The Important Role of a Chemist
One who is interested in chemistry may be curious as to what role a chemist plays in today’s society. Their job role is quite varied in nature and they take on many responsibilities in their profession. It is important to review not only the general responsibilities of a chemist but their daily specific duties as well.
What is a Chemist?
A chemist is someone who performs research regarding chemicals and may often teach courses regarding the subject matter. The chemist will instruct individuals with regard to chemical compounds and qualitative analyses. The way in which substances change in composition is also something which is taught by the chemist.
General Responsibilities of a Chemist
There are a few basic general responsibilities which a chemist must undertake. These will vary depending on the type of chemist an individual is. As some strictly perform research while others teach exclusively, some of these responsibilities as well as the latter specific duties will be applicable to some yet not all chemists. A chemist will perform a variety of research relating to chemical compounds and processes. In addition, many chemists will write books on the subject and hold lectures for individuals with interest in chemistry. Lastly, many chemists will teach various levels of chemistry, some college age and above and others in high school and below.
Specific Duties of a Chemist
A chemist is responsible for fulfilling many specific duties in their profession. As mentioned earlier, these duties will vary depending on the type of chemist one is but many chemists will share similar duties. The first duty which chemists must pursue is extensive research relating to the field of chemistry. They must take part in laboratory research, research on experiments and perform research relating to the field of chemistry in general.
If one is a professor or teacher of chemistry, they have many specific duties concomitant with that role. They must develop syllabi, lesson plans, tests and experiments for the students whom they teach. The chemist who teaches chemistry must lecture with regard to the topic and answer any and all questions the students may have regarding this subject. One who is a chemist will find that administrative duties specific to their teaching will come into play as well. Some of these may include keeping attendance, maintaining student grades, speaking with parents and taking part in school fundraising efforts.
Frequently chemists will write books and journals on the subject of chemistry. They may do this alone or in collaboration with other authors. Should they write books on this topic, they may also engage in giving lectures to the public with regard to their book on chemistry.
Chemists also perform experiments on the subject matter. They may develop the experiment and take part in conducting it as well. Once the experiment has been constructed and completed, the chemist will take lengthy notes on the results as well as the overall experiment procedure itself.
A chemist may have supervisory roles in their position. There may be other chemists under their charge whom they must engage in consultations with and guide in their experiments and research. They may also be responsible for the hiring and firing of these subordinate individuals.
Chemists may also be responsible for lecturing to their peers and the general public at large. The lectures could involve current events which need the explanation of a chemist or perhaps the chemist is explaining some recent developments and experimental results. A chemist may have to lecture on a wide variety of topics relating to chemistry.
Traits Which Are Beneficial For Chemists to Possess
There are a variety of traits which chemists should possess to aid them in their daily job routines. Since chemists must engage in often complex subject matters, they must possess good analytical skills. They should be able to study a situation, analyze it and then come up with the best solution possible. Good analytical skills will help the chemist out greatly in their job role.
Chemists should also be precise in nature. Due to the fact that much of the work which is completed by a chemist must be precise and exact, the chemist should possess the trait of preciseness and do everything within their power to bring about exact results. Chemists should be precise when it comes to the calculations, equations and all steps of the experiments which they complete.
Public speaking skills are also a must for most chemists. Frequently a chemist will take the position of chemistry teacher or professor and for these individuals, the trait of good public speaking skills is a necessary factor. Since chemistry is quite a complex subject, it helps if the teacher or professor can adequately get their point across in a clear and succinct manner. For chemists who engage in experiments and laboratory research, having good public speaking skills will also benefit them. These individuals will find that they often need to present research and experiment findings to their peers and the general public and this is where the beneficial lecturing skills will come in handy.
Another thing which chemists should possess is good Internet skills. Much of the research which is completed today is done via the Internet. Therefore, by possessing such skills a chemist can carry out their research in a much easier and efficient fashion.
Above average researching skills should also be prerequisite for every chemist. As there is much research to be completed with regard to the field of chemistry, it is crucial that chemists can perform research tasks in an effective manner.
Chemists should also have the ability to prepare chemistry lesson plans, exams and experiment results in such a way that they are effectively portrayed to the designated audience. Lesson plans should be all-inclusive, tests should be easy to understand and experiment results should be straightforward. By having good explanation skills, a chemist will be able to carry all of these tasks out in a complete manner.
Chemists have important jobs these days. Some chemists spend their time in laboratories while others spend their days in front of a full classroom. Whatever type of chemist one may strive to be, their contribution is extremely appreciated as they serve a very vital role in society whether it be producing experiment results or teaching individuals the subject of chemistry. If one is interested in pursuing the chemistry of profession, they may find reviewing the aforementioned items helpful in the decision making process.
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