How Positive Thinking Works

Our life is often tested by adversities, trials, challenges, and failures. Every individual go through ups and downs in the course of his lifespan. When you battle courageously, you succeed in your endeavors. But when you quit and back out, nothing awaits you but misfortune.

No problem exists without a solution and giving up without trying hard is considered as being pessimistic. How can you make things work if you never gave it a try? If failure is what you think you will be, failure is what you will get.

Always remember that you have an option become successful in your personal or professional endeavors. You have the power to turn every wrong into right or change every failure into success. Yes, we have downfall moments in our lives. But if you sit there and do nothing about your situation, fate will not be on your side.

There are a thousand ways to make your life better. One effective method is to do a paradigm shift – transitioning your thoughts from negative to positive thinking.

Using Affirmative Statements

One effective technique in developing positive thinking is to make use of affirmations. Affirmations are short, powerful, and constructive statements verbally expressed in the present or future tense repeatedly to instill positive thoughts in our subconscious mind. This is a powerful tool that constantly reminds us to be happy and positive.

Affirmative statements can be said to oneself even at the start of your day just right after waking up in the morning. You can face yourself in the mirror, smile at your own reflection, greet yourself, and deliver a positive line such as your goal for the day. Here are some examples of affirmations:

“I can do this!”

“Today is my lucky day!”

“I am a gift to my family and friends.”

“I love who and what I am as a person.”

“I am going to make it!”

Also, use phrases such as “I can”, “I am able to’, and the like. Refrain from vague and negative words such as “I think”, “No”, “Never”, “I do not”, and ‘I cannot”. It is also important to believe in your words and trust that you can do it when you say you would.

Associating with Happy and Positive Things

The things we do, the people we deal with, and the way we feel are factors in aiming for a positive outlook in life. So, it is important to always associate yourself with things, people, and events that are good and constructive. Watch feel-good movies and stories that make you happy. Be in the company of happy and optimistic people.

Find time to crack healthy jokes with friends and laugh with each other. Spend a few minutes of your time each day to read inspiring messages and books. Engage in activities or events that will make you feel good such as joining a marathon, becoming a club member, and joining motivational seminars. Think of happy thoughts most of the time. You can make use of visual images and guided imagery in doing so.

Making Positive Thinking a Habit

Aiming to become positive all the time in thinking, feelings, and actions is not achieved overnight. You cannot instantly transform into a real optimist with a single click. It takes practice and perseverance to embrace positive thinking in your life. This is because every day of our lives we encounter different people and situations. The key is to maintain consistency in the things you do associated with being positive. Eventually, positive thinking will then become a habit and it will not be too difficult anymore to eliminate negative thoughts that would distress the mind. You will notice this among people who can manage to smile the whole time despite a stressful situation.

Once you have mastered the techniques of positive thinking, your life will transform positively and you be able to live it according to plan. Do you want to experience how positive thinking works for you? It is never too late for a good change.

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