JavaScript Document Object

JavaScript Document Object

In this JavaScript tutorial, you will learn about document object – part of JavaScript window object,  properties and windows of document object, alinkColor, anchors, applets, bgColor, cookie, domain, embeds and fgColor.

The Document object is part of the Window object. The document object is used to access all elements in a page. The document object provides access to the elements in an HTML page from within the script.

General syntax of document object:


There are many properties and methods available for the document object.

Some of these are mentioned and briefly explained below:

Properties of document Object:

* alinkColor
* anchors
* applets
* bgColor
* cookie
* domain
* embeds
* fgColor
* formName
* forms
* images
* lastModified
* layers
* linkColor
* links
* plugins
* referrer
* title
* vlinkColor

Methods of document Object:

* captureEvents
* close
* getElementById
* getElementsByName
* getElementsByTagName
* getSelection
* handleEvent
* open
* releaseEvents
* routeEvent
* write
* writeln

In the next few sections, these properties and methods of the document object with examples will be examined.

This section discusses the properties alinkColor, anchors applets, bgColor, cookie and domain in detail with examples given for each.

Properties of document Object:


This property can be used if the programmer wishes to define the color of an active link.

The general syntax for using the alinkColor property of document object is as follows:

document.alinkColor = "Information of color"

Here the "Information of color" is a string that is given either as a hexadecimal representation or, directly, as a literal description denoting the color of the active link needed.


If a document has a number of anchor objects and a programmer wants to refer to the document, then the anchors property can be used. The anchors property is an array that references all anchor objects associated with the current document.

The general syntax for using the anchor property is as follows:


Here "anchorID" is the identification of the anchor that the programmer wants to refer to.


If a document has a number of Applet objects and if the programmer wants to refer to the document, then the applets property can be used. The applets property is an array that references all Applets objects associated with the current document.

The general syntax for using the applets property is as follows:


In this example, "appletID" is the identification of the applet that the programmer wants to refer to.


This property can be used if the programmer wishes to define the background color of the document.

The general syntax for using the bgColor property of a document object is as follows:

document.bgColor = "Information of color"

Here, the "Information of color" is a string that is given either as a hexadecimal representation, or directly, as a literal description denoting the background color of the document needed.


The cookie property is used to set or return all cookies associated with the current document.

The general syntax for using the cookie property of a document object is as follows:


An example to understand its usage in brief:

script type="text/javascript">
         document.write("The Associated Cookie with this
         document is: " + document.cookie)


Output of the above script is

The Associated Cookie with this document is: ABCWEYUWYEUWYUE

The cookie associated with the current document displays.


The domain property is used to set or return the domain name of the server where the current document originated.

The general syntax for using the domain property of document object is as follows:


An example to understand its usage in brief:

script type="text/javascript">
         document.write("The Document’s Domain Name is: " +


The output of the above program is

The Document’s Domain Name is:

The current document’s domain name displays.


When a programmer wants to refer to all the embedded objects in a current document, then he or she can make use of the embeds property.

The general syntax for using the embeds property is as follows:



There exists a property to defining the background color of a document, and it is also possible to define the foreground or the text color of the document. The fgColor property can be used if the programmer wishes to define the foreground or text color of the document.

The general syntax for using the fgColor property of document object is as follows:

document.fgColor = "Information of color"

Here, the "Information of color" is a string that is given either as a hexadecimal representation, or directly, as a literal description denoting the foreground color of the document needed.

[catlist id=157].

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