How to Overcome Shyness

Why Shyness is a Trait which Must be Overcome Shyness is a common problem which is often seen as being negative. No matter who you are, there are times in your life when you will become shy, and it is a trait that can be frustrating because it can limit you. Before we talk more about this subject, let us realise why being shy is not cute, and can actually cause a number of different problems in your life if you are unable to overcome it. First off, a number of statistics have… Read More

Essential Job Skills for Life

One thing that few of us can deny is the importance of a college education. After all, you learn valuable skills which can allow you to live a much more fulfilling life, one in which you are able to earn a high salary while working in a field you enjoy. By graduating from college, you embark on a career, as opposed to just having a nine to five job. At the same time, college is seriously lacking when it comes to providing you with experience and confidence which is necessary… Read More

The Importance of Thinking Long Term

The ability to think long term is a critical skill and only few people realise this. When you talk to most people, one thing that you will notice is that many of them are incredibly caught up in the present. At the very best, they may plan a few weeks or months into the future, but most people do not think long term at all. Despite this, when you look at some of history’s most successful people, one thing that you will find is that many of them thought long term,… Read More

Creating Jobs for Silverlight SMS Distribution

Once you have generated the SMS package which is necessary for Silverlight, you will next need to distribute it through the creation of a job. There are a number of things that this job may include, and one is the collection of computers that will get the SMS package which is needed for Silverlight. This will be designated within SMS as being the collection. Each computer inside the collection will get the advertisement for the job once the assignment has been made. Another thing that is needed is the schedule… Read More

The Power of Your Thought Process

One of the most important life skills that you can have is the ability to control your thoughts. While this may see relatively simple, it is much harder than what meets the eye. We live in a day and age where our minds are constantly being bombarded with information. From television ads to billboards, radios, and the internet, we are constantly being fed a stream of information, and much of this information is absolutely worthless. The average man is so caught up in the daily affairs of their lives that… Read More

How to Work with People

To be successful in life, you are required to work with people. While college courses sometimes give students projects that must be completed within groups, in reality you are required to do more than simply be capable of working in a team. Not only must you be able to work in a group, but you must also be capable of dealing with people, including those who are difficult. Unfortunately, there are certain types of people in our world today who like to take advantage of others. When meeting you, they… Read More

Importance of Adjusting to Changes

The legendary actor and martial artist Bruce Lee is famous for speaking about the flexibility of water, and how everyone should strive to be like it. After all, water does not have any set shape, and it conforms to whatever container it is placed in. Not only is this statement applicable to the martial arts, but it is also connected to one essential life skill: the ability to adapt to change. Being able to adapt to the changing times is one of the most essential skills that a person can… Read More

The Power of Leadership

Leadership is one of those skills that is often hard for everyone to learn in school; many believe that you either have it or you do not. While there may be some truth to this, it is possible for any individual to become an effective leader, so long as they cultivate the many traits and views that successful leaders have. While there are many definitions which are used to describe leadership, it is "the ability to persuade a group of people in a manner which allows a specific goal to… Read More

Developing Negotiation Skill

We all have to negotiate on a regular basis in our daily life, the ability to negotiate is a skill which everyone needs to be adept in order to succeed. The cool thing about negotiating is that it is a skill that can be quite fun to learn, it is critically important, and should always be taken seriously. Negotiation is a valuable skill because it can give you an advantage in life, but like any skill of value, you must practice in order to excel at it. The central thing… Read More

Problem Solving Skill

Problems are something that we all have; no person on this planet, no matter how rich or famous they are, can avoid problems, whether professional or personal. The one thing that most of us figure out early on is that trying to reach any type of goal often requires us to surmount a number of difficulties, some of which may seem insurmountable when we first encounter them. Problems exist as a result of Murphy’s Law: if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. Once Murphy’s Law is put into… Read More

How to Think Critically

Of all the life skills that you must master in order to gain long term success, the ability to think critically is very important. While college and educational systems do emphasize on objective thinking to a degree, not everyone educate their students on the importance of thinking critically. First, let us go over the definition of critical thinking. To think critically is to take time to analyze, discern, and evaluate the world around you. To be a successful critical thinker, you must be able to reflect on various situations in… Read More

Financial Management – A Key Life Skill

Money makes the world go around, and while there have been people who have said that "money does not bring happiness", the reality is that those who do not master the financial game will live a life full of uncertainty, poverty, and worst of all: an inability to truly reach their potential as human beings. The cold hard truth is that we all want to be rich, but statistics and economics show that only a handful of us will ever reach it; the majority will simply always be out of… Read More

Microsoft Silver Light Technical Details

Microsoft Silver Light Technical Details Since Silverlight functions with a subset of XAML, or the eXtensible Application Markup Language, many have said that this is the epicenter of the Windows Presentation. Developers have the option of utilizing Visual Studio to construct the Silverlight content. In addition to this, there is a fresh VC-1 encoder program kit which can be used for development. Microsoft has stated that it is willing to port Silverlight to Adobe Flash, despite the fact that these two tools are direct competitors. In addition to this, it… Read More

