English Mistakes That Can Kill Your Chances of Getting a Job
Whether you’re preparing for a job interview, preparing to give a speech before a crowd, or writing up a business presentation to submit to your superiors, it is critically important for you to make sure everything is correct. When it comes to your career, you can’t avoid to make any mistakes.
Using improper English during a job interview will cause you not to get the job. If you are giving a speech, using improper English will make your audience think you’re unintelligent. If you submit a written proposal to your superiors, and it is written with improper English, it may very likely be rejected. As you can see, failure is not an option.
In this article, I want to go over common English mistakes that can destroy your chances of career advancement. The first of these mistakes is pronouncing words incorrectly. While this mistake may sound easy to avoid, it is one of the most common mistakes that people make. To become a master at English, it is not enough for you to know a word, or understand its definition. You must also be able to to say it correctly. When you fail to pronounce a word correctly, even if people think you’re somewhat intelligent for using the word in the right context, you will be criticized for not saying the word properly. One of the best ways to correct this issue is to break the word down into its syllables, and pronounce it accordingly.
The Use of Slang Terms
One of the biggest English mistakes you can make is using slang words. Those who use these words are often seen as being unintelligent. Unless you are speaking to an audience that doesn’t mind if you use slang, you will want to avoid using it at all costs. While slang may sound cool when you’re talking with your friends, you will not want to use slang words during a job interview, during a speech, or during a business presentation. If you do, it is very likely that you just killed your chances of being successful. I should also note that there is nothing wrong with simplicity.
Many people try to sound sophisticated by speaking with complex sentences. This can be extremely risky. When you speak with complex sentences, you increase the chances of fumbling up the words. Avoid trying to have a perfect tense, or the use of conditional. With English, you can be simple, but sophisticated at the same time. Being sophisticated with English does not automatically mean you should use complex sentences with big words. If you are able to drive home your points without using complex sentences, people will be much more receptive to the things you have to say. Unless you are highly skilled, avoid the use of complex sentences.
A Failure to Speak Carefully
This is a mistake that gets a lot of people in trouble. They speak without taking the time to think carefully about the words that come out of their mouth. Not only can this cause your audience to become confused, it may also cause them to become offended if you say the wrong things. To give an example of this, how many times have you heard of a prominent person get in trouble because they said something in the wrong manner? Even if you did not intend to convey a certain thought, the things you say, and the ways in which you say them, can be perceived by your audience in various ways. While some may be positive, others may be negative.
While some may argue that failing to speak carefully is not an English mistake, they are incorrect. When I say speak carefully, I’am talking about grammar as well as the impression you make on your listeners. Both must be on point if you wish to become successful. To be careful when you speak, you should not speak too slowly, but you should definitely avoid speaking to quickly. Everyone who listens to you must be able to understand what you are saying. To do this, you must become a master at choosing your words carefully.
These are the basic mistakes that people make when they speak. There are many more mistakes that you will want to be aware of when you write. Learning how to avoid this mistakes can allow you to become advanced in English, and you can reach anyone who listens to you.
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