SQA Principles

SQA Principles

Developing a software is not just writing codes, they are essentially answers to pressing problems may it be in the office or just to cure boredom – just like in games. Underlying these answers to problems and needs are principles that guide the developers in their software development.


The SQA team also has to follow certain principles. As a provider of quality assurance for procedures and application, they need to have a strong foundation on what to believe in and what to stand for. These principles will ensure that the application will live up to the expectations of the client and the users. Like the application, the SQA principles run on the background but eventually dictate how the system will be tackled.

The following are some of the most powerful principles that can be used for proper execution of software quality assurance:

Feedback – In gist, the faster the feedback the faster the application will move forward. An SQA principle that uses rapid feedback is assured of success. Time will always be the best friend and the most notorious enemy of any developer and it’s up to the SQA team to give the feedback as soon as possible. If they have the ability to get the feedback of their applications as soon as possible, then the chance of developing a better application faster is possible.

Focus on Critical Factor – This principle has so many meanings; first it just means that some of the factors of the software being developed are not as critical compared to other. That means SQA should be focused on the more important matters.

Secondly, SQA’s measurement should never be universal in the sense that every factor in the application should not have the same treatment. One great example of this is the treatment of the specific functions compared to the skin or color of the interface. Clearly, the function should have more focus compared to a simple skin color.

Multiple Objectives – This is partly a challenge as well as risk for the SQA team. At the start of the SQA planning, the team should have more than one objective. If you think about it, it could be very dangerous however it is already a common practice. But what is emphasized here is that each objective should be focused on. As much as possible a matrix should be built by the SQA so that it could track the actual actions that relates to the objective.

Evolution – Reaching the objective is really easy but every time something new happens, it should be always noted. Evolution is setting the benchmark in each development. Since the SQA team is able to mark every time something new is done, evolution is monitored.

The good thing about this principle is for future use. Whenever a benchmark is not reached, the SQA team should be able to study their previous projects. Evolution should be able to inform and educate the SQA team while working on the project.

Quality Control – By the name itself, Quality Control is the pillar for Software Quality Assurance. Everything needs to have quality control – from the start to the finish. With this principle there has to be an emphases on where to start. The biggest and the tightest quality control should be executed as early as possible.

For example, when the SQA team receives the SR (software requirements document) the intensity of quality control should be at the start. Of course quality control will still be executed until the end but developers should take into account that anything that starts out real bad could never take off. It’s better to know what’s wrong at first than to find that out later.

Motivation – There is not substitute than to have the right people who has the will to do their job at all times. When they have the right mindset the willingness to do it, everything will just go through. Work will definitely be lighter, expertise will be seen and creativity is almost assured when everyone has the drive and passion in their line of work. Quality assurance is a very tedious task and will get the most out of the person if they are not dedicated to their line of work.

Process Improvement – Every project of the SQA team should be a learning experience. Of course each project will give us the chance to increase our experience of SQA but there’s more to that. Process improvement fosters the development of the actual treatment of the project.

Every project has a unique situation that will give the SQA team a chance to experience something new. This “new” will never be translated to something good if they are not documented for future references. Learning should not only be based on individual experience but also on company’s ability to adapt to the new situation and use it for future references.

Persistence – There is no perfect application. The bigger they get, the more error there could be. The SQA team should be very tenacious in looking for concerns in every aspect of the software development process. Even with all the obstacles everyone would just have to live with the fact that every part should be scrutinized without hesitation.

Different Effects of SQA – SQA should go beyond software development. A regular SQA will just report for work, look for errors and leave. The SQA team should be role models in business protocols at all times. This way, the SQA does not only foster perfection in the application but also in their way of life. That seemed to be quite off topic but believe me; when people dress and move to success, their work will definitely reflect with it.

Result-focused – SQA should not only look at the process but ultimately its effect to the clients and users. The SQA process should always look for results whenever a phase is set.

These are the principles that every SQA plan and team should foster. These principles tell encourages dedication towards work and patience not necessarily for perfection but for maximum efficiency.

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