How to Measure Emotional Intelligence

EI Measurement Because there are a number of concepts which are associated with EI, and the field is continuing to expand, this means that no standard has been developed for properly measuring EI. However, there are a number of common ways in which this phenomenon can be viewed, and in this lies the key to properly measuring it. One way of analyzing EI is to study one’s attunement to the social norms which surround them. One example of a test which is used to measure this is the MSCEIT. While… Read More

Significance of Emotional Intelligence at WorkPlace

Some argue that EQ is more important in the work place than IQ.   In the work place, there are constant interactions which are occurring among the people who work there. While some of these interactions are positive, others are negative. The key aspect, managers and company leaders must understand is that over time, each of these interactions will have a positive or negative effect on the company as a whole. The effect that these interactions have on the company will also have an effect on the company’s ability to remain… Read More

Significance of Emotions in Decision Making

Emotions are best when they are left "out" of the decision making process.  Due to the fact that humans are emotional creatures, it would be foolish and unwise to advocate people to "get rid of their emotions". This is both unnecessary and unhealthy, for we all have emotions for a reason.  However, there are times when our emotions must be keep in balance.  One such example of this is when we have to make decisions, particularly critical decisions. History shows that when people mix their emotions with decision making, they… Read More

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

There is a connection between one’s emotional intelligence and their ability to lead.  In recent years, more attention has been paid to the connections that exist between emotional intelligence and leadership. Those who have higher than average EQs tend to be very skilled when it comes to management, putting people at ease, and finding a balance between work and their personal lives. These people tend to be straightforward when it comes to explaining how they feel, and not only are they good at building relationships, but they are also good… Read More

What is Constructive Thinking?

In order to understand constructive thinking, it is essential to understand emotions first. Many people feel that their emotions are a way in which they automatically react to circumstances. To them, an event happens, and then this event triggers emotions. Most of these people are aware that it is possible for them to control their emotions, as well as the ways in which they express them, but most of these people feel that there is no way for them to actually stop the emotions from occurring in the first place. For instance,… Read More

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is a term which is used to describe the ability or skill of an individual to influence the emotions within themselves, as well as other people. Not only is a person able to influence these emotions, but they are also capable of managing and assessing them. EI is considered to be on the cutting edge of psychological research, so it is important to keep in mind that this concept is still in development. Despite the fact that EI itself is a recent term, its roots can be traced… Read More

Virtual Team Challenges

While a virtual team has many advantages over a physical one, it is far from perfect.  Much of the documentation today which is available on teams focuses on the traditional team, the group of people that work together in the same location with the goal of finishing a specific project. The concept of a virtual team is relatively new; it is a byproduct of the Information Age, and didn’t exist to a large scale prior to the 1990s. The key factor which separates the virtual team from the physical one… Read More

Virtual Team Disadvantages

A virtual team offers many powerful advantages, but its weaknesses must be addressed. While virtual teams are truly powerful and robust in many ways, they are not without their drawbacks. Understanding the disadvantages which are inherent in virtual teams can allow the team to become more successful and efficient, particularly by avoiding the many mistakes which lead to failure. Communication Efficiency The first disadvantage that comes with virtual teams is a reduction in communication efficiency. A number of studies have consistently shown that much of what humans communicate to one… Read More

Virtual Team Benefits

Virtual Teams are essential to remaining competitive in the information age. Not only can the implementation of virtual teams save companies a lot of money, but they can also extend the capabilities of these firms. In some cases, companies that have made the decision to switch to virtual teams have saved millions of dollars each year. A virtual team is a group of workers who function together on a variety of different projects. They will generally work from different geographical locations, which can range from cities to entire countries. When… Read More

Virtual Team Members

Communications technology only plays a small role in the success or failure of a virtual team. In truth, many of the factors which can allow a virtual team to succeed are based on things that cannot be measured in terms of computers or Internet connection speed. In contrast, the success of the team is based on the psychology of the members that comprise it. All the technological tools in the world mean nothing if the team is not coordinated and cohesive. Studies show that while many people attempt forming virtual… Read More

