Use Your Assets for Attitude Development

Use Your Assets

What are Assets?

The dictionary defines an asset as a valuable or useful thing or quality. The fact of the matter is, whether we are rich or poor, we all have assets. On the flipside of that coin, we all have liabilities as well. The trick is to learn how to use the former by discarding the latter. In order to make use of one’s assets, one needs to have one thing: that is, guts.

If you have not already defined your direction in life, you need to do so – on paper – immediately. Once you have done that, you should have the power – and the guts – to confront yourself. Take a good, critical look at both your assets and your liabilities. This is the moment of truth that you have been waiting for all along.

It will probably seem like a much easier task to merely sweep all the liabilities you possess under the carpet and forget about them, right? Wrong. The pile of trash is highly toxic, and it can grow to be so big that it takes up your entire house. It will eventually start a fire, or more likely, explode, and its flames will consume you entirely!

As Michael Jackson says in his famous song “Man in the Mirror”, it is time to make a change! It is time to be completely honest with yourself. Where are you right now in life? Are you at the place you want to be? Get a grip on reality, grab on to your assets, and start moving towards your goal in life!

How Do I Use My Assets?

The vast majority of individuals on this planet spend their entire lives sitting on their assets without ever bothering to make use of them in a productive fashion. Procrastination is an incredibly bad ingredient for success. And the fact is, a lot of people spend most of their lives procrastinating, rather than taking action. It is almost like they would rather sit around fantasizing about success rather than going out there and attaining it.

It should not be this way. As any good mentor knows, one should always do the very best with whatever one has – even if it seems to be very little.

The next step is constant movement. Whenever we are on this planet, we are either growing constantly or just sitting there waiting to die. When one is green, that means they are growing; when they are ripe, on the other hand, this means that you are rotting and about to die. Do not let yourself die! You have a lot of time to achieve your goals. So do not waste it!

Where are My Assets?

First off, you should take a good, critical look at just where you are right now in terms of your professional life. Are you prepared to go further than where you currently are? Opportunities probably await you. Now the goal is figuring out the best way of attaining them.

It is no coincidence that less than ten percent of all Americans take the time to write out their goals in life. This does not necessarily mean you should take time out from your busy schedule to plan every single move. But one question you should ask yourself now is, how much time have you spent in the past year planning your career? Chances are, you have probably spent more time planning your next vacation then you have on plotting your next career move!

Whether we like it or not, our attitude towards life can have a significant impact on the quality of that life. By learning how to listen to our inner selves, we can figure out how our inner thought process works and how it may have a bearing on the way we deal with stress in our daily lives. A lot of people discover that their internal dialogue is largely negative. If you find yourself thinking negative thoughts all the time, then you do not have a positive attitude.

Can Others Help Me Use My Assets?

The best way to succeed in any kind of business is to surround oneself with highly successful individuals who are currently operating in that field. Of course, it can be quite an ego boost to hang out with people who are less successful than you. But this should only be done on an occasional basis.

Hanging out with less successful individuals ultimately stifles your creativity and your growth as a human being and as a professional. Rather, try to surround yourself as often as possible with people who inspire you, who can teach you and guide you. Such individuals will not only help you become successful – they will also help build your character and transform your attitude in to a positive one.

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