Importance of Strong Vocabulary

Why Having a Strong Vocabulary is So Important

In addition to your appearance and the way you carry yourself, people will judge you based on the words that come out of your mouth. Even if you are a mathematical genius, having a poor vocabulary will send across a message that you’re not very intelligent.

Having a Poor Vocabulary Can Close Doors

While some people reading this may feel that they don’t care what others think about them, there is more to this issue than what is apparent on the surface. When you apply for a job, or you have to give a speech, your vocabulary will determine whether or not you’re successful. Imagine having a million dollar idea, but not being able to get any investors because of your poor vocabulary.

It is especially important for technically oriented people to pay attention to their vocabulary. When I say technically oriented people, I’m specifically talking about those who are good with numbers, mechanics, and other technical subjects. While they are brilliant in these subjects, many of these people are not so brilliant when it comes to writing or speaking. It is not their fault. Most people have a preference for using either the left or right side of their brain, and most are lacking in one area. Being able to improve your vocabulary will open a lot of doors, doors that would normally be closed.

Build Up Your Vocabulary While You Read

One of the best ways to build your vocabulary is to read, and read some more. You will want to read everything you can get your hands on. If you come across a word that you’re not familiar with, you will want to take the time to look it up. While this may be tedious at first, you will want to make it into a habit. Once you’ve done it a few times, you will become used to it, and this will help you increase your vocabulary. In addition to this, reading also improves the way you speak. You will learn how to properly structure your sentences, and you can say them in a way that makes a lot of sense.

You will also want to be patient. Nothing great was ever accomplished over night. It will take time for you to build up a powerful vocabulary, and the more you read, the better your vocabulary will become. It is also essential to develop a love of reading. It is not enough to see reading as a chore. If you do, you will not be successful.

The people who have the most impressive vocabulary skill are those who look at reading as being fun or recreational, not a chore that needs to be done. When it comes to building up your vocabulary, all the methods available can be broken down into two basic categories. These are reading, and learning formally.

Reading vs Learning Formally

Reading is a method that we are all familiar with. You pick up a book, and you read it. As you come across words that you don’t know, you will look at their context within the sentence, and if this doesn’t work, you will want to look them up in a dictionary. This is the first method of increasing your vocabulary.

The second technique is what I refer to as being the formal method. This is the method that is used the most in elementary schools. The teacher will give the students a workbook, or they will be given spelling tests. They will also be tested to determine their comprehension of the words.

There are some teachers that would argue that one method is better than the other, but in truth, most people use both methods. By using both, you make up for any weaknesses that may exist in the other method. However, I think that many people would find that reading is much more fun when compared to the more formal method of learning.

No matter which method you prefer, both are proficient in allowing your vocabulary to become larger. Having a strong vocabulary will allow you to succeed in multiple areas of your life. You will be able to convey ideas, and you will convey them well.


In this article, I’ve talked about why vocabulary is important, and I’ve talked about the two methods you can use to improve your it. It is a grave mistake to underestimate the importance of having a powerful vocabulary, even if you are proficient in areas such as math. Being able to speak and write properly will ensure that people think highly of you, and it can allow you to reach the heights of power and success.

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