How to Make Decision Effectively

In theory, making decisions sounds really easy: you are given two or more options to choose from, and you simply decide which option you think is best for you. However, in reality, making decisions can become much more complicated than this. Your ability to make the right decisions can mean the difference between enormous success and mediocrity, and it is a critical life skill that needs to be learnt to perfection. While making basic decisions, such as which flavor of ice cream to buy, are relatively simple, things become complicated… Read More

Critical Life Skills

While educational system is an important and an integral part of the society, it has become heavily overrated. Statistics have shown that many of the people who graduate from college often use only a small percentage of the skills that they learned from college. When you consider the huge amount that is spent on tuition fee, one may think of learning as much or more from college. The monopoly on education that college has, has ensured that many high paying jobs will hire only those who have a degree from… Read More

Silverlight Installation Methods

This article goes over the Group Policy method which is used to install Silverlight on a corporate network. This is the first of the three installation options that you have. Silverlight Installation via Group Policy Installing Silverlight through group policy is a prudent method for small to moderate sized enterprises. It is also a useful option when the plug-in is not being deployed with a sizeable number of users at the same time. For big enterprises, Silverlight is better deployed through the SMS method, or a third part software distribution… Read More

Essential Life Skills

Life skills are some of the most important skills you can have. One thing which separates life skills from the skills that we learn in school is that life skills tend to be things which are hard to teach in a classroom, skills that will most often be learned through experience alone. Handling Work One such skill is learning how to handle work.  In real life scenario, anytime that you think that you have got to a point in a project where you think it is fully completed, there will… Read More

Utilizing Silverlight on a Corporate Network

To successfully utilize Silverlight via a corporate network, there are four basic steps that will need to be followed. First, you will need to plan the deployment, and after the planning phase, you will next need to test it. Once you have tested your deployment strategy, you will next need to deploy Silverlight on the network. The last and final step is to maintain Silverlight inside your environment. This article will go over part one, which involves preparing for the actual deployment of Silverlight. To successfully install Silverlight, it is… Read More

Vocational Life Skills

There are a number of vocational programs today which act as alternatives to the much more expensive colleges and universities. The key difference between vocational programs and college is that many of these programs are specifically designed to teach their students specific skills. For example, when a student decides to take a vocational course in carpentry, this is the skill that they will be taught. They will not have to worry about the pre-requisites which are so common in the college system today. At the same time, life skills are… Read More

MS Silverlight Architecture

Silverlight is a plugin that can be used for multiple platforms and browsers, and it is designed to offer state of the art media experiences which are based on .NET. Additionally, Silverlight provides a programming model which is highly adaptable, and which offers support for many different languages such as Ajax, Ruby, and Python. It can be integrated well with web applications that already exist, and some of its capabilities include rapid and affordable delivery of audio which is high in quality. Through the use of Visual Studio along with… Read More

Eight Important Life Skills

While graduating from college can allow you to enter an occupation where you can earn a competitive salary, you need more than just a degree to get ahead in today’s world. While a college education can provide you with many things, the one thing that it often does not provide is life skills. Life skills are defined as skills which can provide you with a better perspective on life, skills which can allow you to maintain a higher awareness of both yourself and the world around you. In this article,… Read More

Life Skills For Success

There are a number of skills that you will need to develop in life if you wish to be successful with anything, and the bad news is that most of these skills are not taught in college. One skill that is extremely valuable is public speaking. If you have the ability to speak in a persuasive manner, and convey your ideas to an audience, then you have the potential to achieve an enormous amount of success. Those who are good with public speaking tend to be those that have confidence… Read More

Microsoft Silverlight Introduction

The Internet has evolved to the point where many people today are using it for all their communication needs. With the rapidly changing communication tools of today, people can make appointments over the web, or even shop for groceries and find answers to their questions. Competition among companies is very stiff over the Internet, as you only have a few moments to capture the attention of potential customers. When it comes to presentations, companies are now making use of animation, videos, and even vector graphics to increase the digital experience… Read More

Life Skill Mastery

In this article, you will learn some of the essential life skills which are critical to self mastery, skills which most educational institutions today do not bother to teach their students.  1. Living a balanced life – When you live a life that is out-of-balance, you are leading a life which is not wholly fulfilling, one in which you are probably not happy. While too much work is often bad, too much leisure and pleasure can equally be debilitating. To be truly successful, one must have a high degree of… Read More

PHP and MySQL User Registration

This tutorial will demonstrate how to implement a user login/membership system in your website.  Though implementing login/membership system appears to be a herculean task, it is actually lot more simpler than you think. In fact, all you need is a single table in your database, and a PHP-supported Server.  To begin with, here is an outline of what this tutorial will show you how to do: User registration Gather username, password, email, and store in table User login Before we can begin, we need to do the backend work with… Read More

Public Relations

Public Relations to reach more Clients What are Public Relations? Public relation can be best defined as the art, profession, and or technique of promoting a relationship that is favorable with the Public relations is often used as a form of management by managing or supervising any type of function that is technical in order to respond with appreciation to people that is in relation with the organization. Public Relations Process In public relation, the form in which it runs is to evaluate a product through investigation and research, also… Read More

