Frame Relay

Frame Relay

Frame Relay is a concept where the information is sent using data frames in a digital format. Using this relay service the data can be sent in a fast and efficient manner through the internet. Frame Relay is also a cheaper way to send data from one point to another.

The internet service providers use the Frame Relay Networks when transferring voice and data so that it is fast and also is commonly used in Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. Using the Frame Relay the end user gets a Frame Relay node which is unique for that user and this node is used for frequent transmission of data.

Frame Relay Features

  • Frame Relay is the best way of data service to the rural areas since there is a need for data transfer and it is cheaper to transfer data through frame relay.
  • It is put to best use in telecommunications industry because it is cost effective.
  • Frame Relay puts all the data in a frame and does not provide any data correction. The end point takes care of the data correction aspect speeding up the data transfer processes on the whole.
  • Frame Relay takes the support of the backbone provided on the Fiber Optic Networks and the Wide Area Networks for functioning smoothly

Frame Relay is a protocol that is based on the HDLC based networks. The data that is being sent on the HDLC networks are sent in the form of frames and the basic features that are used to complete the process of sending and receiving data is through address, control, data and CRC error corrections. Frame Relay infrastructure contains the Frame Relay circuits which are created while installing Frame Relay.

In the Frame Relay circuit the sessions are both initiated and ended by the terminals themselves and these sessions are all related to the applications working on the Frame Relay circuit.

Frame Relay Topology

The Frame Relay Topology provides a visual idea of the Frame Relay Network and it makes the understanding of Frame Relay Network an easier task. However a topology has to be understood in many aspects like logical aspect, physical aspect and a functional aspect. This applies to any Network Topology and not only Frame Relay. By understanding all these aspects of the topology one can easily maintain the network.

Since recent times any IP based networks have started to replace the Frame Relay Networks slowly. There are VPN, broadband connections, DSL and cable modem facilities available that there is no need for Frame Relay anymore. Areas that lack these facilities are the major caterers to Frame Relay and are dependant on it for internet connectivity.

Frame Relay Functionalities

The Frame Relay can efficiently put all the data which vary in sizes into form of frames which removes the need for error correction, by removing the error connection needs the data transfer process becomes faster.

The Frame Relay mainly functions in layers and the data link layer which is the second layer in the Frame Relay process is what establishes the link for data transfers; however the data link layer is not efficient enough to transfer video files or voice files with the same speed and efficiency.

Frame Relay switches basically create a virtual circuit so that the Local Area Networks in the remote areas can connect to the Wide Area Networks. So basically the Frame Relay actually functions between the LAN and the router or the carrier switch.


Some people believe that Frame Relay is being replaced by the modern technologies rather rapidly and it is completely disappearing however it is still the most widely used WAN protocol.

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