior of cloud computing is highly dynamic wherein the only way the process would be possible is through proper interaction of the application and hardware. If one of the components in cloud computing will not work or at least will execute below par, cloud computing will never work. Developers and business managers have to make sure everything is according to plan which will never falter in any occasion. Certain support measures have to be implemented to prevent any form of downtime. Infrastructure and extensive monitoring is usually a requirement… Read More

Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Cloud computing has been the byword for different businesses today. This is a type of process that relies o the internet or online connectivity for different data processing instead of using the local gadget. The internet has come a long way of providing different types of services to users. Years ago, the internet is just used merely for information gathering and email. Today, the internet could become a host of different types of applications which will not require any local installation in the users end. Cloud computing promises portability as… Read More

Cloud Computing Basic Components

Successful implementation of cloud computing requires proper implementation of certain components. Without any of these components, cloud computing will not be possible. These components can’t be easily implemented by one person alone. Cloud Computing will require persons with different expertise, experiences and backgrounds. As it will require more people in the industry, it’s no wonder why cloud computing is a very expensive venture. But even with the expenses that the company would often have to spend, the advantages provided by cloud computing is far more than the initial spending. Some… Read More

Cloud Computing Architecture

The success of cloud computing is largely based on the effective implementation of its architecture. In cloud computing, architecture is not just based on how the application will work with the intended users. Cloud computing requires an intricate interaction with the hardware which is very essential to ensure uptime of the application. These two components (hardware and application) have to work together seamlessly or else cloud computing will not be possible. If the application fails, the hardware will not be able to push the data and implement certain processes.  On… Read More

Cloud Computing Basics

The internet or online connectivity started out as a simple information exchange. Almost anything that users want to learn is possible because of the internet. They just go online, make a few searches and a minute or two, they will have the information they need. Personal communication became a lot easier as email was developed into one of the greatest innovations of the century. Instead of sending a snail mail which could take weeks, a single email could be read in a matter of seconds. Even with a simple connection, exchange… Read More