Importance of Vocabulary from an Early Age

Importance of Vocabulary from an Early Age

Why Vocabulary is an Important Part of Literacy? It can be said that vocabulary is comprised of three things, and these are writing, reading, and speaking. All three of these elements are used to make up a larger structure that is called literacy. While literacy has been important ever since humans first discovered writing, it has become much more important in the information age.

More than ever before, information has been allowed to flow freely. While much of this information is not very valuable, some of it can enhance your career, make you more productive, and even save your life. Your vocabulary is the element that will determine your cultural literacy.

When many people think of vocabulary, they think of it as a tedious learning process. However, it is very vital to your success in our world of today. It is no longer enough to just know what is happening in your neighborhood, city, or country. It is equally important for you to understand what is happening on a global scale.

Improving your vocabulary from an early age will allow you to become informed. It will allow you to successfully convey your ideas to others, and it can also improve your career outlook. Having said that, it is important for parents to focus on improving the education of their children from an early age.

Teach Children a Love of Reading Early On

It is in the best interests of parents to help their children develop a love for reading early. By doing this, you will be giving them one of the most precious gifts they could ever ask for. Helping them build an elaborate vocabulary is much more valuable than any toy, game, or bike you could buy them. Once they get older, they will be able to follow instructions carefully, because they will be able to read those instructions. When they write a resume for their job, they will be much more likely to impress potential employers, since they will have strong vocabulary skills.

If they need to give a speech, or present a business strategy or plan, they will be able to do it professionally, because they will have a strong vocabulary that will allow them to convey their thoughts. As you can see, building a good vocabulary is a skill that can mean the difference between success and failure once a child becomes older.

Both parents and teachers will want to show children that reading is not a chore. It is not something that "has" to be done. You must show them that it is something that is "fun" to do.

A Failure to Build a Strong Foundation can be Dangerous

There are many people today who think it is cool to be dumb. They think it is impressive to use slang words, rather than using proper English. These same people are quick to make fun of those who read a lot. I would first like to say that parents must not convey this message to their children. It is not cool to be ignorant. In fact, failing to build a strong vocabulary foundation can be dangerous.

Hundreds of years ago, few people could afford books. They were expensive to produce, and the only people who could afford them were royalty. Because they were the only ones who could afford these books, they gained knowledge, and with that knowledge came power.

The invention of the printing press dramatically reduced the cost of books, and with the rapid popularity of the Internet today, information has been allowed to flow freely more than ever before. While some of this information may not be accurate, it sets the stage where people can gain knowledge, and improve their lives. With tools such as blogging, it has become popular to spread ideas.

In addition to the above, not having a strong foundation can hurt your career outlook. If you go to a job interview, and you use improper English, the chances of you getting hired are very low. If you type up a resume, and it doesn’t use proper English, it will likely end up in the trash. If you have a term paper to write in college, but you don’t have a good vocabulary, you’re in lot of trouble.


The best way to improve your vocabulary is to develop a love for reading and learning early on. Learn to see reading as being a fun activity, much like watching television, riding a bike, or playing games. When you alter the way you look at reading, and you get a joy out of improving your vocabulary, you will be successful.

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