The Importance of Meeting Follow-up

The Importance of Meeting Follow-up What is Meeting Follow-up? Meeting Follow-up can be best defined as the action made after a gathering discussion. For a company the main goal is success in business.  It provides a system to help regulate the order of business and such order helps the achievement of success. A company will use tools in their system and keep the order sustained, to maintain a vivid focus on its goal. One such important tool used to maintain order in a company is the business meeting. Business meetings… Read More

The New Concept of Virtual Meeting

The New Concept of Virtual Meeting  Many times in a business people have stalled in there work simply because of communication glitches. Sometimes communication can’t be successfully performed for the reason being that people can’t communicate because they’re always on the move. In the modern world to achieve and accomplish a set goal people must be sift in operating a job or task, due to the demands of the clients. Take for example of a case of a person who depended on a certain information that a person from the… Read More

Writing a Well-Structured Business Messages

Writing a Well-Structured Business Messages Business messages are very important when it comes to business communication. For a person who knows English language very well, does not mean that he will write a business message perfectly. There is a structure, standards or guidelines that needs to be followed in order to come up with a business message which conveys the correct meaning. A well-structured business message can go a long way and can even earn millions to the company in return. This is a matter of knowing how to structure… Read More

The Art of Listening in Business

The Art of Listening in Business What is Active Listening? Have you ever been sat down to for a job interview? I have, in fact I remember my first interview I had for a job. I remember how my knees shook, my voice trembled, how I gulped every other second trying to hide any sign of nervousness because I knew the interviewer was listening carefully to every expression coming out of my mouth. He was looking at me with piercing eyes as if he where studying my algebra, intimidating me… Read More

What is Nonverbal Communication?

What is Nonverbal Communication? What is nonverbal communication? Nonverbal communication can be best defined as the procedure of communicating with a person or party without using any form of speech to grab an audience attention or to exploit a message. Non verbal communication is often used to make an expression of a thought or thoughts and make your message more appealing and interesting to whom you are speaking. Importance of using Nonverbal Communication What is the importance of nonverbal communication? Have you ever been in a situation where you stall… Read More

Verbal Communication used in Business

What is Verbal Communication? Verbal communication can be defined as communicating your thoughts through words. Such thoughts may be ideas, opinions, directions, dissatisfaction, objections, your emotions and pleasures. For example, whenever you conduct a meeting, have a conversation over the phone, talk to a friend, or any other form of conversation that you perform with others using words. In this article you will learn how to acquire better verbal communication. The Importance of Good Verbal Communication Why is good verbal communication so important? When it comes to business, verbal communication… Read More

Improve your Presentations through PowerPoint

What is a PowerPoint presentation? First of all let’s define power point, power point is a program, a useful tool that is often used to perform a presentation. The power presentation is usually displayed in a large screen for everyone to see. The presentation will include slides that contain pictures as well as words, sometimes the slides will come in with special effects, such as sounds, and motion effects. Though a power point presentation may seem like a good strategy to bring an audience’ attention it can still be proposed… Read More

Facilitate a Business Meeting

What does the term “facilitate a business meeting” mean? Facilitation is the technique or skill of organizing a business meeting. The person who facilitates a business meeting is someone in-charge of the meeting; it can even be a group that is in charge. Often the person in-charge of facilitating a business meeting is referred to as the “chairman” a nick name that represents a person in-charge of conducting such a meeting. The chairman has a very important role, because facilitating the meeting properly can mean the difference between getting important… Read More

Negative Messages are not bad after all

Negative Messages are not bad after all What is a Negative Message? What is a negative message? You turn on the radio as you are driving to work and the weather forecast reports it will be bright and sunny today. You give a big sigh of gladness since it has been 4 days straight that you have not seen the sun, and four days in a row you have been late to work for the continuous bad weather. Unfortunately the weather forecast reports a closure in the highway you where… Read More

Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees

Providing Positive Messages to Your Employees What is Routine and Positive Message? What is Routine and Positive Message? Positive message can be rephrased as, “good news”. Whenever you read the newspaper or an article or even watch the news on television, if the news was considered positive, you just responded to a positive message. Routine messages are somewhat similar with the exception that the information released is neutral. Information that may be very important to the person but is neither positive nor negative is considered a routine message. Importance of… Read More

Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations

Impress Your Clients through Oral Presentations What is Oral Presentation? When you are present at a meeting and there is a chairman conducting the event, the chairman is considered to be presenting an oral presentation. Now oral presentation can be best defined as a person proposing a speech to an audience. Oral presentation is a common tool used in business, which it is often used in business meetings. An oral presentation can produce a significant amount of impact to the audience; if the purpose is to convince the audience then… Read More

The World of Business Communication

The World of Business Communication Every business’s aim is to gain profits. Whatever be the type of business you are in; the bottom line is that you must earn something from it. There is no businessman in this world who wants to lose money everyday, if they do, their business will definitely go down and will be closed due to its non-sustainability. What is the necessary formula for being successful in business? There is no concrete or uniform formula that has been used by every businessman, but all there is… Read More

