JavaScript Exception Handling – Part I
In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about Exception Handling, Catching errors in JavaScript, Using try..catch statement and throw in JavaScript along with syntax and examples.
It is impossible for a programmer to write a program without errors. Programming languages include exceptions, or errors, that can be tracked and controlled. Exception handling is a very important concept in programming technology. In earlier versions of JavaScript, the exceptions handling was not so efficient and programmers found it difficult to use. Later versions of JavaScript resolved this difficulty with exceptions handling features like try..catch handlers, which presented a more convenient solution for programmers of JavaScript.
Catching errors in JavaScript:
It is very important that the errors thrown must be catched or trapped so that they can be handled more efficiently and conveniently and the users can move better through the web page.
There are mainly two ways of trapping errors in JavaScript.
- Using try…catch statement
- Using onerror event
Using try…catch statement:
The try..catch statement has two blocks in it:
- try block
- catch block
In the try block, the code contains a block of code that is to be tested for errors. The catch block contains the code that is to be executed if an error occurs.
The general syntax of try..catch statement is as follows:
When, in the above structure, an error occurs in the try block then the control is immediately transferred to the catch block with the error information also passed to the catch block. Thus, the try..catch block helps to handle errors without aborting the program and therefore proves user-friendly.
The concept of try…catch statement shown in an example:
The output of the above program is
‘junkVariable’ is undefined
In the above program, the variable junkVariable is undefined and the usage of this in try block gives an error. The control is transferred to the catch block with this error and this error message is printed in the catch block.
throw in JavaScript:
There is another statement called throw available in JavaScript that can be used along with try…catch statements to throw exceptions and thereby helps in generating.
General syntax of this throw statement is as follows:
exception can be any variable of type integer or boolean or string.
for example:
The output of the above program is:
Example to illustrate Throw Statement: Variable exfor not equal to 20.
In the above example program, the try block has the variable exfor initialized to 10. Using the if statement, the variable value is checked to see whether it is equal to 20. Since exfor is not equal to 20, the exception is thrown using the throw statement. This is named PlaceError and the control transfers to the catch block. The error catched is checked and since this is equal to the Placeerror, the statement placed inside the error message is displayed and the output is displayed as above.
[catlist id=157]