Importance of Quality Data Management

While data is important, this is only true if that data is high in quality. Decisions made on the basis of data, if wrong, can have detrimental consequences for the organization. Your data must always remain clean, but the big problem that organizations face is that they may not have the tools to ensure clean data. It is imperative to balance data quality, time and budget which compete against each other, while ensuring the quality of the data within a time span which is limited, and on a reasonable budget. A number of methods have been developed for this purpose, and those who are familiar with these tool as well as using them can greatly benefit.

Balancing Data Against Time and Budget

While the issue of data quality is highly prevalent today, it has been around for quite some time. The quality of data has been important for as long as humans have collected it, and humans have been collecting data in one way or another for a long time. However, over the last few decades, advances in computer and networking technology have increased the demand for clean data. Merging of Data from multiple sources may cause irregularities in data if not done accurately. Data purification must be achieved in the face of both time and budget constraints.

Constraints in regards to the processing power of computers must be considered as well. There are two critical problems that have made the issue of data quality much harder to deal with, and the first of these is the amount of administrative data that must be both stored and captured. As we move further into the future, the amount of data that has to be gained and stored continues to grow exponentially. Databases have grown substantially in size, and this includes the richness of the information which is gathered. It has become somewhat rare for even the small businesses to not have a part of their data stored in the relational databases. More data often results in increased difficulty of analysing it.

The Power of Data Warehouses and Other Tools

Data warehouses are useful in solving the data quality problem because they offer an access to data which is best described as being dynamic. Data mining tools make it a lot easier to find data which is highly relevant. The tools give users the ability to emphasize the explorations they have, along with comparing the findings to benchmarks which have been specifically chosen for this purpose. Data mining is also highly effective because it gives one the ability to find trends and any details which would otherwise be difficult to find. Users may also create subsets for the data which is distinct, and this means that they can be stored on the servers with their web lockers.

When project managers and their teams begin a project, two of the constraints that they will face is time and money. To elaborate, the team will be limited in terms of the amount of time they have to complete the project, and the budget for which the project must be initiated. To complete the project, the team must have access to data which is pure, as the deliverables will largely be based on it. If the project team builds a product based on data that is inconsistent, the results can be devastating. Data warehouses are useful because it allows the project team to access data which is of high quality, data which is especially relevant to their project. This will bring about end results which are dramatic, as well as successful.


High end databases can hold an extensive amount of data, and this means that millions of variables and records will be made available. While most people have continual problems when it comes to the frustration of having a great deal of data than actually required, data warehouses and data mining software make these issues much easier to deal with. No project can be completed effectively without having any data, but having the wrong data is just as bad as not having any data at all.

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