Category: C++ Tutorials
Created by Bjarne Stroustrup of AT&T Bell Labs as an extension of C, C++ is an object-oriented computer language used in the development of enterprise and commercial applications. Microsoft’s Visual C++ became the premier language of choice among developers and programmers.
As a procedural programming language, C++ uses program structures such as i/o (input/output), assignment statement, iterative statements, conditional statements and subprograms. Data structures of C++ include integer, real, char, arrays, structs and pointers.
Employment opportunities are numerous and well paid for C++ programmers and developers looking to work in the field of Software Engineering or as an IT Professional. Oftentimes, C++ Professionals will also be familiar with C, Linux, Unix, Java, .NET and VB (Visual Basic). Developers working with C++ can expect to participate in a variety of programming opportunities: developing systems for trading applications for an Investment Bank, developing cutting edge software applications for groundbreaking new technologies (Smartphone, PDA, etc.) to creating applications for 3-D Imaging Software or spectroscopic systems.
C++ Tutorials available in this section include explanations for simple to more advanced concepts of C++ in detail with sample coding information. A new programmer or developer interested in learning about C++ programming language and finding out why C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages for creating large-scale applications can utilize the tutorials and articles on C++ made available in this section.