Virtual Team Management

More virtual teams fail, and will continue to fail, as a result of poor management on the part of the leaders. If you do not know how to properly manage a team, your idea will never get off the ground, regardless of how brilliant it is. There are a number of things that project managers can do to ensure their virtual teams are running with a high degree of efficiency. The first of these steps is to create a portal for communication. The easiest way to do this is to… Read More

Maximizing Virtual Team Performance

While there is little doubt that a virtual team can give you a very competitive edge in the market, the success of this team is heavily dependent on its performance. All the advanced communication tools in the world mean nothing if a team is unable to perform at a high level. To maximize the performance of your virtual team, you must understand the power of "perception." In many ways, perceptions are more important for virtual teams than reality itself. When virtual team members encounter each other, they may need data… Read More

Virtual Team Communication

The speed of communication among team members can be described as one of the most important aspect of communication in a virtual team. Far too often, virtual teams fail to reach their objectives simply because the members of the team fail to communicate with each other. The issue of communication can be a technological phenomenon, but in many cases, it is a problem that occurs because of poor communication skills on the part of the team members. An example of a communication lapse is when different members of the same… Read More

Virtual Team Success Factors

A Virtual Team that emphasizes the following factors can successfully complete any project.  Due to the falling costs of virtual team technology and the growing power of networks, more virtual teams are being formed all the time, and will continue to be formed in the foreseeable future. Even though all virtual teams may be able to access the same technology, this does not mean that they will have the same results when it comes to the successful completion of their projects. Because many organizations don’t understand the advantages and disadvantages… Read More

Virtual Team Requirement

Why and When a Virtual Team is Necessary No company that wants to compete internationally can function without virtual teams.  A virtual team is absolutely necessary for any corporation which wants to compete in the international arena. With the advent of the Internet and globalization, very few corporations today can afford to not take advantage of virtual teams. However, there are instances in which a virtual corporation may not be necessary. For instance, some would argue that a local business which caters its products to local customers has little need… Read More

Virtual Team Performance Variables

Typically virtual teams have a large number of people working together on a single project, and these people will be dispersed in many geographical locations. Virtual teams are very powerful components of the information age because they allow employees to work across the boundaries of time and space. Being able to understand the relevance of these three variables will allow one to determine the proper virtual team to lead, and will help in deciding the proper actions to take. For instance, the team which has members working within the same… Read More

How to Develop Virtual Team

Knowing how to establish a virtual team is very important.  The success or failure of a virtual team is largely dependent on how well the virtual team leader can establish the team at the beginning. The very first step in developing a virtual team is to pick competent people to comprise it. Many leaders make the mistake of picking incompetent people to be members or their team, or they choose friends or family members, and this is always a mistake. Incompetent people will kill the project long before it gets… Read More

Virtual Team Vs. Formal Team

There are a number of differences between a virtual team and the traditional formal team. The most obvious difference between the two is the geographical location of the team members. With the traditional formal team, all the members of the team will work within the same geographical location, generally in the same physical building. This often means that the group must work on the same schedule, meaning everyone must be at the same location at the same time. Because virtual teams involve advanced global communication technologies, workers are not restricted… Read More

How to Build a Virtual Team

It is important to note that only high performance virtual teams are effective.  The number of people who are working in the identical location at the same time are beginning to decrease. One advent of this phenomenon is the introduction of virtual teams. A virtual team is basically defined as a team where members work together from remote geographical locations. In every case, there is little need for the members of the virtual team to be in the same location while working, and in fact, for a virtual team, being… Read More

Virtual Team Definition and Concept

What is a Virtual Team? A virtual team, which may also be referred to as a team which is geographically isolated, is a collection of individuals who work together through the usage of communication technology. These people will typically have skills which complement each other, and these skills are geared towards the achievement of a specific goal. The performance goals of this team will generally be interdependent, and each member of the team will hold themselves accountable when it comes to the completion of the shared objective. The goal of… Read More

The Concept of Virtual Manager

The Role of Virtual Manager Virtual management is a field which is designed to make a distinction when it comes to the responsibilities a project manager has, which is often separate from the production site.Virtual management is a critical area for virtual teams, and the reason for this is because it allows the managers to focus on the needs of an economy which is service based.In such an economy the relationship between a product and a commodity may no longer provide a solid competitive advantage which can be sustained, and… Read More

