JavaScript Window Object Open Method

JavaScript Window Object Open Method

In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about JavaScript Window Object Open Method, features of window object open method – channelmode, directories, dependent, fullscreen, screenX, screenY, height, left, location, menubar, resizable, alwaysLowered, alwaysRaised


Syntax: channelmode=yes|no|1|0
The channelmode is used to denote whether the user wants to display the window in theater mode or not. The default setting of this feature is NO. The user can set channelmode value to YES which would then display the window in theater mode. This is a very important feature of Window Object of JavaScript .


Syntax: directories=yes|no|1|0
are used to specify whether the user wants to add directory buttons or not. The default value of the directories feature is YES.


Syntax: dependent=yes|no|1|0
If the value of the dependent feature is set to yes then it creates the new window as a child of the current window.


Syntax: fullscreen=yes|no|1|0
The feature fullscreen is used to specify whether or not the user wants to display the browser in full-screen mode. The default setting of this feature is NO. User can turn on the fullscreen feature, by setting its value to YES, displaying the browser in full-screen mode.
This feature requires that a window in full-screen mode must also be in theater mode. If the value of fullscreen is set to yes then the value of the channelmode feature must also be set to yes.


Syntax: screenX=pixels
When screenX feature is used, the new window created and opened displays from the left side of the screen at a distance equal to the number of pixels specified. The value in this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: screenY=pixels
When sreenY feature is used, the new window created and opened displays from the top of the screen at a distance equal to the number of pixels specified. The value in this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: height=pixels
feature is used to specify the window height. The minimum value that must be specified for the height attribute is 100. The value for this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: left=pixels
feature is used to specify the left position of the window. The value for this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: top=pixels
feature is used to specify the top position of the window. The value for this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: width=pixels
feature is used to specify the window width. The minimum value that must be specified for the width attribute is 100. The value for this feature is given in pixels.


Syntax: location=yes|no|1|0
The location is used to denote whether or not the address field should be displayed. The default value of this location feature is YES, displaying the address field. If the user sets the value to NO in the location feature then the address field is not displayed.


Syntax: menubar=yes|no|1|0
The menubar is used to denote whether or not the menu bar should be displayed. The default value of this menubar feature is yes, displaying the menu bar. If the value of the menubar feature is set to NO by the user, then the menu bar is not displayed.


Syntax: resizable=yes|no|1|0
If the user wants to specify whether or not the window should be resizable then the resizable feature can be used. The default value of the resizable feature is yes, making the window resizable by default. If the user does not want the window to be resized then the value must be set to NO by the user.


Syntax: alwaysLowered=yes|no|1|0
When the value of the attribute alwaysLowered is set to YES, it creates a window that always floats below other windows.


Syntax: alwaysRaised=yes|no|1|0
When the value of the attribute alwaysRaised is set to YES, it creates a window that always floats above other windows

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