How to Conquer Public Speech Anxiety

Mastering public speaking is a relatively easy task for some individuals. These individuals just need careful coaching before they finally master the art of public speaking. Through practice and careful research of the topic, public speech can be easily handled. After all, public speech is practically an activity wherein a person stands in front of the crowd to explain a point, state some facts or tell a story.

However, there are individuals who have a hard time dealing with the fact that they will be standing in front of a crowd for a short speech. Some are just anxious or do not feel completely comfortable on creating and delivering public speech. Others however, are completely terrified when they think of the possibility that they will be talking to a crowd. They would device ways just to get out of the responsibility of doing public speeches.

But public speaking is a necessary skill for many individuals, especially to professionals. A professional will be asked to speak in front of the group at one point of their career. When this fear exists, career improvement might not be possible.

Seeking Professional Help

As already indicated, there are individuals who are terrified in public speaking. Glossophobia or fear of public speaking exists and this is often characterized by extreme stage fright, negative physical reaction such as vomiting or nausea and anxiety because of the upcoming activity.

When you notice these symptoms on someone or even in yourself, it is highly recommended to seek professional assistance as soon as possible. Through professional help, the phobia in public speaking is slowly healed. There’s no point in pushing for alternate remedies since it will never provide any lasting effects.

Anxiety in Public Speaking

On the other hand, there are those who are just annoyed by the fact that they need to prepare a speech. They know that they need to do it but they will seek ways to avoid the responsibility. This happens to a lot of people that even those who are experienced in public speeches since they may sometimes grow tired of public speaking.

The following are the tips on how you can deal with public speech anxiety:

Preparation for the speech:

Selecting a familiar topic – if you are allowed to choose a topic, choose something very familiar. This will prevent too much preparation which only increases anxiety.

Less supporting points – to make things simpler, create a two-point presentation about the topic. This will help you focus on certain facts and features instead of sporadically searching for data.

Practice – one of the best way to prevent anxiousness before your public speech is to exactly know what you have to do. That could be easily achieved with constant practice.

Know the setting – visit the place where you will deliver the speech so that you will know how to deliver the speech and make the necessary adjustments.

During the Speech

Wear comfortable clothing – clothes that do not fit or would make you uncomfortable will only increase your self-consciousness.

Concentrate on what you have to say – do not dwell too much on the audience. Although you still have to establish eye contact, focus on what you have to say so that you will not be easily distracted with the audience reaction.

Speak in a normal but audible tone – speaking faster just to finish the speech in the earliest time possible will only do more damage. Speak in your normal pace so that you will be understood and you will not panic too much.

Use visuals – from charts to PowerPoint slides, using visuals will greatly help since it will allow you to have the data you need. Use the visuals as your guide on how you should deliver your speech. It might require extra preparation but the ease of delivery when you have visuals is worth it.

Never tell the audience that you are nervous – while it could be great for a comic relief, it will only make you more nervous. The crowd will actually anticipate a better speech since you just made your nervousness a part of your joke.

The thought of giving a speech could be difficult for some individuals. But with careful preparation, you should be able to deliver a great speech. Remember that you were chosen for public speech simply because they know you can do it.

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