How reading can Improve your Career

How reading can Improve your Career

There is a direct correlation between how much your read and the strength of your English. People who rarely read are much more likely to have poor English skills, while those who read a lot are more likely to have advanced English skills.


Reading is one of the most important skills you can develop in your lifetime. While many people see it as being a chore, this is the wrong mindset to have. Reading should be seen more as a recreational activity, something you look forward to. When it comes to improving your English, there is no option when it comes to reading. You either learn to love reading, or you don’t. If you don’t, the chances of you being successful with your career is very low.

When people talk to you, they will have a good idea of how much you read. Someone who reads a lot will be able to use illustrations to explain their point of view, and if they enjoy reading history books, they will be able to use historical examples as a reference. Reading makes you more informed. It allows you to learn more about the world in which you live. There is nothing employers like more than an employee who is well read. Being well read shows that you are educated, and your employer will be confident in knowing that you are much more likely to do the job properly. Despite this, it isn’t enough to just read. You must learn how to do it properly.

How to Increase your English Skills while you Read

When you read, there are a number of things you can do to increase your English skills. Often, you will come across words that you’ve never seen before. Instead of skipping these words to continue reading, you will want to take the time to learn what they mean. You can sometimes get an idea of what the word means by looking at its context. To do this, you will want to look at the words which surround the unknown word. This can often give you a good clue. It should also be noted that some authors will take the time to define the words on the page, and this is another method you can use to learn them.

If you can’t determine the meaning of the word by its context, and the author did not define the word on the page, you will want to look it up in a dictionary. While this may seem like a chore, you will want to do it as much as possible.

If you are reading a chapter in a book, write down all the words you don’t know, and then look them up once you’ve got to the end of the chapter. It is tedious to stop reading every time you find a word, and then go look it up, coming back to read after you’ve found it. It is much smarter to wait until you’ve read a certain number of pages, and then look up the words you aren’t familiar with.

English is also Important for Writing

At some point in our lives, we will all be required to write down information. If you are a student in college, you will be required to write numerous term papers. If you are working for a company, you may be required to write business proposals, and when you apply to the company, you will be required to write a resume. If you are a graduate student, you will be required to write a thesis. In all these situations, your level of English will determine whether or not you’re successful. This is why it is so important for you to focus on building up your English. You can’t afford to make mistakes. You must do everything right the first time.

Learning how to write properly is just as important as speaking properly. People can tell a lot about you based on the words you use when speaking, and the words you use in your writing. Whether people are listening to you, or reading information written by you, it is important for you to make sure your English is on point. If it is not, you can convey the wrong idea, or even worse, you may give people the impression that you’re unintelligent. Reading is a tool that can help you become better in both areas.


You will want to read often. In addition to this, don’t limit yourself to one type of material. Spice things up, and read stuff you normally wouldn’t read. Challenge yourself by reading books that are slightly beyond your English level. This will allow you to grow.

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