Business Intelligence Role in Making Corporate Decisions

What is a Corporate Decision? A decision that deals with the safety, success, and livelihood of a business can be defined as a corporate decision. These decisions can range anywhere from financial issues and customer satisfaction to product popularity and environmental trends. Regardless of the topic, when making a corporate decision the well-being of a company is usually on the line, and that is why most successful businesses rely of the data and information provided by Business Intelligence applications to point them in the most constructive direction for their organization’s… Read More

How to Best Use Business Intelligence to Your Advantage

How to Best Use Business Intelligence to Your Advantage It is no big secret that today’s businesses rely heavily on data and the information it delivers about their companies. Whether it is for the purpose of customer acquisition, improving operational performance, or understanding competitors, all of the information is presented in the form of complex and large amounts of data. Currently the data that streams into our modernized organizations has reproduced several hundred times when looked at in comparison with the types of data that were readily available for analysis… Read More

Business Intelligence in Information Technology

Business Intelligence in Information Technology IT stands for Information Technology. Information Technology is a system designed to gather, process, or distribute information.  IT can be inspected in terms of the following three groupings; the data gathering, the data processing, and the data distribution. Information Technology deals with all types of data in which information can be extracted from. It may seem simple but the entire process is extremely complex. Without the sophisticated applications in the Business Intelligence software this information would remain unseen. Without Information Technology, Business Intelligence software would… Read More

Business Intelligence Integration

Business Intelligence Integration How to Integrate Business Intelligence within Your Organization Before you Integrate Business Intelligence into your Organization Business Intelligence has developed into strategic process over the years of its extraordinary growth, even so it still needs to be incorporated into each business process with great care in order to properly lead business operations onto the path of attaining their individual strategic objectives. Before an organization attempts to integrate a Business Intelligence system into their operational or analytical systems they should be certain to be sure that they effectively… Read More

Managing SQA Projects

Managing SQA Projects No matter how big a project is, there will always be a person who will be overseeing the whole project. They are usually the project managers and in this case, called the SQA managers. SQA managers are always at the forefront of everything, answering to the business manager regarding the status of the application and informing the subordinates regarding updates or the new policies about the application. That is generally the work of every manager, supervisor or anyone who has people working under their guidance. But to… Read More

Business Intelligence Tips

Business Intelligence Tips Understand Your Organization first Truly understanding your company and how it works is perhaps one of the most important Business Intelligence tips anyone can offer. This includes understanding the business itself, the processes involved, the data, and how that data is used by the people with in the organization. You will need to understand what your organization specializes in or with. If business deals with sales, what does the organization sale? How can you make that product better? You need to familiarize yourself with the products and… Read More

Identifying SQA Issues

Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers will live up to their expectations. Identifying SQA Issues Software Quality Assurance is a good practice that every large scale business should employ. IT related businesses have never hesitated to use SQA to ensure that the application they will release for their users or sell to their customers… Read More

Business Performance Management

Business Performance Management What is Business Performance Management? Business Performance Management is most commonly described as a set of processes that help companies or organizations optimize their business performance. It is specifically designed to organize, automate, and analyze business methods, metrics, processes and systems that drive an organizations performance. It also involves the merging of data from a range of sources, querying, and analysis of the data and putting the results into practice to find the most desirable outcome.  Business Performance Management improves those processes. Real-time reviews help organizations to… Read More


Why SQA There are so many reasons why a company should consider SQA. It is all about business survival and SQA is just one of the many tools the company should effectively use. And just like a tool, it has to be effectively used to its maximum. If the tool is not used to its full extent, the tool will just be a financial burden to the company. SQA should also be utilized at the same way – to its full extent. One of the reasons why businesses and companies… Read More

Business Intelligence Applications

Business Intelligence Applications In this article we are going to take some time to discuss the various applications that are normally provided with Business Intelligence Systems. Tools Used to Analyze Performance, Projects and Internal Operations First we will look over the tools most commonly used to analyze areas such as performance or internal operations. These tools are helpful when a manager or executive wishes to view information pertaining to the general function of an area, this can range from the productivity to sales performance. The first tool we will investigate… Read More

SQA Costs and Benefits

SQA Costs and Benefits Software Quality Assurance has been developed for years and it has been proven to be useful for some situations. We have to emphasize the word “some” since there are companies who have disputed the idea of SQA with so many reasons. Taking a look at the reasons, it all goes down to the idea of getting your money’s worth. Companies have to work with SQA may have found the benefits against its costs. On the other hand, there are companies that have completely ignored the idea… Read More

Business Intelligence Data Analysis

Data Analysis Data Analysis is a complete and thorough review of all of the information being collected and warehoused by an organization. This is most commonly done by organizing and examining the data collected with the help of charts, graphs, and tables. The data is processed in order to draw conclusions about the way an organization is operating and aid that organization in coming to a sound decision regarding their business. By dissecting and organizing data an organization is able to pin-point problem areas and move forward with the required… Read More

