No matter who you are, or where you live, you are subject to laws. There are many types of laws, and in some cases too many.
While only those who attend law school can learn the bulk of the many laws which we have, it is important for non law school students to become familiar with the basic rules and regulations for learning it is an important life skill.
Much like finance, while laws are taught in school, it is only taught to those students who are working towards becoming lawyers and attorneys. The rest of us are largely left out in the dark.
It is not necessary to learn every law in the book, however, there are certain laws which everyone should know.
Statistics show that most people today are not familiar with even the most basic laws. Recent studies indicates that a huge percentage of Americans are not even aware the first five amendments from the U.S. Constitution.
This document is the law of all laws, it was established when the country was first founded, and provides fundamental laws which are designed to protect American citizens from the government. Despite this, what good does a Constitution do you if you do not know what laws it contains?
The reason why knowing some laws is important is because it allows you to protect yourself against tyranny, and it also allows you to make sure that you are acting lawfully at all times.
However, by being familiar with the laws of the state you live in, you will have a much better chance at protecting yourself.
Likewise, when you do business with others, and you need to make use of contracts and agreements, you will fair much better if you’re familiar with the laws of where you live.
Knowing laws can dramatically enhance the quality of your life. Many wealthy people are able to dramatically reduce their tax burden by hiring accountants or tax professionals who spend time studying the legal code to find procedures for seeking deductions.
This is yet another example of the power of understanding laws. Many companies and individuals regularly take advantage of the legal code to save large amount of money.
No matter how you look at it, many laws are designed to protect both you and others. At the same time, there are also laws which are merely oppressive, and are not typically designed for your own protection.
In any event, understanding basic and fundamental laws is one of the most important life skills that you can have.
For example, if you understand the power of a written and signed contract over a verbal agreement, you will be less likely to conduct major business deals without a contract.
How to become familiar with laws
Those who are not familiar with laws are the most likely to end up being sued, scammed, or even sent to prison.
Many people end up in court fighting with each other because they made a verbal agreement as opposed to a written one, and once one side breaches the agreement, it is their word versus the other, a case which is difficult for a judge to decide.
Many disputes and lawsuits can be easily avoided when people take the time to become familiar with laws prior to making a business deal.
To develop this life skill to the fullest extent, one must take time to study the basic laws which are related to the area in which you live. If you are making a business deal and there are potential legal issues that must be considered, this is another good time to study the law.
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