Dealing with a Negative Thinker

Negative thinkers have this tendency to infect and affect the people they deal with. It can be as contagious as a communicable disease because it triggers the people to react and respond differently to the negative thoughts of the person. It is no wonder that a pessimist or a negative thinker is not getting attention and appreciation, given the fact that they can also disturb other people’s minds.

Positivity, on the other hand, is just as contagious as negativity. In your society or the kind of environment you belong to, you would rather want to spread positive vibes in order to create a blissful atmosphere. In your office, for example, you cannot just single out a negative thinker and a pessimist for their personalities. These individuals may be experiencing difficulties in attempting to change themselves for the better, and that they just need people to guide them and push them to their limits until they have learned to develop a shift in their manner of thinking as well perceptions. You can be one of those people who can help them in their struggle against negativity. The way to deal with negative thinkers and pessimists only requires simple steps involving mainly appreciation and gratitude.

Understand the Source of Negativity

Prejudice and false assumptions as to how they developed the habit of negative thinking are probably the last things that these kind of people need. The more important thing to do is to learn the cause of their cognitive distortions and disturbing thoughts so that it is easier to tailor your approach and come up with the suitable options to help eliminate those negative thoughts. When doing so, make sure to go easy on criticisms and corrections.

Negative thinkers have very low self-esteem, so being too straightforward to them may not really be effective. Display proper tact and professionalism in talking to the person. You would want to make pessimists understand that everyone is not exempted from going down or failing at something. Yet, make them also realize that things can change, even the way they look at the world. They would appreciate it if they know that people understand what they are going through.

Be an Agent of Positive Change

Apparently, those dealing with negative thinkers ought to be good examples or role models to the negative thinkers. Considering the fact that these pessimists have closed minds to the other possibilities in whatever situation they are in, what they need is a realization or conscious awareness of the good things that they are missing in life.

As an agent of positive change, your main job is to assist them in their paradigm shifts from the negative to the positive. You can start by displaying constant appreciation of the good in them. Getting compliments will gradually create a positive shift in the way they think and feel of themselves. Use only positive and affirmative statements in your conversations. You can also correct them if they tend to use words and terms with negative connotations. For them to start getting used it, a constant reminder is needed every time they revert back to their negative thinking patterns.

Reinforce Positive Thinking with Facts and Testimonies

Positive reinforcement is very helpful in overcoming negative thinking. A common and effective technique is to make personal testimonies with persuasive content to prove that positivity is indeed what they needed in order to uplift themselves. Testimonies are personal stories and experiences, which are intended to inspire people.

If you have a work colleague who is consumed with negative thoughts at work, find a spare time to talk to the person and share your own stories of struggle in a similar situation and how you managed to get through it by believing that every problem has a given solution and by simply staying positive despite adversities.

Overcoming negative thinking works wonders for people who have been trapped in cognitive distortions. But being able to transform another negative thinker to a positive one apart from helping yourself is probably a more fulfilling thing to do. Not everyone thinks alike, but at least with an atmosphere of positivity, situations are better handled, relationships are healthier, and success is easier to achieve.

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