SQA Implementation

SQA Implementation Developers and the SQA team create a development plan before they build an application. The developers write following the SDLC plan while the SQA team writes the Software Quality Assurance Plan to ensure that the SDLC plan was executed. If these documents by the developers and the SQA is well written and organized, the application that is about to be developed is already half-way done. Even though the documents are well written, these are all nothing when those written are not followed. That is why equally important to… Read More

SQA Lifecycle Standards

SQA Lifecycle Standards Software Quality Assurance procedures have finally been standardized and have been virtually perfected after years of planning on how to perfect the application standardization. Through experience, the company was able to place in writing how to develop a plan for software development. Because it has been standardized, the application that was developed using SQA could be recognized worldwide because it has been made according to the standards. Along with the standards, the metrics are also standardized. More than anything else written in the report, the clients who… Read More

Business Intelligence History

Business Intelligence History When did Business Intelligence first come into play? Before the Information Age of the late 20th century companies had to collect their information from non-automated sources. Those were the days that businesses lacked any type of sophisticated computing resources to enable them to properly analyze data. Due to the lack of today’s flourishing technologies organizations in that age made vital business decisions based purely on instinct, this could very often prove to be a fatal means of making a decision that concerned the well-being or livelihood of… Read More

High Level Data Link Control (HDLC)

High Level Data Link Control (HDLC) The High Level Data Link Control protocol was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).  It is used for switched and non-switched networks and is a bit oriented architecture. The High Level Data Link Control has been accepted and used widely because it supports almost all kinds of functionalities like half duplex, full duplex, point to point and multi-point networks. The bit patterns are standard in HDLC and therefore the information exchanged follows the same pattern. This minimizes the chances of any errors.… Read More

Business Intelligence Overview

Business Intelligence Overview What is Business Intelligence? Business Intelligence at first glance is a broad array of applications or technologies designed for storing, gathering, analyzing, and processing information. These applications also provide access to data for professionals and help them make better business decisions. It is the ability of in depth analysis and data mining of detailed business data to provide real and significant information to users. The software allows users to access and review large amounts of complex data. Yet this is only Business technology on the technical side… Read More

Business Intelligence Training

Business Intelligence Training In this training session you will learn about Business Intelligence – Business Intelligence Overview, Business Intelligence History, Business Intelligence Data Analysis, Business Intelligence Applications and more. Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Overview What is Business Intelligence? Business Intelligence at first glance is a broad array of applications or technologies designed for storing, gathering, analyzing, and … Business Intelligence History When did Business Intelligence first come into play? Before the Information Age of the late 20th century companies had to collect their information from non-automated sources. Those were the… Read More

SQA Planning and Requirements

SQA Planning and Requirements The scope of Software Quality Assurance or SQA starts from the planning of the application until it is being distributed for the actual operations. To successfully monitor the application build up process, the SQA team also has their written plan. In a regular SQA plan, the team will have enumerated all the possible functions, tools and metrics that will be expected from the application. SQA planning will be the basis of everything once the actual SQA starts. Without SQA planning, the team will never know what… Read More

SQA Approaches and Methodologies

SQA Approaches and Methodologies A scientific approach should have methods. As a scientific process, a stage or a step should be established or used to ensure the final product is according to the user’s specifications. The method is usually determined through the wishes of the clients, the available manpower and circumstances. It is not that the clients specify the actual method for a scientific approach but the client’s provider takes into consideration the need of the clients. Using the facts and data provided by the client, the method for developing… Read More


IPv6 The Internet protocol Version 6 or the IPv6 is the next generation Internet protocol that will be replacing the current Internet protocol. The current version that is being used is the Internet Protocol; Version 4 which has almost lasted for almost 2 decades. Also the main reason for the upgradation to the Internet protocol Version 6 is because of the IP address problems. According to the InterNIC they have already exhausted IP addresses in Class A and Class B and now are down to Class C. Now they have… Read More

High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI)

High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI) HSSI is High Speed Serial Interface was first developed by Cisco systems and the main purpose was to solve high speed requirement issues. The main application of HSSI is on the Wide Area Networks and it helps to enhance the data flow speed on these networks. It can work on both physical and electrical devices using the DTE and the DCE interfaces. There are many features that contribute to the characteristics of the HSSI working model. HSSI Features On HSSI you can receive signals up to… Read More

SQA Analysis

SQA Analysis Software Quality Assurance is all about analysis. One of the major purposes of this discipline is to know the inner workings of an application. To do this, careful analysis has to be exercised at all times. Although there are programs and applications that aid in knowing the inner workings and the actual performance of an application, these are only numbers and they would be nothing if they are not used for analysis. Every person proficient in SQA needs to have that analytic personality for them to be successful… Read More

SQA Software and Tools

SQA Software and Tools In quality assurance, it is always important to get all the help we could get. In other industries, developers could easily check the products manually and discard those that do not meet the standard. The length and the width of the product are checked to maintain standardization of the product. Others use special machines to check the product. With tools and machines, they can easily set a standard with their products. That also goes the same with software and applications. Although it does not use physical… Read More

