SQL Server 2000: Using Views in SQL Server

This tutorial on Views in SQL Server covers the concept of views, Creating Simple View, deleting views and how to use them.Using Views in SQL ServerViews are nothing but saved SQL Statements, and are sometimes referred as “Virtual Tables”. Views cannot store data; rather they only refer to data present in tables. As the name implies, they are just used to view the contents of the tables by means of joins etc. They can be used to provide row- or column-level access to data, to wrap up complex joins, to… Read More

SQL Server 2000: Using System and Extended Stored Procedures

This tutorial covers how to use System Stored Procedures which are stored in master and msdb databases and normally begin with ‘sp_’ and Extended Stored Procedures normally begin with ‘xp_’.Using System Stored Procedures Whenever you add a database, add a login, create a table or modify any object, the changes reflect in the system tables. System tables are used by the SQL server’s for its own reference but we can also view their contents. But the information stored in them is somewhat in binary or unreadable format, therefore Microsoft has… Read More

SQL Server 2000: Securing Your Stored Procedure

This tutorial explains how to secure your stored procedures if you ever need to.  Procedures resides on the database server in open fashion. It means that every body can easily access and view its code. Securing Your Stored ProcedureStored Procedures resides on the database server in open fashion. It means that every body can easily access and view its code. They are present in “syscomments” system table in each database and completely accessible. In order to secure it, we can encrypt them by using “WITH ENCRYPTION” keyword. Remember that encrypting… Read More

SQL Server 2000: Creating Stored Procedure with Input and Output Parameters

This tutorial explains how to create and use Stored Procedures with Input Parameters and output parameters along with the screen shots and sample code. Creating Stored Procedure with Input ParametersInput Parameters in Stored Procedures are placeholders for data that the user needs to send. Technically, input parameters are memory variables because they are stored in memory. For creating Stored Procedure with Input Parameters, just change the above code to look like CREATE PROCEDURE Show_Customer @City varchar(50) AS SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Customer WHERE Location=@City ORDER BY FirstName Here the placeholder… Read More

SQL Server 2000:Creating and Using Stored Procedures

This tutorial series covers the basic concepts of Stored Procedures in SQL Server and hot create and execute a simple stored procedure.Using Stored ProceduresSome of the most important concerns to a database user are speed and efficiency. Faster data retrieval provides applications to responds and behaves quickly. SQL Server provides “Stored Procedures” for faster and quick data access. Stored Procedures is a query that is stored in a database on SQL Server rather than being stored in the front-end code on users machine. You may think that storing queries in… Read More

SQL Server 2000 Training Details

We are glad to let you know that we have started SQL Server 2000 training series. See the topics below which we will be providing the tutorials. Please let us know if there anything you would like to add to the topics.SQL Server 2000 Training1. Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Overview of SQL Server 2000 | Components of SQL Server 2000 | Overview of SQL Server 2000 Architecture 2. Installing SQL Server 2000 Planning to Install SQL Server 2000 | Deciding SQL Server 2000 Setup Configuration Options | Running… Read More