The Future of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing may be a relatively new concept for some businesses and consumers. But even though some businesses are only starting to adopt and realizing the advantages of cloud computing, industry giants are already looking forward to the next big step of cloud computing. For now, cloud computing could be easily identified with grid computing wherein the “cloud” become the application for business purposes. Although grid computing is more focused on the server capabilities of the application, their similarities are based on the focus on providing online and on-time services… Read More

Moving Beyond the Desktop Experience

Cloud computing signifies the slow changes of the consumer and business experience with their local gadget. Combined with strong internet connection, the local applications and gadgets has become a platform as everything will be launched online. The data processes and back-end operations of a business is now available in the cloud. Small businesses don’t have to spend considerable amount for local installation. The desktop experience in large and small companies is slowly being replaced with applications that could be launched at anytime and in almost any gadget. The evolution of… Read More

Everything as a Service (EaaS) Model

Cloud computing is often used by businesses in limited processes. The enterprise could contact a specific vendor if they wanted to implement some cloud computing processes in their business setting. As long as the business knows what they specifically need from the vendor, the services related to cloud computing could be easily set up and launched in no time. Even if the cloud computing process is very small, the business could immediately see the changes in their processing. The rest of the processes in the enterprise will have to be… Read More

Selecting a Cloud Computing Vendor

Most, if not all small businesses today, do not have the capability of building an infrastructure that will support cloud computing. The required funds to build data centers that could support each other, not to mention the manpower support in needs are just too much. The application development for cloud computing would also take time and considerable resources. Developers would be hired, testers will be needed and projected users (the employees) would have to be taken out of their regular operations just to test the cloud computing application. But even… Read More

Migrating to Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is greatly considered today by most businesses. Small and large-scale businesses alike have seen the advantage of cloud computing. Because of the ability of getting every data processes in the cloud (online), business will enjoy mobility without being held down to a single application. The real time interaction of cloud computing is not only based on single person in the local gadget. Everyone involved will have real time interaction with the data and might even offer some changes. But transferring from local data availability and processes to cloud… Read More

Software as a Service (SaaS) Model

Cloud computing can come in many forms. It could be launched as a purely platform services wherein the cloud computing vendor will be there to act as a webhost, a vendor that providers functions to be developed by the enterprise or as a framework for developing powerful RIAs (Rich Internet Application). Each provides advantage and limitations to the enterprise which dictates the different versions of cloud computing applications and form of development. Businesses usually take considerable time and resources in choosing the right vendor. If they choose to localize cloud… Read More

Cloud Computing Security

Security is one of the biggest concerns of businesses in any form. Whether a business is a small brick-and-mortar or a multi-million online ventures, security should be implemented. Exposing the company to different security flaws is always inviting to different elements with malicious intent. A single security strike could mean millions of dollars for businesses and might single handedly close the business down. Proper implementation of security measures is highly recommended for cloud computing. The mere fact that the application is launched through internet makes it vulnerable to any time… Read More

Cloud Computing in Enterprise

One of the main reasons why cloud computing is aggressively being developed is the enterprise or the business setting. Many businesses, large and small, have come to realize the potential of cloud computing in terms of easing business transactions without having to spend too much on additional infrastructure, manpower and even time. There mere fact that transactions in almost any form could be done online has made cloud computing a good answer to different business problems. Most businesses will just resort to local installation of applications in their gadgets. Some… Read More

Cloud Computing User’s Perspective

The entire buzz about cloud computing and its effects on businesses are all geared towards the improvement of customer experience. Businesses want to improve their business process to increase the number of customers through better service and increased availability. The user’s experience in cloud computing could actually be direct wherein they would have the ability to use the online application of the business or their experience could be indirect wherein the improved tools in cloud computing will improve the customer interaction with the company. Either way, business should always focus… Read More

Cloud Computing Platforms

Implementing cloud computing through a platform is one of the most popular options for businesses today in online transactions. Largely different from software based cloud computing, platforms are basically programming languages or applications that could be customized based on the need of the enterprise. Because the platforms are geared towards different functionalities needed by the enterprise, they are dubbed as platform as a service or PaaS. Before going further, it is important to differentiate PaaS to SaaS (Software as a Service). SaaS are applications that could be used in the… Read More

