Online Presentation

Online Presentation Introduction

In the modern world we have a special tool to where we can communicate with a person or party within a significantly short time, this tool is called the internet.

Since modern technology has moved its way in to our modern world we are able to work business with the internet, allowing us to perform business with employees overseas and with clients overseas.

With business conducted over the internet this brings the need of online presentations. In this article you will learn how to propose an online presentation for you overseas clients.

Online Presentation Tools

Tools are meant to help you to do a certain thing, and fortunately there are tools that help you propose an online presentation. Power Point is considered to be very effective in business presentations is. Using Power Point you can design slides without a limit, such as you may put pictures, animation, sound affects, etc.

Proposing an Online Presentation

Though a Power Point presentation can be a successful tool when proposing an online presentation for an oversea client, the technique to propose a presentation does not fall in the place.

To have well online presentation you must propose a good story, now that’s where the technique falls in. How do I tell a good story? A presentation either online or not it is like a story, it haves a setting, plot, characters, conflict, and a solution.

Steps to Improve Online Presentation

  • Use a font that is readable as well as a font size that is visible.
  • Elegant and blocky fonts are many times difficult to read so it is important for you to avoid such fonts.
  • A suggestion on the font size is to keep your font size 32 if not greater, if you use a smaller font size your presentation will be too small for the person to see.
  • Avoid overdoing your transitions, the Venetian blinds, Wagon-wheel, and the checkerboard transitions can be rather amusing but it is difficult to look between slides.

When you are proposing an online presentation for the oversea client, you are doing it with the purpose to persuade the client. Thus is important you have the skills to persuade a client. In order to propose a persuasive message, you want to start by studying the person or audience.

Then you want to, with the knowledge of the gathered information, to guide you to present your persuasive message. After you use that strategy begin with citing important information that is relevant to the topic, such as facts, this will then make the person meditate.

Then you want to use the opportunity of explaining the reasons of why should the person do such thing and how will it benefit the person.

If you are planning to use the Power Point software do not do overdo your presentation. If you attend to present a lot of data, maybe of a weeks, months, or even a years work information then it will be difficult for the client to analyze the data if it where in a written format, instead use charts, charts will help your client view the data with much ease, charts will certainly summarize your work and make much simpler to visualize.

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