The New Concept of Virtual Meeting

The New Concept of Virtual Meeting 

Many times in a business people have stalled in there work simply because of communication glitches. Sometimes communication can’t be successfully performed for the reason being that people can’t communicate because they’re always on the move. In the modern world to achieve and accomplish a set goal people must be sift in operating a job or task, due to the demands of the clients.

Take for example of a case of a person who depended on a certain information that a person from the other side of the world obtained, only that person form the other side of the world is able to send that important information but the person is in the run, simply because the job demands for him to be always in the move.

Now it is certain that many have experienced situations like these in which they needed to communicate but couldn’t get to the person or party to meet on time or couldn’t even find the person or party because the person or party was on the run. What can be done as a solution for communication to be performed though these obstacles?

Ways to Perform Effectively on a Virtual Team

To become successful in working with a virtual team you may want to consider applying the following.

• Use instant messaging
• Use a virtual conference
• Set up a sharing website
• Keep in touch

Instant Messaging: Use instant when proposing a meeting. This will allow opinions and answers to be given at a rapid pace. You may also use instant message for training sessions, beneficial and easy especially if you wish to train someone from a distant place.

Pretend you are attending a meeting to where you are to be present, and you are sitting in a table where everyone debates there opinions and respond with answers to questions, well instant messaging isn’t different at all.

In instant messaging is like if everyone where gathered around a table where everyone exploit their opinions and answers. Instant messaging is also a great tool since it allows you to share files and won’t find the need to wait for a file through e-mail.

Virtual Conference: A virtual conference room will be beneficial when you are presenting a formal meeting. If you thought you can only present a power point presentation by being present at a meeting, well think again.

In a virtual conference room you are able to make a slide presentation. With a virtual meeting you are also able to perform training session where you can train as many as you want since everyone can see the same information you expose.

Sometimes things come up that doesn’t allow everyone to be present for the meeting, for the people absent, visual conference allows the information to be stored so others may watch it at a later time either because they missed it or because they feel the need to watch the presentation again.

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Sharing Website: It is recommended to create a sharing website where you can share file ideas, such as calendars. Calendars indicating the five “W’s,” calendars where you place your to-do lists and explain the what, where, who, why, and when. A sharing website is also beneficial for you can place reports, and give you the capability to add and delete files.

Keep in touch: By keeping in touch you have the opportunity to obtain any file or document that you feel is needed in matter of seconds, but what is the rapid speed in obtaining a file or document of any use if you are in the run.

Your solution is to invest on a mobile phone that features business concepts such as instant messaging, internet, and other business relevant programs so when you are away because you are in the run miscommunication won’t be a factor anymore.

Another solution though would result in you to carry it around which at times can be a hassle is a laptop. A laptop with a network connection is practically carrying your office desk with you, this may or may not be suitable for you, but it is in fact a great tool to have when you are trying to run business outside your office.


Virtual meetings can be considered similar to a regular meeting in which you psychically attend, since you will have to base yourself of an agenda. The purpose to use an agenda in a meeting is to help the leader inform the group to what needs to be done, letting the group express ideas in how to accomplish the certain issue that is being discussed.

Second function is it allows the person time to prepare ahead of time because it shows the speaker what is to expect and what is to be discussed next. The third function an agenda haves in a meeting is that it provides the speaker with a visual blueprint of the meeting, helping the speaker know where to follow along the meeting. The final function an agenda haves in a meeting is that it serves as reminder for the speaker in what is left to discuss so nothing important is left-out. Thus is important to use an agenda for your virtual meeting.

How to formulate a well organized agenda

When you begin in formulating an agenda, to have it well and organized, you want to use a heading for every topic of your meeting. The header could be broken down by, the organization name, location, date, and the name of the agenda.

The header is simply used as a reference incase you may want to use the agenda in the future. Note, when naming the agenda you may want to base it on the main purpose of the meeting or the main topic. The second key is the “body”, the body of an agenda would list the topics that are to be covered throughout the meeting. Each topic should be written small and brief; enough so you can remember what is to be said.

On these topics it is suggested you calculate the time for each one. Obviously the time calculated that you would spend on each of these topic would depend on the circumstances, that is why it should only be an estimate. This allows you to be aware of how far along are you in the meeting and calculate how much time you have left. In your topics you may also add action words such as discuss, announce, remind.

The action words would help you narrow down the point of the topic. These keys are helpful techniques to formulate a well-organized agenda. Remember you want your meeting to be efficient and as productive as possible.

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