Task Management for Project Leaders

Task management is the key to performing any endeavor successfully. We can use it for managing our tasks in the office, as well as in getting things done at home. It keeps us efficient, thereby being able to finish our tasks sooner than those who prefer not to follow a set of workable systems.

In project management, this is even deemed a necessity mainly because each project can be performed and completed by working on a series of tasks. If there are tasks left undone, then the project is rendered incomplete. Effective project leaders always make use of systems to help them manage day to day tasks, from project take off until such time they wrap it up.

Guidelines for Using Task Management in Project

A project leader should know how to make use of, and be skilled at, task management. However, if you are new to this concept, it is never too late to learn. Becoming good at it does not happen immediately, but with practice, you too can effectively manage tasks for your project team. Here are some basic guidelines you can use in incorporating task management to help your team complete a project:

First, you need to know your project goals or objectives. It is more convenient to create tasks if you know the fundamentals of a project. Once done, your next step is to create the tasks needed; you may divide big tasks into smaller, easy-to-do ones so that your team will not be overwhelmed by the complexity of the tasks.

Take note that when given big tasks without providing an option to break it down into small ones will trigger procrastination among your team members. As soon as the tasks have been listed down, assign each member with a task, and ascertain that everyone understands instructions well. Along with delegating the tasks, you should also provide solid timelines so that your members will budget their time wisely.

Benefits of Task Management for Project Leaders

Since project leaders are considered the prime movers of any team, being able to manage the different tasks needed to complete a project is deemed important. Here are some of the benefits we can reap out of it:

• Improved communication. Making use of task management in any given project will make communication a lot easier. This is because everyone is kept abreast of what needs to be done, notifications are available, and we are clear on the timelines.

• Cost-effectiveness. When we make use of an effective task management system, it is safe to assume that each individual working on a project will be more productive. When the level of productivity is high, it follows that the project costs will be significantly lower.

• Better team management. When we follow the principles and aspects that make up task management, it is easy for us to oversee the team’s concerns and challenges and be able to address these as we work towards achieving project goals.

Common Project Leader Dilemmas in Task Management

There are two common issues that plague project leaders when it comes to managing tasks. The first one is the tendency of the team members to become dependent on one task before they can proceed to the next one. If this is not corrected immediately, it could cause stagnation of the project, with team members not being able to utilize their time wisely.

The next concern is not getting a clear set of objectives and instructions. Problems arise when team members are not on the same page when it comes to tasks assigned to them, so project leaders should always make it a point to check whether or not instructions, guidelines, and agreements are clear to all.

An effective project leader knows that keeping everyone informed of what is going on with the project they are working on, and everybody else involved in it, is important. Along with this, members should also be given constant feedback and reminders in regards to the tasks they are performing, no matter how big or small it is. This is to ensure that quality of work in every task is achieved, and also to get everyone moving, instead of wasting valuable hours away.

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