Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force

Attitude Development as a Positive Social Force

Do Other People Notice My Attitude?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The reason why so many ambitious individuals find it hard to get ahead in life is because they simply do not have the right attitude. Do you find yourself constantly plagued by negative thoughts, to the extent that you are paralyzed with anger and / or fear, especially when it comes to questions regarding your career?

You are not alone. The fact is that a lot of people in this day and age feel the exact same way. The ones who are able to succeed, however, are those who find the strength and guidance they need to overcome these negative feelings and develop a positive attitude, thus having an impact not only on their own lives, but also on the lives around them.

If you have a bad attitude, then chances are great that everyone you live and work with notices. And this certainly does not endear you to them. A bad attitude is a like a bad smell – it is something that people will go out of their way to avoid. This certainly is not going to do wonders towards the enhancement of your career.

How can I Improve My Attitude?

While you may spend a lot of your time at work, attitude improvement begins at home. Sometimes, a bad attitude in the work place is reflective of unhappiness in your personal life. If this is the case, then ask yourself why, exactly, you are unhappy in your personal life. If need be, make a list of all the things that you dislike about your personal life on one sheet of paper, and about your professional life on another sheet of paper. Then, for each of those reasons, try to think of ways of changing that situation.

But developing one’s attitude will not happen by merely focusing on the negative and trying to change it. In order to have a really useful attitude adjustment, one must spend more time focusing on the positive things in one’s life.

What you should then do is make a list of all the positive aspects of your life. Only an honest assessment can lead you to an awareness of where you currently are. Look at your current level of competency. Based on that, you should set smaller goals that will eventually lead you to your biggest goal in life.

Does My Attitude Impact My Working Environment?

You bet. If a situation is stressful, then having a bad attitude will only make it worse. On the contrary, those who have positive attitudes often have the power of transforming a stressful, negative situation in to a positive one – with the force of their mere presence.

If you want to be successful at work, then you will want to avoid becoming a “mood polluter.” Mood polluters are those individuals whose mere presence destroys the atmosphere. Not only do such individuals create stress and make others reluctant to deal with them, they also do themselves a lot of harm by effectively discouraging promotion and other positive perks that might come to them otherwise. When it comes to building one’s success in life, then self-esteem is of vital importance. By making constant affirmations, we develop our attitudes in to tools for long term success. They also provide us with the energy that we need to go out there and accomplish our goals.

On the flip side of that equation, by making negative affirmations to ourselves, then we are destroying our self confidence and self esteem. Eventually, those negative affirmations overtake our waking thoughts and prevent us from getting the things we want out of life. In the end, these negative affirmations will only destroy us.

Can My Attitude Change the World?

Yes it can – or at least your immediate circumstances. Those with positive attitudes are a lot more likely to succeed than those with bad attitudes. There are many ways one might go about developing a positive attitude and thus greatly enhance his or her life. Numerous books and motivational recordings are now available on the market to provide people with low self confidence and low self esteem with the tools they need to begin building positive attitudes.
But all of these resources ultimately point to one source, and that is the greatest source of all – you. A good way of realizing one’s potential – and of improving one’s attitude – is by keeping a journal. Each day, try to remember all of your positive thoughts and your negative ones, and write each of them down. This is a good way of helping us keep stock and keep our head in check, so to speak.

Finally, one should work towards improving their communication skills. Do you often find that people seem to misunderstand your attitude towards them? The people around us tend to be reflectors of ourselves – so be sure to pay attention to their behavior towards you.

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