Oracle Apps 11i Installation – System Requirements

This tutorials explains about the System Requirements for Oracle Apps Installation. Please refer to Oracle Apps manuals for the specific and latest requirements for your Operating System.

Oracle Apps 11i Installation – System Requirements

CPU Requirements

CPU requirements for running Oracle Applications depend on: 

  • the number of concurrent users and their usage profiles
  • the number of concurrent manager processes and the types of jobs that they are running 
  • the load for activities other than Oracle Applications 
  • the size of the database 
  • desired response time

Because there are different product combinations, different user profiles, and different configurations, there is no one sizing answer for all hardware platforms. The most reliable way to ensure that the hardware is sized appropriately is to install a test environment, and then set a benchmark with a configuration, product mix, and user load that simulates your own. These “actual” conditions can help verify performance before you install a production environment.

If a benchmark is not feasible, Oracle Consulting Services and your hardware vendor can help you find another Oracle Applications system running a product mix and user profile similar to yours. Some hardware vendors have sizing worksheets that model the CPU and memory requirements of Oracle Applications on their hardware.

Memory Requirements (RDBMS and forms server)

To calculate the memory requirements on the node where the RDBMS is installed, consider the following: 

  • Oracle database overhead
  • size of system global areas (SGA) 
  • number of concurrent users 
  • other software running on the database tier

Use a guideline of 25 MB per user to estimate the Applications requirements for the node where you install the forms server.

Operating System              Required Maintenance Tools
Solaris (SPARC)                   ar, ld, make
Linux                                    ar, gcc, g++, ld, ksh, make
Windows                               MSC ++, MKS Toolkit, GNU make
HP-Tru64                               ar, cc, ld, make
HP-UX                                   ar, cc, acc, make
IBM AIX                                 ar, ld, linkx1C, make

Disk Space Requirements

Rapid Install installs the file system and database files for all products regardless of their licensed status. The approximate file sizes in a single-node installation are: 
  • Application tier file system – 26 GB (includes iAS/8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME, COMMON_TOP, and APPL_TOP)
  • Database tier file system (fresh install with a production database) – 31 GB 
  • Database tier file system (fresh install with a Vision Demo database) – 65 GB 
  • Total space for a single node system, not including stage area, is 57 GB for a fresh 
  • Install with a production database, and 91 GB for a fresh install with a Vision Demo database.

The database tier disk space requirements for both the production database and the Vision database include database files (.dbf) and the database ORACLE_HOME.

Stage area

To run Rapid Install from a stage area, you need at least 24 GB to accommodate the file system and database files in the stage area.

Language files

If you are installing Oracle Applications in a language other than American English, you need additional space for the language files. Unloading and uncompressing the Applications files requires about 10.0 GB per language in the file system. Each language requires 800 MB in the database.

Applications log and output files

Many Oracle Applications products generate log and output files during runtime. The disk space needed varies with the number of users and transactions, and depends on how frequently you purge these files. Consult the product-specific documentation for more information.

Temporary directories and files

For runtime, Oracle Applications requires temporary disk space. Rapid Install sets the temporary directory based on the value you supply on node-specific settings screens.

For example, each concurrent manager writes temporary parameter files, Oracle Reports writes temporary format files, and Oracle Forms writes temporary buffer records.

For installation time temporary disk space, Rapid Install uses the TEMP variable to define the temp directory.

In the next tutorial we will dicuss about the Using rapid installation, Installing New Systems,  Upgrading an Existing System and the Steps before starting Rapid Install.

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