Adjusting Your Attitude for Success
Does the people around you affect your attitude?
Let’s face the facts here. Each individual has a choice in life. It is possible to allow outside factors to have an influence on our goals in life. They can have an impact in a negative way, by letting people with bad attitudes play a dominant role in our lives; or we can eliminate those people altogether and focus on surrounding ourselves with positive influences. Everyone is the master of his or her own atmosphere. Nobody else should be allowed to influence that.
If you have a bad attitude, then everyone you live and work with will notice. And this certainly does not endear you to them. A bad attitude is a like a bad smell – it is something that people will go out of their way to avoid. This certainly is not going to do wonders towards the enhancement of your career.
Once you have arrived at the point wherein you know what you want to do in life, you should then try to compose a mental image of all the people in that field who have come before you and succeeded. Try to read books by or about those individuals. If it is possible, then you should also try to connect with them on a personal basis. By surrounding ourselves with successful individuals, we increase our own chances of becoming successful at work.
Are you "A Mood Polluter”?
If a situation is stressful, then having a bad attitude will only make it worse. On the contrary, those who have positive attitudes often have the power of transforming a stressful, negative situation in to a positive one – with the force of their mere presence. If you want to be successful at work, then you will want to avoid becoming a “mood polluter.”
Mood polluters are those individuals whose mere presence destroys the atmosphere. Not only do such individuals create stress and make others reluctant to deal with them, they also do themselves a lot of harm by effectively discouraging promotion and other positive perks that might come to them otherwise.
If you think you might be a mood polluter, then one way of changing your ways is to utilize positive affirmation. This is a technique wherein you try to eliminate all the negative thoughts in your head and replace them with positive thoughts.
By making positive affirmations, we take control of our own destinies and develop our attitudes in to tools for long-term success. Positive affirmation simultaneously provides us with the energy that we need to go out there in to the world and accomplish our goals, one at a time.
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Are you an affirmer or a denier?
Affirmations are things that way say to ourselves that effectively either destroy or build our self-esteem. When it comes to building one’s success in life, then self-esteem is of vital importance.
But then there is another voice in our head that we must confront. This is the voice of denial. It is this voice that attempts to negate every positive affirmation we make. Earlier, we talked of mood polluters. But there is such a thing as mind polluters as well. Mind polluters are in all of us – it is just that some of us know how to combat them.
One way of combating the pollution of denial is to write down each and every one of your negative thoughts throughout the day. After writing it down, think deeply about it for a moment. You should be able to come up with a positive component to that negative thought. Once this process has occurred, you can strike out the negative thought and write down the positive thought that replaces it. This is the ultimate thought that will count, and the only one you want to pay attention to – unless, of course, you do not want to be a success in life.
Do you learn from your mistakes?
No one in life is perfect. We all do things we later regret. The key is learning how to transform these negative experiences in to positive ones. And the key to this transformation is knowledge.
Keeping a journal can be an excellent way of keeping track of your mistakes and postulating ways of avoiding such mistakes in the future. Since most people tend to repeat the same mistakes their entire lives, by writing them down – and thus becoming more introspective – we avoid the chances that we will fall in to this “repeat offender” category.
If you do find yourself repeating your mistakes over and over again, try to ask yourself what the root of your “repeat offending” might be. It is obvious that you have not yet figured it out, so think long and hard before continuing to move forward. This type of introspection provides the ultimate barrier to failure in all its ugly forms.
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