Independent Validation and Testing Services

Independent testing and validation ensures every part of the software is analyzed thoroughly in terms of functionality as well as feasibility. Exforsys is well versed in conducting this highly conscientious work. By adopting standard techniques and employing experienced professionals, full-fledged testing and validation analysis is conducted and a detailed report with suggestions is provided for testing services.

Exforsys offers the following testing services:

Functionality Testing

Under functionality testing, the functions and operations of a software is keenly noted and a detailed report of the software features is provided after each and every part is thoroughly analyzed with different sets of input data for checking the consistency of the given software.

Integration Testing

Integration testing is conducted after unit testing is completed. Software comprised of individual modules and components that are individually developed by different programmers may have possibilities of having some defects that arise when integrated with rest of the application. Thus, testing the software after integrating the components and modules is a must. Problems such as component interaction, connectivity and the database errors are isolated and corrected under this testing.

Compatibility Testing

Various platforms of operating systems with different kinds of processors mandate a software application that needs to undergo compatibility testing. Under this testing, the capability of installing a software successfully on different platforms of operating system and processors are conducted.

Recovery Testing

This testing scrutinizes the recovery capability of the software after it crashes or gets shut down unexpectedly due to some reasons. The ability of the application to recover from a crashed state to its original state is assessed and evaluated under tough conditions during recovery testing and a detailed study is conducted on the durability of the software.

Security Testing

Security breach of the software is assessed and analyzed to ensure that it can withstand virus and malware attacks. Software components are thoroughly checked to ensure the security of the given application.

Usage Testing

During usage testing, the software’s user-friendly facets are verified from the user’s point of view.

Along with the above listed testing services, Exforsys also provides consultancy services to improve software functionality.

Consultancy services are provided for the following:

  • Consultancy for test management
  • Consultancy for automated analysis
  • Consultancy for test courses
  • Consultancy for performance enhancement