To Manage Your Anger Properly, You Must First Recognize the Symptoms
The symptoms for anger can be broken down into two categories, and these are aggressive anger and anger which is passive. Each form of anger has symptoms which are unique to it. Passive anger is a form of anger which may be hard to recognize for those who do not know what to look for.
Those who have passive anger have a tendency to be quite secretive. They will typically say negative things behind the backs of people they do not like, and they may also give "silent treatment" to these individuals as well. They will rarely make eye contact with those they’re angry at, and they will also gossip and make complaints which are anonymous.
It can be argued that someone who has passive anger is more dangerous than someone who has aggressive anger, and the reason for this is because those they harbor a resentment for may be unaware of this resentment until it is too late. A person with passive anger tends to be extremely manipulative.
In fact, a person who has passive anger can often provoke a person who has aggressive anger to act in a manner which ends up hurting them in the long run. A person with passive anger also tends to have what is called "self sacrifice," they may appear to be helpful, and happy with being second place or in the background, but in most cases they resent this.
A person with passive anger will not only set themselves up for failure, but they will also set up failure for all those around them. A person who has passive anger is the most likely to sabotage a relationship, whether or not its personal or business. Those who have large amounts of passive anger will generally not respond directly to the anger that is made towards them by others, and they are also the most likely to suffer from substance abuse such as drinking too much alcohol.
In addition to this, those with passive anger tend to be obsessive with making sure that things are perfect and tidy at all times. In most cases, a person with aggressive anger is just the opposite.
Characteristics of Those With Aggressive Anger
The key thing that separates a person with aggressive anger from someone who has passive anger is that those who have aggressive anger will let everyone around them know it. They will issue threats or seek to intimidate others, and they are also quick to point the fingers at others they harbor resentment for. These people will tend to slam doors, blow their car horns when they drive, and they will also be known for yelling or raising their voice at those they are frustrating with.
A person with aggressive anger is the most likely to react to undesirable situations with physical violence. In addition to physical abuse, they also tend to use verbal abuse as well.
A person with aggressive anger has a tendency to take out their anger on others. They may break objects when they are angry, and they may also hurt animals as well. Like those with passive anger, they may also be involved with substance abuse and may also break up the relationships that exist among others.
Bullying is a very common trait among this group. Another trait that the person with aggressive anger will show is grandiosity, they will often show off any valuable objects they have, and they may also be a sore loser. These people tend to talk over the heads of others, and will always want to be in the limelight.
One should note that some people with anger may display both passive and aggressive characteristics, but in most cases one will be the most dominant display.
Recognize These Symptoms and Handle Them Early
If you feel that you have any the of the symptoms discussed in this article so far, there is a good chance that you are in need of anger management. There is nothing wrong with anger itself, but it should be obvious that there is something definitely wrong with many of the behaviors discussed in this article. As a professional, displaying many of these traits in the work place could destroy both your employment as well as your career.
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