ERP and DSS Implementation

ERP : Implementation of DSS With the birth of electronic commerce and supply chains, the call centers and other business initiatives supported by the information technologies had been worried about finding applications that join to decode, interpret and take the opportunity to make good use of the risks that allows an organization to make decisions, or at least, feel accompanied in the making of decisions. Information is a priceless tool for organizations. Therefore, their resources should be orientated to provide the managers with all the information required for the proper… Read More

ERP and the Future Mobile

ERP and the Future Mobile In the near future, we can expect to have a huge increase in the investment of information technologies by the enterprises, which will be motivated by the new requirements of the market and will focus their attention especially on the mobile devices, which will experience a notorious explosion. Since this is becoming more common every day, the premise “to be present at any time in any place” reflects a latent tendency. The mobility is expressed by the possibility of accessing a Tablet PC to check… Read More

ERP and Business Intelligence

ERP and Business Intelligence The management of the corporate development starts with a simple inquiry of their partners about the present status of the company. Unless there is a specific answer to show the real status of the same, it will also finish there. Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) appeared with the purpose to help to find a primary answer to that question. The Business intelligence solutions offer personalized control panels including graphics, drawings and diverse explanations that will be useful for managers to monitor the metrics that really are important.… Read More

ERP Operation and Control

ERP Operation and Control The selection of the most suitable management system is it a difficult decision to make, but once it is decided, the next step is the operation and maintenance of ERP. It is necessary to know well all the capacities and abilities in order to exploit the system to its fullest extent. The very first decision that should be made is whether the system will be operated by the employees or by third parties. The outsourcing means hiring an associate to administrate a technology environment, which is… Read More

ERP and Logistics

Values of the Integrated Management in the Logistic Chain The logistics management area covers the activities related to the physical flow of materials, semi-elaborated products, raw materials, and the acquisition by the initial providers from the sale to the consumers. This includes the storage, production and distribution of the products. The conception of the logistic environment in an integrated way is reached through the integration of all, and each of the activities that constitute it. The vision of the logistic environment could be structured in three related layers: internal integration,… Read More

ERP and E-Commerce

ERP and E-Commerce Over the last few years, e-commerce has become a common activity for many companies. Some of them dived into this challenge without taking into account the cultural changes that the situation involved, as well as the infrastructure necessary to continue with the initial project. In order to begin to develop a Business in the electronic jungle, there are some points that need to be covered. It is necessary to establish a marketing strategy , to create a catalogue of products, define the costs and the sale prices,… Read More

ERP for Cash Management

ERP for Cash Management Cash management is a fundamental application that allows you to manage your accounts. It includes banks, savings institutions and charge cards. All the appropriate functions are conveniently centralized in one location. The application provides facilities for accounting staff to receive payments, make deposits, print checks, record manual checks, record funds transfer and card charges, pay off charges and reconcile your cash accounts. Cash management with ERP offers two options for making payments. First, the quick check feature allows you to print a check for a vendor… Read More

ERP for Manufacturers

ERP for Manufacturers The management of the information is the key in any company. The manufacturing industry experienced the first systems created with the objective to integrate the details and information, and to organize the different productive processes with MRP (Materials Requirement Planning), which have developed what is now known as ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning. These resources are fundamental to understanding how information technology has contributed to the competitive advantages of the industrial sector. ERP was created for the big industries, and the cost was usually not an obstacle… Read More

Understanding ERP and WMS

Understanding ERP and WMS Understanding the differences between Warehouse Management System (WMS) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is really important, since some of the ERP solutions have added storage functionality to their offers. It is relevant to make the appropriate decisions at the execution of the distribution chain area of a business. The distribution centre is considered the last step of a client order, and this is where all the orders are collected, assembled, documented, notified and dispatched. Many companies are handling additional value services at their distribution centres,… Read More

ERP Systems as Quality Control Support

ERP Systems as Quality Control Support For the past few years, ERP systems have became one of the most powerful tools for quality control management. But ERP is just an informatics system that provides support to the integrated business management. Goals of the Quality Control Module included in ERP The main objectives of the quality control module are the construction and maintenance of the filing of the quality control. The control of reception, internal rejections, clients, claims, providers and evaluations of the same corrective actions are related to their follow-up,… Read More

