If you are in high school, you should be familiar with what is called the five paragraph essay. The basic pattern will be composed of five things, and these things are the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion or summary.
While the five paragraph essay is good for high school students, it has a large number of problems which keep it from being used in universities and colleges. In this article, I will go over some of the problems that are inherent with the five paragraph essay, and I will also show you how to build on it.
Even though the five paragraph essay has a basic structure, it also has some imperfections. One of the primary problems is that many articles which are written for newspapers, magazines, and other publications do not use the five paragraph structure. Because of this, those that are trained to write in the five paragraph essay style will find that these method is useless for writing in most publications. The people who read these publications will need to have a context which will explain the thesis. When the thesis is explained to them, they will decide if they are interested in reading it.
The problem with a five paragraph essay format is that it does not provide this context. This formate is not efficient when it comes to capturing the attention of those that read it. Another problem with this essay is the length. Most five paragraph essays are simply too short to be used in journals, newspapers, or other publications. Because they are so short, they usually don’t give enough room to write a high quality summary. It is also possible that the summary may tell the reader things that the body paragraphs already touched on. Repetition is a serious issue with this format, and it can irritate those who read it.The writer who chooses to use this format will generally be forced to repeat concepts which were discussed in other parts of the paragraph. Repeating the same things too many times in one essay can cause it to be boring for those that read it. Following the format too closely can also lead to you letting the format generate the type of words you use. In the end, this will create an essay which may not be a true reflection of your thoughts. When you write an essay, how you lay out the content is not as important as how you write it.
There are a number of other formats which are better. You will want to make sure your paragraphs are organized in a way which will make it easy for your readers to understand. You will also want to make sure you put enough breaks in the text of the articles. If you fail to do this, your document will be difficult to read. Taking the time to write a good essay is very important.
While the five paragraph essay may be sufficient for high schools, it is generally not acceptable for college level courses. It is also important to make sure you put your readers first. It is also crucial that you place an emphasis on getting your ideas across. The five paragraph essay will not allow you to effectively do this. When you write essays, it is important to practice. When you get to college, you will find that the five paragraph essay format is not sufficient. In addition to the format you choose to use, it is also important to make sure you use good grammar and punctuation.
You will want to use the correct style. In addition to your style, it is also important to make sure you use the right presentation. It is these factors which play the most important role in how your essay is received. The format of an essay is not as important as the way you write and present it.
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