Category: Ajax Tutorial
“Asynchronous JavaScript And XML”, otherwise known as AJAX, is a programming language that allows a web page to receive miniscule amounts of data from a web server without reloading the complete web page. Ajax works together with JavaScript. AJAX permits Web pages to be dynamic, interactive and behave as local applications. This combination of features is known as “rich client” applications. AJAX is similar to Dynamic HTML and allows synchronous and asynchronous access to remote services by using the XMLHTTP Request object.
Before AJAX technology was developed, a request from the user for the retrieval of data would cause the entire Web page to be refreshed, resulting in very slow loading time and minimal interaction between the user and the web page. With the advent and success of AJAX, websites utilize the “remote scripting” of AJAX to better the functionality and waiting time of interactive and dynamic websites. The server exchanges small amounts of data without the user’s knowledge, increasing the speed, usability and navigation of web pages.
It is necessary for any IT professional programmer or developer to be familiar with the Ajax programming language. Online Training explaining the uses of Ajax, critique of Ajax, Challenges, Framework, basic overview of Web Services, XML, security aspects and the power of Ajax are discussed through tutorials in this section.