Cloud Computing Behavior

The behavior of cloud computing is highly dynamic wherein the only way the process would be possible is through proper interaction of the application and hardware. If one of the components in cloud computing will not work or at least will execute below par, cloud computing will never work. Developers and business managers have to make sure everything is according to plan which will never falter in any occasion. Certain support measures have to be implemented to prevent any form of downtime. Infrastructure and extensive monitoring is usually a requirement… Read More

Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

Cloud computing has been the byword for different businesses today. This is a type of process that relies o the internet or online connectivity for different data processing instead of using the local gadget. The internet has come a long way of providing different types of services to users. Years ago, the internet is just used merely for information gathering and email. Today, the internet could become a host of different types of applications which will not require any local installation in the users end. Cloud computing promises portability as… Read More

Cloud Computing Basic Components

Successful implementation of cloud computing requires proper implementation of certain components. Without any of these components, cloud computing will not be possible. These components can’t be easily implemented by one person alone. Cloud Computing will require persons with different expertise, experiences and backgrounds. As it will require more people in the industry, it’s no wonder why cloud computing is a very expensive venture. But even with the expenses that the company would often have to spend, the advantages provided by cloud computing is far more than the initial spending. Some… Read More

Cloud Computing Architecture

The success of cloud computing is largely based on the effective implementation of its architecture. In cloud computing, architecture is not just based on how the application will work with the intended users. Cloud computing requires an intricate interaction with the hardware which is very essential to ensure uptime of the application. These two components (hardware and application) have to work together seamlessly or else cloud computing will not be possible. If the application fails, the hardware will not be able to push the data and implement certain processes.  On… Read More

Cloud Computing Basics

The internet or online connectivity started out as a simple information exchange. Almost anything that users want to learn is possible because of the internet. They just go online, make a few searches and a minute or two, they will have the information they need. Personal communication became a lot easier as email was developed into one of the greatest innovations of the century. Instead of sending a snail mail which could take weeks, a single email could be read in a matter of seconds. Even with a simple connection, exchange… Read More

Risk Management Master Plan

The risk management master plan (RMMP) is a critical part of risk management. The RMMP is a powerful tool which offers organizations a framework and processes for implementing risk management within their system structure. It is capable of protecting many of the resources which are most important to organizations, including their communication equipment, computers, and networking systems. At the same time, the RMMP is very versatile and can be used whenever software is being developed. It can be used with both the new legacy systems and the older ones. The… Read More

Risk Communication Rules

Understanding Your Stakeholders Being able to properly identify both your external and internal stakeholders will allow you to learn about their interests, which may sometimes be in conflict with each other. You must be able to deal with these conflicts if you are to be successful when it comes to risk communication. One way to analyze the interests of the stakeholders and their concerns is to take the time to speak with them. You will want to conduct interviews with important leaders who are both internal and external to your… Read More

How to Use Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

What is the EMV? A budget for risk contingency planning must be created so that organizations are prepared in the event that a risk may not be managed in the proper manner. Risk management can be thought of as the process which can be used to successfully indentify and deal with project risks. In most cases, the goal of an organization should be to either get rid of risks, or reduce the impact of a risk should it actually occur. At the same time, there is always the possibility that… Read More

How to Build a Risk Register

A risk register is useful for project planning.  All organizations face risks in one form or another, it is very important for them to be capable of managing these risks in the proper way. If you are an organization that was established to reach a certain objective, then you must accept the fact that you will face risks which will block you from reaching your goals. By having an effective risk management strategy set in place, you will be able to make better decisions, and you will be able to… Read More

Risk Response Planning

Risk Tolerance for Your Organization The goal of risk response planning is to come up with options and plans which will allow an organization to face threats which can reduce the likelihood of the project succeeding. Risk response options can be broken down into four methods, and these are transfer, mitigation, acceptance, and avoidance. It is the responsibility of the project manager to decide the conditions for which the strategies will need to be used, because there are times when applying a certain strategy to specific situation may not be… Read More

