When individuals enter into money-making ventures in the form of a business, a project, or an opportunity, they are considered to be entrepreneurs. Let us now find out what drives people to give up their job, start a business and become entrepreneurs.
Why Become an Entrepreneur?
There are many reasons as to why people decide to become an entrepreneur. For one, it could be because of the instability he finds in his job. Maybe he realizes that at anytime he could lose his job just like his office buddies who got laid off. Perhaps he got laid off himself and did not have any luck finding a new job.
Another reason is that the person got very frustrated after being passed over for a promotion. Or it could be that he has simply grown tired of working for someone else and sees no growth opportunities in store for him.
Many people engage in entrepreneurship because it sets a brighter future for them and their loved ones. Imagine having the chance to become wealthy and being given the freedom to make decisions, without “bosses” getting in the way.
While one can never say there is stability in such a career move, it goes without saying that if you work hard and if you work smart, with enough talents and the right attitude, you can definitely go places. It may not be happening anytime soon, but it will, if you know what it takes to reach your goals.
Benefits of Being an Entrepreneur
Starting your own business, although risky and quite challenging, has its own set of advantages. It can be summed up to: the more efforts you exert, the greater your rewards. The following are the major advantages of entrepreneurship:
1. It develops your talents, skills, and potentials. When you start up your very own business, you will need to utilize your own resources to the fullest. This means that your talents, skills, and potentials will be put to good use and will thus be developed. Along the way, you will learn from your mistakes and such experiences will hone your skills and abilities. Furthermore, you will also discover certain abilities that you did not know you possessed.
2. You are your own boss. This is perhaps a very obvious advantage of entrepreneurship and one that entices a lot of people to quit their office job and start their own business. Being your own boss, you can do what you want and you can make your own decisions. This is great especially for people who do not want to be bound by restrictions and limitations, for people who perform better when given an environment that allows them to call the shots.
3. It offers flexibility. Whether at home, in the car, or at the coffee shop, you can still do your work when you have your very own company or business, especially if you are home-based. You do not have to be confined to the four corners of your office for nine hours. You can be anywhere and still earn your keep. Additionally, you can set your own deadlines and control your daily tasks. Of course it is also important to discipline yourself and not be tempted to become lazy because this would hinder you to succeed.
4. It puts you in control. Being an entrepreneur, you are solely in charge of what you do. You will be the one who make decisions, big or small. You make plans and you execute them, or you assign some people to put those plans into actions. In essence, you are free to make decisions without anyone telling you what to do or how to do it. And when you are given this authority, you have the capacity to make a big difference in your future.
Advantages of Entrepreneurship
Another major reason why people resort to entrepreneurship is the flexibility it affords. Take for instance stay-at-home parents who decide to care for their family and their home. This can put a strain on their finances because a significant income source needs to be given up for the sake of the family. Entrepreneurship is very advantageous in such cases because not only will people get to earn money, they will also be able to spend time with their children and loved ones.
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