The concept of anxiety and stress is nonetheless very much the same. However, anxiety is a result of stress. One factor or reason that triggers an individual to be anxious is due to stress. It is normal to feel anxious but the problem starts when you fail to overcome the feeling and allow it to grow instead.The same notion is true for stress. In most cases, people associate stress with a negative feeling. The truth is the presence of this emotion is normal when we are under a certain situation that is pressing us to act towards it.
The Relationship of Anxiety and Stress
Anxiety is an emotion that is built up within a person in response to an event or circumstance that would present the odds of danger or threat. Stress is a natural stimulus or response to any kind of situation whether it is a good or bad situation.Stress can be classified into good or bad stress. So, if the person is feeling the latter, it then develops into a feeling of anxiety. The level of stress we fell actually depends much on how we think and respond to the things and events that surround us. These factors may be from a past experience, or present situation, and what may happen in the future.
The Power of Positive Thinking
Now, since we have talked about stress being a trigger for anxiety, let us discover how to cope with stress to keep it from becoming a feeling of anxiety. People who cope well with stress and those who remain unshaken or unaffected by stress have a stronger and firmer approach to life’s obstacles. Individuals who have a more positive outlook in life despite the many trials and shortcomings are those who are tougher in battling negative stress.The documentary “The Secret” revolves around the concept of positive thinking. The secret to a fulfilling life, according to the documentary, is the law of attraction. Buddha once said that “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.” When you think more of happy and positive thoughts, you will receive and get more of a positive response.
On the contrary, the more you think of negative thoughts, the more you’ll have negative and undesirable outcomes in your life. It is said that entertaining more of affirmative thoughts is a hundred times more effective than a single negative thought. Stress has to be welcomed with an understanding that we all have ups and downs in our lives. This way, you embrace life with more satisfaction if you just learn how to face challenges.
Knowing How to Battle Anxiety and Stress
Here is a truth everyone should know and realize. Anxiety does not just happen at one time in a person’s life. If you foresee any form of threat or danger in a situation, never face your back or walk away from it because it always keeps coming back. You may avoid it but the relief you will feel is something temporary and when you are posed with the same situation, the same feeling will haunt you again and you will eventually have to shun yourself from whatever that is in your entire life.
Another downside is avoiding it will only affect other circumstances. It is more like a contagious effect. For example, if you felt anxious over getting fired, you will not just avoid passing by the building where you used to work, but there is also a possibility of stopping any communication with former officemates. Face it by learning to accept any failure committed and learn how to move on.
Both anxiety and stress affect a person’s mind and body. Dealing with stress is as easy as controlling it while it is still a feeling of pressure before it turns becomes stress. Find an outlet for things and thoughts that bother or worry you.Holding grudges toward an officemate will gradually stress you out if you do not face the person and openly discuss your disappointments. Maintain a ritual in life’s routine. Personal rituals affect and positively transform the overall personality. And most of all, take a paradigm shift in your way of thinking.
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