Frame Relay

Frame Relay Frame Relay is a concept where the information is sent using data frames in a digital format. Using this relay service the data can be sent in a fast and efficient manner through the internet. Frame Relay is also a cheaper way to send data from one point to another. The internet service providers use the Frame Relay Networks when transferring voice and data so that it is fast and also is commonly used in Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks. Using the Frame Relay the end… Read More


Subnetting A Subnet is a directory listing of IP numbers that re used to address on the internet. The number is logical divided so that each part of the number represents a certain function. Usually these subnets contain arrange of IP numbers that are assigned to organizations. So numbers falling into a specific range of subnets can immediately be related to certain organizations. All the numbers allotted to a certain organization will start with the same binary sequence. In the current day internet scenario the network are increasing and as… Read More

SQA Project Metrics

SQA Project Metrics The application is only as good as its numbers. It is a harsh reality but everything has to come down to the numbers. Although we can enumerate tens or hundreds of features in a single application, it will all be for nothing if the metrics do not live up according to expectation. The SQA team should ensure that the expected metrics will be posted. At the same time, the SQA team should also select the right tool to gauge the application. There are hundreds of applications that… Read More

SQA Planning

SQA Planning Planning is one of the most important aspects of Software Quality Assurance. The entire operation of the SQA team depends on how well their planning is done. In smaller businesses, planning might not really dictate the flow of SQA but in larger businesses, SQA Planning takes on center stage. Without it, each component or department that works on the application will be affected and will never function. In gist, SQA Planning tackles almost every aspect of SQA’s operation. Through planning, each member and even non-member of the SQA… Read More

Switched Multi Megabit Data Service (SMDS)

Switched Multi Megabit Data Service (SMDS) SMDS or Switched Multi Megabit Data Service is used to communicate on the Public Data Networks using the WAN networking technology. The SMDS technology uses fiber or copper wires for networking. There are many components in the SMDS networking environment that make data transfer possible like the DQDB or the distributed queue dual bus. The functionality of SMDS is delivered through telecommunication services and it is capable of providing high speed connections, high level performances and data transport through packet switching. SMDS cannot be… Read More

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC)

Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) The SDLC or the Synchronous Data Link Control was first developed by IBM. It is basically a linked layer protocol which can be used with systems network architecture or the SNA environment. In this system all the functions in a network can be defined and slotted into layers. There are different types of layers and each of these layers has its own functionality which is some what similar to the OSI layers. For example the data is transferred without errors form the Data Link Control… Read More

SQA Principles

SQA Principles Developing a software is not just writing codes, they are essentially answers to pressing problems may it be in the office or just to cure boredom – just like in games. Underlying these answers to problems and needs are principles that guide the developers in their software development.   The SQA team also has to follow certain principles. As a provider of quality assurance for procedures and application, they need to have a strong foundation on what to believe in and what to stand for. These principles will… Read More

What is Software Quality Assurance?

What is Software Quality Assurance? Business software is never built overnight. It takes a lot of planning, consultation and testing to be able to come up with an initial version of the application. If a business hurries up the development of a certain application, they would end up spending more in addressing the problem the application brought than they have earned. This could even be more frustrating when the software being developed is set to be sold to customers or for public use. But a bug free program is not… Read More

Software Quality Assurance Training

Software Quality Assurance Training In this training session you will learn about SQA – Software Quality Assurance, SQA Principles, .SQA Planning, SQA Project Metrics, SQA Software and Tools, SQA Analysis, SQA Approaches and Methodologies, SQA Planning and Requirements, SQA Lifecycle Standards, SQA Implementation, SQA Costs and Benefits, Why SQA is required and more…   What is Software Quality Assurance? Business software is never built overnight. It takes a lot of planning, consultation and testing to be able to come up with an initial version of the application. If a business… Read More

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) The Fiber Distributed data interface or the FDDI is a 100 mbps line using the LAN network and is connected through a fiber optic cable. The FDDI technology is used where the networks need a high speed bandwidth and need to cover huge distances than the copper wires usually cover. There are two kind of networks in this category, one is the fiber optic wire based and the other is the copper wire based called the Copper distributed data interface. The inside architecture of the… Read More

Point to Point Protocol (PPP)

Point to Point Protocol (PPP) The Point to Point Protocol is a platform that is used to connect any individual computer or a network to the internet service provider. The connection is established between two points only and that is why it is called Point to Point Protocol. The PPP is considered be the only best solution for connecting computers on the internet. The basic architecture of the PP is layered and the bottommost layer is the LCP or the Link Control Protocol. The Link Control Protocol is responsible for… Read More

Internet Protocols (IP)

Internet Protocols (IP) For the internet to work every computer and every system connecting to the internet must has an Internet Protocol. The internet protocol is a library of communication protocols which talk to networks and enable data transfers. The Internet Protocol is an open source protocol and is well suited for LAN and WAN networks. The internet communication protocols are of two kinds and the computers need both of them to communicate over the internet. They are called the TCP or the Transmission Control Protocol and the IP or… Read More