Understanding the Risk Management Process

Risk management is a process which could be best described as being systematic. Risk management must never be taken lightly by any organization. It is designed to deal with risks that may occur in regards to any aspect of a project. While risk management is crucially important, there are a number of additional things that project teams can do to ensure their projects are completed properly and safely. Risk management can be broken down into a number of different steps, and the first of these steps is to take the… Read More

Risk Management Preparation

Organizational Threats No matter what project your company or department is involved in, or the industry your organization is based in, you will face many threats of one form or another. The first step in being able to develop risk assessment and prevention strategies is to understand exactly what it is that you face. It goes without saying that it is impossible to face any threat head on if you don’t know what you’re up against. Having said that, in this article, I will be going over some typical threats… Read More

Qualitative Risk Analysis Methodology

Risk analysis can be broken down into two broad methods, and these methods are qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative method for risk analysis is designed for the purpose of enhancing one’s awareness of potential problems, and can assist one in analyzing these risks. Quantitative risk analysis is designed so that the security measures can be implemented, and this will allow the cost envelope to be implemented as well. There is yet a third method for risk analysis which is used, and this is referred to as being the hybrid method,… Read More

Qualitative Risk Analysis

Understanding Risk Risk is best defined as the potential to suffer a loss. Having said that, risk management is described as a collection of methods which are designed to ensure that a company or organization is shielded against these risks as much as possible. While it is impossible to be prepared for every single problem that may come up, there are a group of key risks that most organizations should take the step to protect themselves against. In order to create the proper priorities, one of the best options is… Read More

How to Create an Effective Risk Management Plan

The goal of risk management is to essentially decrease the various risks which are associated with reaching any specific goal. Threats can come in a wide variety of different forms, and some of them include threats involving the environment, humans, technology, and politics. Your risk management strategy may not be effective if you use the wrong plan. The goal of risk management is to create an approach which is structured when it comes to handling uncertainty, especially those which are related to threats. An effective risk management plan must be… Read More

What is Risk Management?

Risk management is an important concept that many employees, managers, and stakeholders refer to when they are concerned about the effects of a certain move on reaching key objectives. Risk management is important because it gives the ability to figure out methods for which events can be managed, especially those events that may have an adverse impact on the financial or human capital of the organization. Risk management should always be thought of as a process which is continuous.  Not only does it allow one to assess risk, but it… Read More

How to Overcome Resistance

No matter what goal you want to achieve in life, if it is worthwhile, then you are bound to encounter resistance. This if true for anything, whether it is business, the military, or science. The reason for this is because you will have to struggle for anything that is worthwhile in life. Think about it. How much did Michael Jordan have to struggle before he became champion, or one of the greatest basketball players in history? How much did Albert Einstein have to struggle in order to create his theories of Relativity,… Read More

How to Handle Tough Situations

One thing that all of us have in common is that there are times in our lives when we will find ourselves in tough situations. How we manage these situations can mean the difference between success and failure, and depending on the nature of the situation, may even mean the difference between life and death. This article will depict few methods which you can use to effectively deal with situations that are tough. The first step in being able to handle a difficult situation is to learn how to react. The way in which… Read More

How to Work Under Pressure

If you have paid close attention to the job market, one thing that you may have noticed is that the jobs that command a relatively high salary are often jobs that require you to work under pressure. The reason for this is because many jobs that offer very high salaries are those which are sensitive and subject to risk. For example, if you are working as a neurosurgeon, you cannot afford to make mistakes, since they can cost you your career, and depending on the circumstances, maybe even your freedom.… Read More

How to Practice Solid Leadership Principles

Leadership is defined as the ability to control human behavior in a manner which allows a specific goal to be completed, one which has been established by the leader. Leadership is a very important factor in being successful in today’s world. There are a number of principles which are related to effective leadership, few of them are outlined in this articles. What makes a leader? What is it that separates leaders from followers, and how can you incorporate leadership principles into your own life? First, leaders are individuals who follow… Read More

How to Keep Control Over the Work Environment

In the past, control over the work environment was a task which was often delegated to managers and supervisors. Because they are the individuals which are responsible for the implementation of specific business functions, it should come as no surprise that they were often responsible for this task. Despite this, many young workers today feel that the corporate environment should be more tailored to their needs, and there is a great deal of evidence which proves the truthfulness of this claim. For instance, while most corporate workers were required to… Read More

