Impact of Negative Thinking on Emotions

What the mind perceives, the body achieves. It is simply denoting that at any level of thought, there is always a corresponding effect on the body whether on the mental, physical, and emotional aspect. The brain feeds the mind with different thoughts at various levels. These thoughts are being processed in the mind and are expressed in various means of manifestations. Thoughts also create an impact on the brain, depending on the manner of thinking there is. Happy thoughts exude a positive aura and feeling while bad and disturbing thoughts lead to a negative vibe.

Since thought patterns affect emotions, it is important to understand how this happens. It is said that your thoughts and feelings are two major elements creating the outcome of the events and circumstances in your life. Your feelings correspond to your thoughts and the result is the belief or conviction that you bear in a given situation.

Emotions: A Guidance System

Quantum physicists have the ability to monitor a person’s level of thoughts and how it connects to emotions. According to the experts, there are only two primary types of emotions: good and bad. The feelings of anger, sadness, grief, boredom, sorrow, and the like are all but bad emotions. On the other hand, feelings of satisfaction, joy, happiness, contentment, and similar feelings all belong to good emotions.

Your emotions serve as your guidance system that signifies that what you are feeling as of the moment is either in line or against what you are thinking as of the moment. For example, you want to be in a good mood for the day and expect the day to turn out fine. This is what you currently want to feel throughout the day. Yet, your thoughts are depressing and gloomy which do not coincide with what you want to feel. Your emotional guidance system will provide you with the kind of emotion that is appropriate for the kind of thought that you fill your mind.

Emotional Imbalance

When the mind can no longer carry the presence of too many negative thoughts, the situation can lead to what is called as emotional imbalance. This condition occurs over a prolonged or persistent build-up of heavy emotions due to the accumulation of negative thoughts in the mind. The following are some effects of this emotional state:

  • Depressive mode
  • Anxiety build-up
  • Inferiority complex
  • Adverse health condition due to excessive mental distress
  • Serious emotional stress
  • Feeling of suffocation in public places or presence of a crowd
  • Poor functioning of any body system
  • Repetitive failures caused by repetitive mistakes
  • Possible insanity
  • A display of abnormal body language and gestures
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Possible cases of impotency due to emotional shock, increased level of frustration or depression
  • Mental tension and excessive worry
  • Physical adversities such as abnormal heartbeats, changes in breathing, and changes in body temperature
  • Excessive addiction to tendencies such as alcoholism and chain smoking

Changing the Pattern of Negative Thinking

No one wants to experience disturbed emotions most of the time. If you allow yourself to wallow in negative feelings because of your negative manner of thinking, you are depriving yourself of the chance to live and enjoy life to the fullest. You can still have control over your thoughts and make an attempt to change your habit of negative thinking.

The very first thing to do is to have complete consciousness and awareness of the thoughts that enter your mind. Learn how to listen to yourself and listen to your mind talking. That part of your left brain in your conscious mind which tells you to think and that part of your right brain or your subconscious mind that tells you to feel must be a match most of the time. When both sides of the brain are synchronized, you are making the brain function as a whole.

The higher the level of awareness in your thoughts, the more conscious you become of what you are feeling. When a feeling is developed from within, it is because your mind is directing it to feel that way based from the kind of thought it processes.

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