Relationship Building among Team Members

Typically, in a work setting, every working individual belongs to a team where a group of members work together with similar functions and work description, though not necessarily similar in interests.

Also, individuals in a team generate a collaborative effort to achieve common goals, and may need to give up individual autonomy in order to attain those goals. The organization as a whole can make up a team and this component is by far the largest to be called as such.

If you are paired up with another work colleague on a project, you are already called a team. Regardless of the population of the members and diversities in a team, building a relationship is a crucially important factor grounded on teamwork.

Team members who develop a common strategy in working such as using a discussion in the interaction process or assigning tasks are manifesting teamwork. Individuals work together by sharing individual objectives and eventually come up with a unified goal.

Being a part of a team also entails commitment in the job and the responsibility. In order for a team to be harmonious, a good working relationship has to be established.

Bringing Out the Best in a Team

Each individual in a team has talents and abilities that can contribute to a solid work relationship which is needed to be productive in the job. As a team, members have to identify who excel in technical expertise, who are keen in problem-solving and decision-making, and who are adept in active listening, giving good feedback, and conflict resolution. Identifying these skills helps a team perform effectively. This is otherwise known as team synergy through a coordinated effort of performing these abilities. Diversities even in skills and talents are common. But sharing these skills for the benefit of the team can build a solid work relationship among the individuals.

For a relationship to become healthy, learn to appreciate each other’s talents. Being recognized by fellow colleagues for the effort contributed for the team is heartwarming and rewarding.

Being Dependent on Each Other

Being a mutually evolving process, a relationship requires team members to be dependent on each other. Every individual should develop a level of trust for each other in order to be reliable for each other. Some of us just cannot find it easy to entrust a work with another team member or cannot seem to trust what a member can contribute.

In order to build trust, the team can hold trust-building talks during meetings every now and then. Self-disclosure is a good strategy for establishing trust with each other. Learning how to open and share a little about you to your teammates will give them a chance to know you as a person.   Inject humor and some fun to be comfortable with each other.

Once you start to trust each other as an important member of the team, you will also become easily dependent on each other. With this, a budding relationship is established.

Relationship-Building even Outside of Work

Relationships in a team are best maintained when the connection is not just limited to work and work assignments or projects. While collaborating and teamwork in the work setting strengthens relationships, bonds become even better when team members get along well with each other outside of work.

Team members can also become good friends. This is no big deal as long as you know how to keep your personal life from your professional aspect.

Most teams find time to socialize after office hours especially when the members feel drained out and stressed out from work pressure. Other teams schedule team socialization or team building activities to bond with each other.

Dining out together, setting an out-of-town activity, or simply chatting over coffee will do. This is a perfect time to get to know your fellow team member even better and how they are outside of work.

Establishing friendships outside of work helps create more solid and long-lasting relationships. These good quality relationships make each team member more effective in accomplishing tasks as compared to those who do not spend time to socialize outside of work.

Furthermore, the level of trust and dependency with each other is deepened because each member already knows who they are working with in their respective teams.

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