Tree Topology

Tree Topology Among all the Network Topologies we can derive that the Tree Topology is a combination of the bus and the Star Topology. The tree like structure allows you to have many servers on the network and you can branch out the network in many ways. This is particularly helpful for colleges, universities and schools so that each of the branches can identify the relevant systems in their own network and yet connect to the big network in some way. A Tree Structure suits best when the network is… Read More

Mesh Topology

Mesh Topology Mesh Network is a network where all the nodes are connected to each other and is a complete network. In a Mesh Network every node is connected to other nodes on the network through hops. Some are connected through single hops and some may be connected with more than one hope. While the data is traveling on the Mesh Network it is automatically configured to reach the destination by taking the shortest route which means the least number of hops. Data travels by hopping from one node to… Read More

Star Topology

Star Topology Star Topology is the most common type of network topology that is used in homes and offices. In the Star Topology there is a central connection point called the hub which is a computer hub or sometimes just a switch. In a Star Network the best advantage is when there is a failure in cable then only one computer might get affected and not the entire network. The Star Network Topology typically needs more cable to be networked than the usual Bus topology. A common cable that is… Read More

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) A VPN or a Virtual Private Network is a dedicated communications channel which is streamlined using another network. A VPN is useful for companies which need their own space on the internet. For example a business community that needs to secure its own network on the internet and wants to carry out various business activities within this environment can use a VPN. The VPN operates on a different and more complicated topology than a point to point network. Also VPN dos not stress on security features… Read More

Print Servers

Print Servers Print server is a server or advice that is used to connect many printers of a network to it. Using the print server any computer on the network can give a print command to the server and the print server will get the job done accordingly. Usually a print server is configured on a computer that is running windows operating system. The main use of print server is in large offices where many people are giving print commands from their computers simultaneously. A printer by itself that is… Read More

Web Server

Web Server A web server can be a program or the computer itself which receives the requests from various other browsers and responds to those requests. These requests are all HTTP requests that are being sent for some HTTP documents. There are two kinds of web servers available. The web server program and the web server computer are two different devices. A web server computer accepts larger amount of requests and is usually used to receive many requests at a time. It is a public computer present on the internet.… Read More

Home Networking

Home Networking Home networks are creating the modern day offices at home for individuals who prefer to stay at home while working. For domestic usage the home networks found no uses as most people could afford only one computer. However there are families that find one computer is not enough for them to do everything. People read emails; many women set up home based business, their children might want the computer for school work. With the increase in usage of computer by all the members of a family, the need… Read More

Network Topology

Network Topology There are two levels in a network topology and there are five kinds of network topologies. The networks can be connected at two levels, the physical and the other is logical. A topology basically defines how the network has to be designed and provides a structure to the network. The five different kinds of topologies are • Bus • Ring • Star • Tree • Mesh Bus Topology The bus topology is a series of nodes which are all connected to a backbone. Bus networks typically work well… Read More

Network Management

  Network Management Network management is the method of managing the tools that belong to a network and maintaining, administering all the systems that are connected in the network. For one to be able to efficiently manage a network that person should be a qualified network administrator and should have in depth knowledge of the functionalities of the network and different topologies of network. There are two aspects in any network, one is the logical aspect and the other is the physical level. The network administrator should be good at… Read More

Network Designs

Network Designs While designing a network many factors have to be taken into consideration like the area to be covered, capacity of data that has to be handled and even security issues. However when it comes to networks there are LANS or the Local Area Networks and WAN the Wide Area Networks. These are the two major types of networks which are further subdivided into topologies. Any of the topology has to be based on one of the two kinds of network. Topologies A topology means the layout of the… Read More

Bus Topology

Bus Topology From the name of the network itself many inferences of the network can be derived. A bus topology in more technical terms means that it is a method of transmission on networks that uses a common vehicle for transmissions and thus it is categorized as shared communication. Imagine a bus picking up various people from one stop and dropping of people as it travels and then picking a few more. That is what happens in a bus network exactly. However in a Bus topology only one device is… Read More

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switching

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switching The Asynchronous Transfer mode or more popularly known as ATM is actually a part of the International Telecom Standards. Using the ATM protocols information can be sent and received in small secure cells. However for ATM connections to work there should be a constant connection. The ATM technology has found a large usage in cell switching and technologies that use multi-plexing. Also the benefits of using ATM technologies are that you can have a fixed bandwidth from 1 MBPS to Gigabytes. ATM Devices Functionality There… Read More

EDI Benefits

EDI Benefits Within various industries, EDI has been used to great advantages, and many benefits have been expounded in its regard. EDI´s benefits relate to environmental impact, improved time efficiency, improved accuracy and increased flexibility, enhanced partnership, labor costs, shipping. EDI creates a system whereby documents and data can easily be transported from one source to another, and is able to overcome incompatibility issues. EDI is a set of standards which govern data formats and thereby allows disparate computer systems to be able to “read” the data which is sent.… Read More