How ERP Improves General Ledger Capacity

How ERP Improves General Ledger Capacity Flexibility, quickness, and efficiency are the pillars and needs of the modern organization. In order to fulfill all the requirements that the market imposes, ERP has become an useful utility. The general ledger tasks are nowadays one of the most important activities on the daily basis reports, and this system is the most effective in helping to provide a solid structure where the cost of sales, profit centre accounting and general ledger are unified. Many enterprises find it difficult to combine the reporting applications,… Read More

ERPAdvantages for Management Functions

ERP Advantages for Management Functions ERP management systems provide a technology platform in which organizations can integrate and coordinate their main internal business processes. They use this to fight against the problem of the organizational inefficiency brought on by the use of different systems in every department to store information. Generally, large organizations manage many software systems at the same time depending on the activity to be performed. Most of these systems have the objective of storing and providing information about several processes that do not communicate between each other.… Read More

Benefits of ERP for the Financial Area

Benefits of ERP for the Financial Area At this time, the main motivation of some companies for choosing ERP is to achieve an improvement in the management of their financial area. Sometimes they rush into the decision without taking into consideration the real contribution of the implementation in relation to the benefits that may provide this section with. The Field The high complexity and competitiveness of the market, due to continuous changes in a global environment, requires efficiency and effectiveness in the management of companies. To guarantee minimum levels of… Read More

Reasons to get ERP

Reasons to get ERP Many people say that ERP is the future, that it is completely necessary nowadays. Through these lines we are going to explain several topics regarding why it is so important to use an ERP in order to get organizational efficiency. With or Without ERP An enterprise that has no ERP according to its needs can find many kinds of software that do not allow interaction, and that cannot be customized. For that matter they are not able to optimize the organizational business activities. The engineering design… Read More

ERP Success cases

ERP Success cases You have probably heard a lot about ERP systems, especially about their implementation and its advantages and disadvantages. Here you will find that there are no unachievable targets, and that every effort brings benefits. These are the stories of people who found success through ERP implementation. Bak Ambalaj story When we talk about Bak Amabalaj, we are referring to a leading Turkish company that produces printed and non printed paper bags that are used for: food, beverage, hygiene and magnetic tapes. They also manage huge production levels,… Read More

ERP Human Resources: The Key for Success

ERP – Human Resources: The Key for Success The intense competitiveness in the global markets demand an improvement in the results. In this context, it is critical of the management of human resources. The concept of Human Resources as a cost generator has to change into a profits generator. Human Resources is a fundamental part of the scheme of every successful enterprise, as the information received by this area needs to have a continuous follow-up and correct evaluation for the professional development and the social welfare of the workers. However,… Read More

How to Succeed When Implementing ERP

How to Succeed When Implementing ERP The implementation of ERP can be seen in two different ways. The first one would be implementing it for the first time, and this is the one that takes more time for research and preparation for the employees of the system. The second one is the updating of the system which usually takes less time and effort than the first one. Despite this, both phases take place at different times and require different levels of difficulty. Having to face the second stage is not… Read More

Planning and choosing the correct ERP

Planning and choosing the correct ERP It is very common to think that implementing a new software is an easy topic and can be solved in a few days. However, this is not always the case. There are some systems that require more time than others for implementation, and even more previous considerations. ERP does not happen to be the exception. There are some cases that feel easier than others to carry on, but the truth is that not every system is the same and not every enterprise needs the… Read More

ERP: More than a Sales Solution

ERP: More than a Sales Solution In this globalized world, ERP is no longer just a competitive advantage. It is an important requirement for every enterprise. Many specialists argue that ERP is completely necessary to deal with businesses in every corner of the market. This is because ERP does not work in only one way, but it gets to focus on all the relevant aspects that directors need to take into account when they are facing important decisions. Different Functions Covered in this Area One of the most relevant aspects… Read More

ERP Impact in Organizations

ERP Impact in Organizations Nowadays, with the fast developing of industries and the need for managing procedures and resources, it has become very important to have a tool which can help you coordinate several activities, and the best one is ERP. The advantages of having ERP are many. It gives you the opportunity of integrating every procedure of your business while improving the quality of several areas simultaneously. These areas include human resources, accounting and operations. In addition, ERP helps to increase your production levels and to control your costs… Read More

