Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Overview
For the longest time, business organizations thought that the most important thing for their employees to have is a high IQ (Intelligence Quotient) but ever since the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ or EI was introduced, more and more companies have come to realize that it is just as important to employ people who have the ability to assess, perceive, control, and influence their own emotions and that of others.
There are many instances wherein one’s EI will be put to good use in the workplace. Managers need to be able to effectively lead and manage their members; employees need to build good working relationships with each other; and even the companies as a whole need to know how to interact with their employees and their customers in order to meet their goals. Needless to say, people with high EI are more likely to succeed than those who have low EI.
Training Objectives
By the end of this self-paced training, you will be able to:
Get a clear understanding of the significance and meaning of Emotional Intelligence
Know how to measure your own emotional intelligence
Learn how to manage your emotions and enhance your emotional intelligence
Learn how to manage conflicts in the workplace
Learn how to build better relationships in the workplace
Know how to develop your team’s emotional intelligence
Target Audience
This Emotional Intelligence training program is designed for people who believe that they need to develop and enhance their EI. Managers, executives, and even entry-level employees could greatly benefit from this program because it will teach them how to improve their own emotional intelligence level so that they can be in better control of their own emotions and consequently, improve their job performance.
Emotional Intelligence is a term which is used to describe the ability or skill of an individual to influence the emotions within themselves, as well as other people. Not only is a person able to influence these emotions, but they are also capable of managing and assessing them. EI is considered to be on the cutting edge of psychological research, so it is important to keep in mind that this concept is still in development. Despite the fact that EI itself is a recent term, its roots can be traced to earlier theories which were espoused by Charles Darwin. Darwin…
In order to understand constructive thinking, it is essential to understand emotions first. Many people feel that their emotions are a way in which they automatically react to circumstances. To them, an event happens, and then this event triggers emotions. Most of these people are aware that it is possible for them to control their emotions, as well as the ways in which they express them, but most of these people feel that there is no way for them to actually stop the emotions from occurring in the first place. For instance, when most people are treated in a manner which to…
There is a connection between one’s emotional intelligence and their ability to lead. In recent years, more attention has been paid to the connections that exist between emotional intelligence and leadership. Those who have higher than average EQs tend to be very skilled when it comes to management, putting people at ease, and finding a balance between work and their personal lives. These people tend to be straightforward when it comes to explaining how they feel, and not only are they good at building relationships, but they are also good at mending broken relationships as well. To understand the role…
Emotions are best when they are left "out" of the decision making process. Due to the fact that humans are emotional creatures, it would be foolish and unwise to advocate people to "get rid of their emotions". This is both unnecessary and unhealthy, for we all have emotions for a reason. However, there are times when our emotions must be keep in balance. One such example of this is when we have to make decisions, particularly critical decisions. History shows that when people mix their emotions with decision making, they tend to make bad decisions, which in turn lead to…
Some argue that EQ is more important in the work place than IQ. In the work place, there are constant interactions which are occurring among the people who work there. While some of these interactions are positive, others are negative. The key aspect, managers and company leaders must understand is that over time, each of these interactions will have a positive or negative effect on the company as a whole. The effect that these interactions have on the company will also have an effect on the company’s ability to remain competitive in its given market or industry. Having said that,…
EI Measurement Because there are a number of concepts which are associated with EI, and the field is continuing to expand, this means that no standard has been developed for properly measuring EI. However, there are a number of common ways in which this phenomenon can be viewed, and in this lies the key to properly measuring it. One way of analyzing EI is to study one’s attunement to the social norms which surround them. One example of a test which is used to measure this is the MSCEIT. While this test is useful in analyzing one’s emotional intelligence, it…
Learning how to manage your emotions can bring great success. We are all human beings, and this means we all have emotions. No matter how rich or poor you are, and regardless of where you come from, you will be prone to a variety of different emotions on a daily basis. Sometimes you will be joyful, while at other times you will be sad, jealous, or even angry. While there is nothing wrong with emotions themselves, there is something wrong when you are not able to manage these emotions. Inability to manage emotions can lead to a variety of different…
When it comes to psychological research, emotional intelligence is probably one of the most advanced areas of research available today. Historically, a large amount of attention has been paid to general intelligence. Though writers have touched on similar subjects since the time of Darwin, most researchers did not take the subject seriously until very recently. EI is defined as the ability of a person to manage their feelings, as well as handling the feelings of others. Being able to control your emotions in a positive manner is a very important part of functioning properly in society. Those who are unable…
Lack of emotional intelligence is one the leading cause of conflict. Researchers in EI express the view that a lack of emotional intelligence is one of the leading causes of conflict in our society. It is is difficult to argue with this logic. At the root of all conflict is a lack of sensitivity on the part of one or both parties. Sensitivity is directly related to one’s emotional intelligence. Many employees today are familiar with work place stress and work place conflict. If you’re like many people, there have been days where you dreaded going to work, as you…
As more organizations become aware of the importance EQ plays in their institutions, they must decide on best ways to implement it with their members. Leaders cannot expect their followers to pick up EQ naturally; it is something that must be instilled in them from a higher authority. Having said that, the amount of EQ that any given team has, is a reflection of the leader of that team. Leaders who are lacking in EQ will by default pass these traits down to the members of their team. In an age of stiff global competition in a variety of different…
Emotional bias can affect us all, but learning how to manage it is important. Emotional bias is defined "as having a bias when it comes to the emotions of oneself, when compared to the emotions of another." Emotional bias is a frequent problem that leads to conflict on a regular basis. When you have a bias with your emotions in regards to those of another person, this can cause some serious problems. Emotional bias can be a major killer of relationships, both personal and professional, and to overcome this challenge, you must learn how to manage it. While it is…
Your emotional competence will play a crucial role when it comes to your success as an employee. However, for many years, many people thought otherwise. For most people, including senior executives, it was thought that those with a higher IQ were the most important aspect of a company’s success. Decades of research has now confirmed what many people have suspected all along: it is EQ, not IQ, that determines how well someone will perform on the job. While this does not mean that technical skills and general intelligence should be ignored, some studies have indicated that emotional intelligence is twice…
Your ability to manage relationships, both in your personal and business life, are critically important. Relationship management is defined as those processes that organizations and individuals use in order to maintain the connections they have with each other. While organizations focus more on maintaining relationships with their customers, individuals spend more time managing relationships with other individuals. For large organizations, relationship management can be highly complex, as they must keep track of a large number of customers and clients. On a personal level, you can improve your relationship management skills by taking the time to enhance your EQ, or emotional…