Bluetooth Technology Models and Future

This article discusses about various Bluetooth Technology Models & Application in the market and Bluetooth in Future.

Bluetooth Technology Models & Applications

HomeRF like Bluetooth is a specification for connectivity and mobility in a home-like environment. HomeRF Working Group has developed a specification for wireless communications in the home called the Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP).

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other aviation regulatory bodies worldwide are currently reviewing the use of Bluetooth products on private and commercial aircraft. In the U.S. the FAA is the governing body to grant approval for Bluetooth product use on aircraft; therefore, we must defer to their impending ruling.

Refrigerator communicating with the Bluetooth-enabled computer, informing it that food supply is low, and to inform the retailer over the internet.

Printers, PDA’s, desktop computers, fax machines, keyboards, joysticks and virtually any other digital device can be part of the Bluetooth system. But beyond un-tethering devices by replacing the cables, Bluetooth radio technology provides a universal bridge to existing data networks, a peripheral interface, and a mechanism to form small private ad hoc groupings of connected devices away from fixed network infrastructures. This is called Personal Area Networking (PAN).

Automatic background synchronization keeps one up-to-date – automatic synchronization of one’s desktop, portable PC, notebook (PC-PDA and PC-HPC) and mobile phone is made easier with Bluetooth. For instance, as soon as one enter your office the address list and calendar in one’s notebook will automatically be updated to agree with that in one’s desktop, or vice versa.

Send instant photos and video clips from any location – wirelessly connect the camera to a Portable PC. Add comments and send them instantly to a receiver anywhere in the world.

Connect all participants for instant data exchange – in meetings and conferences, one can share information instantly with all participants, and without any wired connections. One can also cordlessly run and control, for instance, a projector.

It helps to interact with automobiles. So that when we are within range of the automobile, it would automatically adjust mirrors, move the seats to a preset position that is correct for us, unlock the car, and turn on interior lighting. No more locking or unlocking the car door. No more fussing to adjust the mirrors or seats to our preferences.

One can check email while portable PC is still in briefcase. When one’s portable PC receives e-mail, he gets an alert on his mobile phone. He can also browse all incoming e-mails and read those he selected in the mobile phone’s display.

It supports generic object exchange (OBEX). This profile defines procedures used by applications performing object exchanges. It defines these processes for transactions such as file transfers, object pushes and pulls, and synchronization.

And the list goes on.

Bluetooth in Future

Bluetooth is a continually expanding technology. At this time, we anticipate the Bluetooth SIG to evolve the Bluetooth technology to provide greater bandwidth and distances, thus increasing the potential platforms and applications used in the emerging personal area networking marketplace. There are plans to add many new applications profiles. With over 1800 companies working on Bluetooth, the future could not be brighter. With a strong special interest group behind Bluetooth, the standardization of the application profiles is almost assured.

According to market researchers, Cahners In-Stat Group, it is anticipated that as many as 670 million products will have Bluetooth built-in by the year 2005. To be honest it’s going to be forced down the consumers necks, whether they want it or not, as too many companies have invested in it.

Global technology leaders Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Intel and Toshiba founded the Bluetooth SIG in 1998. These companies are now supported by over 1,000 other organizations with a wide range of expertise, including Widcomm, Inc.

Having understood the long standing success of Blue Tooth Technology, it is up-to us to make a decision about creating a phenomenal success in our software business ventures.

I hope you liked my series of articles on Bluetooth technology. In the next article we will learn about “How the Bluetooth technology works” . I hope to come back with more articles like this.

About the Author: Nupur Mittal is doing 3rd Year, B.E., Computer Science & Engg. Ghurdhauri, India. This is the first article on the BlueTooth Technology and the others will be published shortly. Please use the comments section to thank Nupur for the wonderful article series.

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