Be Your Own Fairy Godmother

Be Your Own Fairy Godmother Do you believe in magic? In fairy godmothers? In Santa Claus? In Miracles? Probably not. Most adults do not. But there is an entity that contains more magic than all of these things, an entity that actually exists. That entity, believe it or not, is you! That is correct. You have the power and capabilities to make things happen that are far better than anything Santa Claus or a Fairy Godmother could bring you. After all, these characters have traditionally been called upon to bring… Read More

Attitude Development : Comparing Yourself to Others

Comparing Yourself to Others Where is Your Career Going? This is a question that most professionals will ask themselves at one point or another in their lives. Once you have determined what your goals in life are, the next thing you will want to do is take action. You can begin by doing something that might sound highly unusual. You should do everything that most people would never dare do. Let us look at the facts. Many individuals do not plan for the long term. Most people do not have… Read More

Adjusting Your Attitude for Success

Adjusting Your Attitude for Success Does the people around you affect your attitude? Let’s face the facts here. Each individual has a choice in life. It is possible to allow outside factors to have an influence on our goals in life. They can have an impact in a negative way, by letting people with bad attitudes play a dominant role in our lives; or we can eliminate those people altogether and focus on surrounding ourselves with positive influences. Everyone is the master of his or her own atmosphere. Nobody else… Read More

Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors

Developing Your Attitude Among Mentors How do I become like those I admire? In the book The Master Key to Riches, author Napoleon Hill interviewed over five hundred of the most successful men of his era – including Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, Alexander Graham Bell, and Thomas Edison – to get some insight in to how these geniuses and high achievers had attained their high degree of success in life. The results of this study were published in the form of The Law of Success, an encyclopedia of seventeen… Read More

Washing Your Brain

Washing Your Brain Is Brainwashing good? Common consensus has it that brainwashing is a bad thing. When people think of brainwashing, they think of the Cold War or the movie A Clockwork Orange. When you think about it on a deeper level, however, we find that it is healthy to wash everything else in our lives. So why not our brains, also? We wash our clothes, our cars, our bodies, and our dishes on a regular basis. But the most important thing in life, however, is our brain. So why… Read More

The Psychology of Attitude

The Psychology of Attitude What is attitude? Attitude is, in a word, how you express your likes and dislikes towards particular people, things, and occurrences. Attitudes can be positive, negative, or neutral. It is also common to have more than one of these feelings towards something – when that happens, for example, in the case of a person both likes and dislikes something at once, we say that that person’s attitude is “ambivalent”. Attitudes are typically derived from judgments, which everyone makes. In psychology, it is believed that attitudes are… Read More

How to Adjust Your Attitude

How to Adjust Your Attitude Do you pay attention to your attitude with an eye on improving it? If the answer to this question is no, then you have a lot of work to do. Let us be honest with ourselves for a minute – nobody is perfect. Each and every one of us has bad days. This is why it is vital to always keep “one eye peeled” on your attitude to make sure it does not have a negative impact on your environment and thus make everything a… Read More

Attitude Development : Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect Can Practicing Help Improve My Attitude? You bet it does. But it is not as simple as merely “practicing” whatever it is that you want to get good at. You have to learn how to practice the right way. Indeed, practicing can be used in virtually every profession as a way of getting good at something. But instead of practicing to make perfect, we should first practice in a perfect way in order to realize perfection. Sound confusing? Let us take a look at the differences between… Read More

Use Your Assets for Attitude Development

Use Your Assets What are Assets? The dictionary defines an asset as a valuable or useful thing or quality. The fact of the matter is, whether we are rich or poor, we all have assets. On the flipside of that coin, we all have liabilities as well. The trick is to learn how to use the former by discarding the latter. In order to make use of one’s assets, one needs to have one thing: that is, guts. If you have not already defined your direction in life, you need… Read More

Attitude Development : Visualizing Success

Visualizing Success What is Visualization? Visualization is a technique which you can employ to improve your attitude and thus attain success. This is an activity that many successful businessmen, athletes, celebrities, and musicians employ as a means of increasing their success – even though a lot of them might not realize that what they are doing is actually visualization. The idea of visualization is explored in fascinating detail in the book Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. This book is essential to all those who are interested in attitude development. For… Read More

Attitude Development

Attitude Development What do all successful people have in common? When looking for a definition for success, it is a good idea to take a close look at the most successful people out there. What do all of them have in common? If you look close enough, you will see that the most successful individuals in any career all have positive attitudes. Have you taken the time to plan your career? Before you set out to accomplish something, you must first ask yourself what specifically it is that you hope… Read More

Attitude Development : Setting Intelligent Goals

Setting Intelligent Goals How am I Doing in Life? Every once in a while, it is necessary to take a step back in order to take a long, hard look at where we are in our lives. At this point, it is good to ask yourself a bunch of critical questions. Are you at the point in your career where you want to be? Have you so far accomplished all of your goals in life? If so, then maybe it is time to make goals that stretch yourself a bit… Read More

A Good Attitude Leads to Success

A Good Attitude Leads to Success What is the secret to Success? There are numerous “secrets” out there on attaining success. The vast majority of these so called secrets all have one thing in common – Attitude. The reasons why people choose not to apply this main secret of success to their own lives remains something of a mystery. Apparently, most people just are not interest in attaining the heights of what this life has to offer them. Or, they are content with “just getting by”, as so many of… Read More

Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force

Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force Do Other People Notice My Attitude? The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The reason why so many ambitious individuals find it hard to get ahead in life is because they simply do not have the right attitude. Do you find yourself constantly plagued by negative thoughts, to the extent that you are paralyzed with anger and / or fear, especially when it comes to questions regarding your career? You are not alone. The fact is that a lot of people… Read More

Positive Attitude Development

Positive Attitude Development Is Attitude Development Important? Whether we like it or not, our attitude towards life can have a significant impact on the quality of life. By learning how to listen to our inner selves, we can figure out how our inner thought process works and how it may have a bearing on the way we deal with stress in our daily lives. A lot of people discover that their internal dialogue is largely negative. If you find yourself thinking such thoughts as “What if I fail?” or “I… Read More