Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A VPN or a Virtual Private Network is a dedicated communications channel which is streamlined using another network. A VPN is useful for companies which need their own space on the internet. For example a business community that needs to secure its own network on the internet and wants to carry out various business activities within this environment can use a VPN.
The VPN operates on a different and more complicated topology than a point to point network. Also VPN dos not stress on security features and rather the network on which it is based may tend to have extreme security features.
Virtual Private Networks have gained a lot of popularity in the recent past because it not only reduce costs but also increases and expands the network capabilities. Because of the functionalities of VPN, employees can connect from anywhere in the world to the company’s network and carry out important and sensitive task on time. It keeps the employees connected to the company’s intranet.
What is a Virtual Private Network
A Virtual Private Network is a system that keeps the computers connected even if there are long distances or physical barriers. The VPN is categorized as a form of a wide area network. The VPN supports functions like remote access for clients; it can network one LAN to another LAN, and also keeps the functions limited to the intranet.
Companies find it easier to use VPN because it needs to give special access or create special access for their employees who have to be mobile. It is globally active intra network so employees from anywhere can connect to the company’s intranet
VPN Functionality
VPN supports many protocols like PPTP, L2TP, IPSec and SOCKS. These protocols help the authentication process in the VPN.
The VPN clients can establish a connection and identify the authorized people on the network.
The VPN networks are also encrypted which means that they are usually invisible on the bigger networks.
Being encrypted enhances the security feature for the VPN. The Virtual Private Networks also have paved the way for Wi-Fi and private wireless connections networks.
More and more technologies are basing their developments in the VPN because of the mobility it provides.
Virtual Private Network Features
Virtual Private Networks are cost effective solutions for large business organizations instead of dedicated network facilities
It increases the mobility for organizations by instantly connecting home networks or mobile workers to the organization.
Security features can be customized.
VPN Disadvantages
By providing access to employees globally the security is at risk. This also puts the sensitive information of the company accessible globally. For a VPN extra care has to be taken and the security should be clearly defined.
VN for remote access can be set up for employees who are constantly traveling and have to stay connected to the company’s intranet. Even when the remote access is established the employee or the person have to connect top the local internet service provider first in order to be able to connect to the virtual private network of the organization. That is why the VPN is known to work on an underlying network and cannot work independently.
VPN Solutions
There are many solutions that a VPN can provide like long distance connectivity, file sharing, video conferencing and other services related to networks. The features that are already being offered on the internet through various services can be offered through VPN in perhaps a cost effective way. The VPN is so flexible that it can work on private networks and public networks.
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