Do you have what it takes to persuade people? Not every individual is gifted with a persuasive ability. In order to possess the power of persuasion, you must also demonstrate strong people skills. Many individuals tend to think of persuasion skill as challenging to manifest. Those who have developed the ability usually get things done their way and achieve goals more quickly and easily than people who are not that persuasive enough.
Leaders are known to have good persuasion skills. Otherwise, they will not be in the position and will not be capable enough to lead their members.
If you have not honed yourself well on this level of communicating with people, then you should start to challenge your ability. An important part of building the skill is understanding the skill itself and how it differs from other aspects. You also need to know the essential components of persuasion and how to effectively persuade people.
The Skill of Persuasion
To persuade simply means to convince people. Persuasion is one of the powerful people skills that can make others do what you wish they would do. You either persuade them or you let them persuade you. The goal of persuasion is to impact an external change to people in a way that will make them change their current state of mind, their present actions or behaviors, and many things that they do.
Persuasion is about influencing others to do and take things differently. One example is convincing a friend that the item you just bought is durable and of good quality. The friend who seems to have second thoughts about it will probably be persuaded to buy the same item if you are effective enough in your convincing ability. You can persuade the person by showing proof of the effectiveness of the product or simply by your use of words. Persuasion can affect thoughts, which, in turn, change people’s viewpoints, decisions, and actions.
The Fundamental Components of Persuasion
Before you can even start persuading others, know the important elements of persuasion and use these in application.
The source must be credible enough to appear and sound convincing to people. You must only utilize information that is believable and trustworthy.
Identify what it is that you wish to convey, when to deliver it, and how to deliver your key points.
In persuading, you may use the power of words or might need a tool to channel your message properly.
Know who you are persuading and tailor your persuasion style according to them.
In the end, you either get people convinced or unconvinced, and the outcome of each is caused by factors mentioned above.
Persuasion Techniques
Persuading people may vary depending on your motives and need to convince. Applying different persuasion techniques at the appropriate situations may just make it effective for you. Here are a few techniques:
Set an example
If you wish someone to change according to how you want the person to be, walk the talk. People find things more believable if they see it happening. For instance, you want your friends to engage in exercise to boost physical well-being yet they are not so convinced in doing so. Show them that you are into it and they should be able to see positive results out of it. Then, they become convinced and would start to follow your activity.
Suggest the change in a subtle way
Some people may be taken aback by direct persuasion. They may find it aggressive and would not even consider getting persuaded. Hint at the change in an implied but apparent manner. Rather than talking things out straightforwardly to them, do so through actions effecting the change. That should get them interested and eventually become persuaded by the change.
Set limits in persuading
Since you cannot try to convince every individual with a similar purpose, know your target of persuasion. These people should be directly involved and must directly benefit your plan of persuading. Convincing those you barely even know will not so much likely result to a successful persuasion.
Have patience in persuading
You can never expect every person you are trying to convince to believe you right there and then. Some may be persuaded easily while others tend to be more cautious with their decisions. Just exercise enough patience and do not give up in persuading to show your real intentions and maintain consistency in what you do.
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