How EDI work with XML

How EDI work with XML EDI and XML systems have been seen as the opportunity to create a holistic approach to data information exchange that can deliver and process simple, durable and effective business transactions by electronic means. To achieve this, methods must be employed that are not only of value within the market today, but have an extension into the future. To guarantee the technology will be widely accepted and used, it must be made freely available as an open standard. In this way, the systems can work in… Read More

EDI in Industries

EDI in Industries Health Care EDI There are various industries that EDI has a firm hold within, and the health care industry is one of those. Within the delivery of health services there is a great amount of paperwork which must be filed, delivered, ordered, compiled and documented. To alleviate the pressure of this paper pile, EDI has been incorporated into the system so as to provide a technological replacement for some of this domination. The standard for the health care industry is HL7, which is also the umbrella organization… Read More

E-Commerce and EDI

E-Commerce and EDI What is E-Commerce? E-Commerce can be viewed as being a virtual market place, whereby all transaction that is carried out in the physical world is also available via the Internet. It involves mainly distribution, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services through the use of electronic means such as the Internet, and other computer networks. E-Commerce involves not just businesses, but individual consumers and corporations. It generally utilizes the World Wide Web at some point in the transaction’s progress, but then also simpler computer tools… Read More

EDI Mapping and Translation

EDI Mapping and Translation Mapping is a movement of information – basically of putting the format of one data document onto another. For instance, it takes the format of an otherwise incompatible data format and makes it into an EDI compatible data document, or conversely, takes an EDI document and makes it readable. There are various tools on the market for doing such tasks, which are readily available through the Internet or at an EDI support centre. These mapping tasks require software, as it is bringing in line a foreign… Read More

EDI and Software Applications

EDI and Software Applications EDI and JAVA Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and launched in 1995. While generally compiled to byte code, direct hardware execution of byte code by a Java processor is also possible. Currently, almost all of Java’s software is available under the GNU General Public License. Hence it has become free software. The Java programs most identifiable characteristic is that is platform independent, meaning that it should be able to be written and compiled once, and then be able to be run… Read More

Bug Reporting – Art and Advocacy

Bug Reporting – Art and Advocacy This article highlights the essence and traits of finding bugs. It leaps to redefine the art, a tester should inculcate while finding a bug. It enumerates various artifacts in reporting a bug. Whereas, also voices the advocacy on the bugs that has been reported. The basic amenity of a tester being to fight for the bug until it is fixed. Introduction: As testers, we all agree to the fact that the basic aim of the Tester is to decipher bugs. Whenever a build appears… Read More

EDI History

EDI History At its simplest, Electronic Data Exchange is the transmission of documents by electronic means. In other words, the paper-based documents are replaced by electronic data which is transmitted by a number of means. It is largely used in order to automate standard processes such as re-ordering, but its application is far broader than that, and it affects a range of industries and corporations. EDI relies on electronic transmission, but is not necessarily email or using the Internet. In the least, EDI requires some level of sophisticated information technology… Read More

Be Your Own Fairy Godmother

Be Your Own Fairy Godmother Do you believe in magic? In fairy godmothers? In Santa Claus? In Miracles? Probably not. Most adults do not. But there is an entity that contains more magic than all of these things, an entity that actually exists. That entity, believe it or not, is you! That is correct. You have the power and capabilities to make things happen that are far better than anything Santa Claus or a Fairy Godmother could bring you. After all, these characters have traditionally been called upon to bring… Read More

EDI Document Types

EDI Document Types EDI documents come in various forms, each of which can appear differently, depending on the company’s internal computer system. Also, while each standard has code specificity, each order may look very different – a clothes company will send details of color and sizes, while a food company will send details of expiry date. Within the document itself, the appearance is somewhat dependent on the standard which is being used. These standards differ worldwide. An example of these standard codes appears as a set of special characters and… Read More

EDI Standards

Evolution of EDI EDI has been established within various industries as a reliable and efficient form of data transmission. It is a technical representation of a business conversation between two entities, either external or internal. From its inception, EDI was applied differently within these industries, and therefore different standards were set up. In the late 1960s, EDI was established within the transport industry, and they created their own standards. Soon other industries followed suit and various standards were created. Thus each of these standards is not necessarily compatible, which causes… Read More

Oracle PL/SQL Tutorial

This introductory tutorial to PL/SQL will help you to understand the basic concepts of PL/SQL.  Review the following tutorials and practice the sample SQL Statements on your local Oracle Database. Please note that you must learn these basic things before we actually start getting in to Advanced Oracle Concepts in the OCP Certification track. SQL, PLSQL, and SQL SQL *Plus – Introduction We are excited to let you know that we are launching shortly The New Technology Learning Series. We will be starting with Oracle 9i: SQL, PLSQL, and SQL… Read More

Electronic Data Interchange

Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a system which allows document information to be communicated between businesses, government’s structures and other entities. It is a set of standards which creates a cohesive system within which all parties are able to electronically exchange data information within a set of protocols. Although it can be considered that EDI consists of only the actual conveyance of the document, it is also seen as the implementation of the operating systems whereby EDI can be put into practice. EDI is the data format… Read More