The Essence of ERP

The Essence of ERP If you are interested in Enterprise Resouce Planning, it is important to understand the essence of this technology. The basic idea of ERP is that the whole is more powerful than the individual parts. In traditional computer applications, transactions are processed separately. A large number of organizations have used this system for quite some time, and there are still some who continue to use it today. With traditional systems, eacn transaction must be handled separately, and they are connected to functions which are specific. Enterprise Resource… Read More

The Effect of ERP on Mid Market Companies

The Effect of ERP on Mid Market Companies When Enterprise Resource Planning was first introduced, very few companies could actually afford it. In most cases, the only companies that could afford this technology were Fortune 1000 firms. However, like many forms of technology, the cost involved with ERP would eventually be reduced, allowing small to medium sized businesses to afford it. While ERP has been around for little more than a decade, more companies are now seeing the benefits of using it. Many companies in the Middle East and Africa… Read More

The Current State of Enterprise Resource Planning

The Current State of Enterprise Resource Planning To analyze the future trends of Enterprise Resource Planning, it is first important to look at the current state of this industry. While this tool was originally used for manufacturing and human resources, it is now being used in areas such as customer services, sales automation, and supply chain maintenance. At the moment, it seems that ERP vendors are expanding the capability of their ERP products, and many of them are catering to smaller businesses instead of just Fortune 500 companies. The advent… Read More

The Building Blocks of ERP

The Building Blocks of ERP Enterprise Resource Planning is commonly used to improve the integration within companies and organizations, and instead of focusing on individual parts, the operations of the company are viewed as a whole. Software infrastructure plays an important role in this process. In addition to this, software infrastructure plays an important role in the external processes of the organization. Enterprise Resource Planning will focus on business processes, and they must be modular. In addition to this, the business processes must also be integrated. When companies deal with… Read More

ERP Software Suppliers

ERP Software Suppliers The ERP market has continued to grow over the last 10 years. While it was once only the domain of Fortune 1000 companies, Enterprise Resource Planning has now caught the attention of small to medium sized companies. The growth rate of Enterprise Resource Planning has reached over 30% since the end of the 1990s. Because this tool has become so important for a large number of companies and organizations, it is important to understand the suppliers who make it available to them. The foundation for ERP technology… Read More

ERP Application Tools

ERP Application Tools Large ERP vendors are competing with their smaller counterparts by either buying them out or forming strategic alliances with them. A number of consultants within large firms are specializing in various areas. They will analyze the process that needs to be reengineered, and once this is done, they will decide how the ERP software must be used. It is important to realize that there is no such thing as a "perfect ERP tool" for any organization. Each company will have a different need, and the decision will… Read More

The Importance of Enterprise Resource Planning

The Importance of Enterprise Resource Planning There can be no doubt that ERP is an important tool in our world of today. As more businesses begin to compete on a global scale, it will become critical for them to streamline their operations and processes. However, it is important to realize that ERP is not the cure to all the problems a company will face. There are a number of pros and cons to this technology, and those who understand this will be the most likely to succeed. One of the… Read More

Understanding How ERP Vendors Operate

Understanding How ERP Vendors Operate In order for a ERP system to succeed, it must be capable of successfully integrating manufacturing with the other processes of a company. To do this, a number of vendors are adding a wide variety of tools to their products, and example of this would be the integration of sales automation with supply chain maintenance. This have become some of the most important areas of development. When PeopleSoft was firsts created in the late 1980s, it became a leader in ERP software that dealt with… Read More

ERP Analysis

ERP Analysis Enterprise Resource Planning could be described as a number of tools that are used to integrated the various processes of a company or organization. Almost all ERP solutions will utilized interconnected databases, and it has become one of the most popular information systems available on the market today. A number of studies have shown that nearly 70 percent of Fortune 1000 companies will use an ERP system, and even small to medium sized businesses have begun using them. Statistics indicate that the ERP market has grown to $50… Read More

Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions

Enterprise Resource Planning Solutions There are a number of benefits to be gained from using Enterprise Resource Planning. One of the most powerful benefits is scalability. Unlike many stand-alone applications, ERP is designed to grow with the company. Companies that use stand-alone programs will be forced to start over from the ground up when they attempt to expand the capabilities of the company. This can be a tedious process, and it will have to be done many times when the company experiences growth. Another powerful advantage of using ERP solutions… Read More

