How to Increase Your Power Base ?

Power is often defined as “the ability to control the choices which are made by others”. This definition is very accurate, because if you are able to do this, there are few limits to the things you can accomplish in this world. In today’s world, while the word “power” has become synonymous with greed, evil, or unjust control, the truth of the matter is that all of us want to increase our own personal power base.

Indeed, increasing your own power base allows you to be less susceptible to others imposing their own power on you. If you wish to increase your own personal power base, you will first need to become familiar with some of the factors which can allow you to increase your power, and why.

One factor that can allow you to dramatically increase your power is through developing an expertise. With this method, your goal is to become more skilled in an area that is highly valuable, much more skilled than the general public. For example, a person who becomes highly skilled in a programming language that is high in demand, but has a low supply of people who are skilled in it, has great power.

Not only can he command a very high salary, but he can also set his own terms with those who employ. The same factor can be applied to any field. Being highly skilled in any area, especially one that is high in demand but which has a low supply, is a key to enormous power.

Another method of increasing your power base is to have a great deal of charisma. Charisma involves the use of words to appeal to the emotions of others. While there are some people who naturally have this ability tend to be excellent public speakers, writers, and orators. If you have the ability to move people with your words, whether they are written or spoken, you have the key to great power.

Charisma is also very important because it is directly related to your ability to persuade others. Historical examples of people who had great charisma and power are Napoleon Bonaparte and Hannibal Barca.

Money: The Ultimate Tool of Power

Money is one of the classic tools which can allow you to increase your power base. However, contrary to what you might believe, it is not necessary for you to have a great deal of money to achieve this. You do not even have to be a millionaire or billionaire. However, if you have more money than the average person, or you have a knowledge of various financial topics that most people are unaware of, you have the tools towards great power.

Money has remained a powerful tool in the game of power because everyone wants it, and nobody ever seems to have enough of it. However, using money as a form of power does not necessarily mean making large amounts of it. The truth of the matter is that “acquiring and saving large amounts of money” can allow you to have greater power than simply making lots of it, though having both is highly desirable.

While most people understand that money is a factor in gaining power, they do not truly understand how to use it, and they are blinded by thinking that extremely large amounts are necessary for its use, when this simply is not the case.

Money has been used for many things, some which are good, and others which are corrupt and there is almost no limit to what people are willing to do for money. Therefore, money, when used properly, could be thought of as the “raw material” that can allow you to get virtually anything you want out of life.

The Use of Force or Coercion to Increase Your Power Base

One of the oldest and most barbaric methods of increasing one’s power base is to directly impose their will on others. This has often been done in the form or overt violence or coercion.  It is best to refrain from using these barbaric and prehistoric methods of control. The reason for this is because they are incompatible in today’s world. As Sun Tzu said, “the hallmark of victory is to win without fighting”. Learn how to win battles and get the things you want without having to resort to brute force.

Imagine how you would defeat a knight if you were living in Europe during the Middle Ages, and you had no armor or effective weapons? Set a trap for the knight, making him chase you until he fell into a pit of water you had set for him. Once he falls in, he will drown in his own armor. If you understand this illustration, you understand the nature of both power and strategy.

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