Social etiquettes are enforced on all of us to act and behave accordingly with manners that are deemed respectable and courteous to other people in the various aspects of our lives. A person who lacks proper social manners is regarded as rude and uncouth, having no sense of consideration and respect towards others. Definitely, most of us are aware of the appropriate manners to display but some of us may have misplaced them.
In the workplace, social etiquettes must be practiced by the employees regardless of the rank and position in the company. An organization where individuals respect each other creates a harmonious working environment. It also helps strengthen the work relationships among employees which, in turn, increases work productivity and professional success. Social etiquette in the workplace has encompassed the way we communicate with each other using phone and email.
Good Social Manners in Communication
A well-mannered person is not just refined in actions but also graceful and polite in speech. Whether you are on the phone or speaking to someone, always speak in a well-modulated tone to be properly heard. It is inappropriate to raise your voice in an attempt to sound argumentative and raging because it creates an unfriendly gap between parties. The same rule goes for email and other online communication, too. So, refrain from condescending statements and writing in all caps which is equivalent to shouting.
In a business function or gathering, initiate interaction with others by introducing yourself to those whom you have encountered for the first time or greeting people you are already familiar with. Always be ready to extend a handshake to every individual you come across with. More importantly, keep a good eye contact and bring out that smile.
When engaged in work conversation, it is highly unprofessional to swear, use off-the-mark jokes, and talk about sensitive topics with colleagues. Hot-button topics can be about religion, politics, health issues, and personal finances. Employees should not be discussing and comparing salary grade and incentive amounts.
Socially Acceptable Manners in the Workplace
Proper work attire is also part of good social etiquette at work. Dress according to the standard company culture. There is nothing wrong with being casual if it is the nature of your workplace. Just maintain neatness and proper grooming. Do not wear clothes that are revealing, flashy, attention grabbing, and sloppy.
Socializing with work colleagues is good especially if friendships are formed. But make sure to draw the line between personal and work aspects. Maintain a sense of modesty by not making your personal life an open book to the people in the office. Personal issues must not be brought to the workplace as well. Visiting family members and friends in the office must not stay for a long period of time and should stay in the lobby or waiting lounge.
In your interaction with colleagues, avoid unnecessary interruption especially if your work mates require concentration on a certain task. Learn to respect each other’s workspace. So, do not be a distraction to the others by creating noise in the premises. If there is a need to do mutual work, schedule a quick meeting for discussion.
Always carry a positive attitude in the office. Do not mess up other people’s day with your foul mood and sarcastic behavior. Get yourself actively involved in team activities and project.
Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviors
The workplace is a mixture of diverse personalities. You cannot expect everyone to be nice and pleasant. So, how do you deal with difficult people and those with undermining behaviors at work?
Individuals with anti-social behavior are inconsiderate of other people’s feelings and individuality. People with such type of behavior must not be tolerated so address their behaviors right away. Confronting them is one way to do it. For example, someone who throws rude and insulting remarks should be made aware of such manner and let the person know that it is bothering and irritating to everyone.
Another technique in handling anti-social behavior is to remain firm and not show that you are affected with the behavior. Manifesting your socially acceptable behavior toward the person and others will eventually be noticed and make the rude person evaluate his own manners.
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