How To Increase Profits With ERP

How To Increase Profits With ERP While the process of setting up ERP can be complex, the end results are relatively simple. The goal of a company who uses this system is to be more productive and efficient. By doing this, a company can improve its bottom line. However, many companies think that by simply jumping on the ERP bandwagon, they can gain an edge on their competition. This is a misconception, and it has led to failure and disappointment for numerous organizations. It is important for companies to realize… Read More

How To Extend the Capabilities of ERP

How To Extend the Capabilities of ERP When the ERP boom begin in the 1990s, it allowed a large number of companies to begin obtaining a clear view of their various operations and processes. While it offered them a number of advantages, there were still challenges that they needed to overcome. The biggest problem with ERP during this time is that it was only limited to order or product processing. It would not give companies a true view of their entire organization. In the 21st century, enterprises have become truly… Read More

How ERP Can Be Used By Smaller Businesses

How ERP Can Be Used By Smaller Businesses When most people think of Enterprise Resource Planning, they think of a complex system that costs millions of dollars to implement. They may also think of the risks and difficulties involved with setting it up. While there is some truth to these concerns, ERP is not simply something that can only be utilized by large companies. While this may have been true in the 1990s, the costs of this technology have continued to increase as we move further into the 21st century.… Read More

How To Make ERP Complement Your Business

How To Make ERP Complement Your Business To successfully utilize ERP, a company must be skilled in making the program complement their business. Vendors who sell ERP products have worked to solve a number of problems over the last few years, and one of these problems is scalability. In addition to this, security issues are also important, as well as the integration of the organization. One of the most powerful aspects of ERP is that it allows thousands of workers to access the same database, and they are not simply… Read More

Understanding the ROI of ERP

Understanding the ROI of ERP If a companies wants to succeed with ERP, they must know how to properly implement it. However, this is only one of the things that a company must deal with if they want to succeed with this system. They must also have the resources to properly train their staff on using it. The company as a whole must be determined to make use of this system. If this is not done, there is little point in setting up the system to begin with. If you… Read More

How To Combine ERP With CRM

How To Combine ERP With CRM A number of companies wish to use ERP as a method that can simply allow them to integrate the existing elements of their business. However, this will only improve one aspect of your organization. To truly be effective, it may be necessary to combine the benefits of ERP with those of CRM, which stands for Customer Relationship Management. It is important to realize that CRM is a concept that stretches far beyond the technical limitations of ERP. Depending on the size of a company,… Read More

History of Enterprise Resource Planning

History of Enterprise Resource Planning Before ERP was introduced, the departments within an institution would each have their own computer networks. For instance, the Human Resources department would have their own network of computers, while the Financial department might have a separate network. Each computer system would be comprised of information that was directly related to that department. The personal information the employees might be listed, and this would generally be combined with a reporting structure. The Financial department would be responsible for storing information that was related to the… Read More

Enterprise Resource Planning Introduction

Enterprise Resource Planning Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning, or ERP, is a system that is used to combine all of the information or operations of a company into a single unit. The standard ERP system will utilize both computer hardware and software in order to achieve this. Perhaps one of the most important parts of the ERP system is the central database. This database will be used to store information from various modules. When the term ERP was originally coined, it was used to describe systems that were designed to use… Read More

The Advantages and Disadvantages of ERP

The Advantages and Disadvantages of ERP There are a number of powerful advantages to Enterprise Resource Planning. It has been used to solve a number of problems that have plagued large organizations in the past. At the same time, it is not without a number of disadvantages. Being able to weigh the two will allow a company to decide if this solution will properly meet their needs. It should first be noted that companies that fail to utilize systems such as ERP may find themselves using various software packages that… Read More

ERP Facts

ERP Facts While ERP is a solution that has a number of potential applications, there are many companies that have failed when trying to implement it. Understanding why these companies failed is an important factor in learning how to use effectively use Enterprise Resource Planning. It should first be noted that a number of ERP failures occured in 1999. A number of companies tried to use this technology in a way that would allow them to fight Y2K. Many of the companies that are using ERP today have learned from… Read More