Washing Your Brain
Is Brainwashing good?
Common consensus has it that brainwashing is a bad thing. When people think of brainwashing, they think of the Cold War or the movie A Clockwork Orange. When you think about it on a deeper level, however, we find that it is healthy to wash everything else in our lives. So why not our brains, also?
We wash our clothes, our cars, our bodies, and our dishes on a regular basis. But the most important thing in life, however, is our brain. So why should we keep everything around us impeccably clean while neglecting what is the most important tool we will use in life? When you think about it, couldn’t the vast majority of people you know use a good brainwashing every now and again?
The dictionary defines “washing” as a means of “purifying” or “cleansing.” Our brains are undoubtedly tools that need a good washing every now and again. Not only should they be washed, they should also be maintained. After all, if we neglect to wash the dishes, then what begins to happen to them after a short period of time? They begin to grow moldy, disgusting. This is why you wash the dishes after you have a meal, each and every time. Consistent washing is vital for the maintenance of a house and a body – it is also vital for the maintenance of a brain.
How does my brain get dirty?
Whether you are aware of it or not, your brain gets a little dirty each and every day. You can control this situation by taking charge and deciding what you allow inside your brain – effectively “washing” it – or allow the world to decide what goes in to your brain, which effectively makes it dirty. The answer to this little riddle is simple – after all, who do you think cares more about your brain – you or the world?
By selecting what you allow in to your brain, you determine what your attitude will be towards life, and thus have a higher chance of succeeding. How, may you ask, does one go about nurturing and cultivating a positive attitude? The answer is simple: Autosuggestion.
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How does autosuggestion work?
Autosuggestion is a powerful method of consciously selecting what goes in to our brain. In a way, it is a method of talking to yourself via the use of positive affirmations. Affirmations are things that we say to ourselves that effectively either destroy or build our self-esteem.
When it comes to building one’s success in life, then self-esteem is of vital importance. By making constant affirmations such as – “I know I can do it” or “I am a living, walking success story” – we take control of our own destinies and develop our attitudes in to tools for long term success. They also provide us with the energy that we need to go out there and accomplish our goals.
On the flip side of that equation, by making negative affirmations to ourselves, affirmations like “I am a failure” or “I am unable to achieve this,” then we are destroying our self confidence and self esteem. Eventually, those negative affirmations overtake our waking thoughts and prevent us from getting the things we want out of life. In the end, these negative affirmations will only kill us.
To be honest, there will always be negative voices in your head. But it is important to locate the source of those negative voices. When you think deeply about it, you will find that the negative voices are mostly things that other people say to you. The positive voices are namely things that you say to yourself.
Now, think of both the negative and positive voices together as a huge room full of people all shouting things out to you at once. The key to developing a positive attitude is to drown out everything that the negative voices are yelling by focusing all of your energy on what the positive voices are yelling.
Do affirmations really work?
Affirmations can be powerful tools for the re-programming of unhappy individuals in to creative, productive, and successful individuals – but they must be used in a proper fashion. While it might seem silly to be constantly speaking to yourself in such a way, in the end you will find that it really does work. In a short amount of time, you will begin to see positive results in every aspect of your personal and professional life.
As the old saying goes, misery loves company. People who are not on your level of positivity will constantly try to drag you down to their level by attempting to “dirty” your brain. Do not allow them to do this! Make sure you retain control of your own mind at all times. You can do this by constantly sending your brain positive messages – and thus cleaning it!
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