Nature of Communication within NLP
Any communication can be described as a set of frames, each dependent on the previous frames or responses. When you make a statement, the recipient will respond in a certain way.
The choice of words of your next statement will then be decided by considering this response. For example, if you present an idea, the recipient can either accept the idea or disagree to it at different degrees. You will need to construct your next statement by analyzing this response, and choosing words so as to completely persuade the recipient.
Over the course of the conversation, your aim is to express the intention and benefits of the idea to the recipient, however preposterous it may sound at first, or no matter how antagonistic the recipient is in the beginning. It is important that you always maintain a level of respect, and dignity in your choice of words, so as not to offend the recipient. In case you come across as too aggressive, or too pushy, the recipient will most likely run away from you.
To efficiently use the persuasive patterns of language described in Neuro-linguistic courses, the speaker must understand the finer aspects of communication, its constituents and the function of the patterns in the whole process. A persuasion pattern essentially comprises of three parts, a frame, a response and a reframe. Once a frame is delivered by the speaker, using words to rightfully describe his thoughts, the recipient will return a related response. The response will be the key to formulating the reframe statement. It is important to lead the conversation for some time, and let the recipient lead the remaining times. Only then can a mutually beneficial, engrossing and persuasive conversation be held.
The method of Neuro-linguistic persuasion and influence is not a one-way process, it is happening in both ways. While you are trying to influence a recipient, the recipient is also trying to persuade you. Therefore, it is essential to observe these patterns in an intuitive manner so that you can deliver a better response.
A single statement used in different situations can have different meanings. The meaning of the statement also depends on other aspects such as body language, tone, facial expressions and speech delivery. The patterns used during persuasion can be based on different Neuro-linguistic Programming models such as Milton model, Meta model etc and used to express ideas and thoughts or shift between subjects under the same core idea.
There are several ethical concerns related to the use of Neuro-linguistic Programming for persuasion. Some groups proclaim that the methods taught in Neuro-linguistic courses are baseless, ineffective and only used to make profits by alluring the clients with big words but are devoid of any substantial results.
Furthermore, they can negatively influence clients, through manipulation or immoral goals. Other groups claim that Neuro-linguistic training includes techniques that are highly powerful and can move mountains. It is important to understand that benefits of Neuro-linguistic courses are not always guaranteed, and the goal of the therapy should essentially be decided by the client.
Persuasion Techniques Examples
An example of persuasion technique can be used in the case of mind reading symptom using the Meta model. Sometimes we assume a certain thought or future behavior of a person, without any actual proof. For example, the statement “If he makes another mistake, he will be fired by his boss” is presumptuous in nature, especially so if the person making the statement has not received any form of communication or indication from the boss stating he would fire the employee. In this case, the statement is based on the inherent feeling, and there is no real proof. By questioning this feeling, the observer’s conviction can be shaken and he can be persuaded to think otherwise.
The techniques of persuasion used in Neuro-linguistic Programming can be used predominantly in areas such as self-development, mental therapy, business performance, coaching and guidance, sports and fitness or hypnotherapy. The persuasion patterns of Neuro-linguistic Programming are also used in “large group awareness training” program or LGAT. This program essentially gives a set of instructions to several hundred people over a certain period, in order to bring about a positive change in their lives, such as happiness, satisfaction, confidence and success. Neuro-linguistic training includes LGAT programs that are targeted for business corporations, where several professional aspects are handled such as leadership, management, marketing and communication skills.
Neuro-linguistic training programs also include team building, handling conflicts, drug or alcohol addiction etc. It is important to be wary of controversial persuasion workshops such as political campaigns, psychic training, shamanism, cult practices etc. Persuasion techniques taught in Neuro-linguistic training can be used for therapeutic or commercial purposes, sales and marketing, effective negotiation or even political persuasion. Incorporating persuasion techniques in everyday conversation can help bring about positive changes in your life, and that of others.