How to Become an Active Listener

Listening is an important aspect of communication and it can assist you in building stronger relationships. While many people overlook the importance of listening to others, being an active listener can give you the edge in your business relationships, as well as in any career path you choose. Being an active listener can also give you the ability to resolve any problems that occur when communicating with others. There are times in which you and those you are communicating with will have disagreements, and active listening can allow you to… Read More

How to Build Relationships Based on Trust

Trust is a very important foundation for building strong relationships. In fact, trust comes first before anything else, because if it is no trust, problems are bound to occur. While you have the option of ordering people around in order to get them to do what you want, you may get compliance, but you will not get commitment or trust. Enron is a perfect example of what happens when you run a company based on profits rather than trust. When your operation is run based purely on profits, you will do anything to… Read More

How to Increase Your Professional Reputation

Becoming educated in a lucrative field that you enjoy and are naturally good at is just the first step towards success. Once you are actually in the field, it will be necessary for you to prove yourself. By proofing yourself to be a reliable and skilled professional, you will eventually build your reputation. Increasing your reputation will mean the difference between success and failure. One the best methods of increasing your professional reputation is to network. In the business world, isolation leads to the death of your career. Whether you… Read More

How to Enhance Your Way of Thinking

When it comes to enhancing your way of thinking, one thing that you must note is that there are two types of people in this world, there are those who have a rigid manner of thinking, and those who think in an adaptive manner. In a world which is full of competition and opportunity, the people who are able to have full control over their thinking are the ones who will succeed. To have full control over your thinking, you must have a great deal of flexibility. There is no room… Read More

Developing a Personal Strategy for Success

One thing that most of us have in common is that we all want to succeed. In fact, it can be said that the only thing that separates successful people from those who don’t succeed is that the successful people are more determined to succeed than the rest. There are a number of traits that successful people share.  If you wish to become successful, you will want to incorporate these traits within your person strategy for success. However, before talking more about these traits, first let us learn about strategy. Many uninformed individuals are under… Read More

Hyper-V Function

Scalability Features When a virtualization platform behaves more like a server which is physical, it will become a lot easier for numerous enterprises to utilize and depend on workloads which are virtual. There are four important areas for which virtualization features can be viewed, but most contemporary virtualization tools are similar to each other in terms of the features and the functions they have. Factors such as TCO, or total cost ownership, will be used as a type of differentiator. The solutions for management will also see more investments which… Read More

Virtual Environments

Handling Virtual Environments via VMM 2008 When Microsoft first showcased the System Center Virtual Machine Manager, many people were impressed by its ability to scale down the interface when it came to handling any virtual infrastructure that was running MS Virtual Server. To deal with the introduction of Hyper-V, a newer version of the VMM, or Virtual Machine Manager, has been offered. The new Virtual Machine Manager is not only capable of handling the older versions of Microsoft Virtual Server, but it can also handle the Hyper-V installations as well,… Read More

Virtual Infrastructure Benefits

Virtual Infrastructure Key Benefits No matter how good an IT firm is, it will face challenges from time to time. A number of IT firms find that their servers and storage mechanisms are not being fully utilized, and this means that they must increase their level of performance. These IT firms must be capable of managing their energy as well as the price of their data centers, and they must be capable of offering innovation and scalability in order to provide support for their operations.  It is important for them… Read More

Virtual Infrastructure

Virtualization Market Impact Virtualization often comes in the form of portable software which operates on basic Intel/AMD servers, as well as Oracle and Sun. When the first VIF was released, it was a bit more than $1,000, and it included a virtual capacity feature which was automated. This was important because it allowed for the introduction of a SAN program which is capable of automating the process of virtual functionality, which basically means that it can thin the provisioning. The thin provisioning capabilities which are connected to the virtualization tool… Read More

Virtualization Terminology

Virtualization is a very complex topic, and there are a number of terms and words which are commonly used when talking about it. By becoming familiar with these terms, you will be better able to understand virtualization technology and reap the maximum benefits offered by it. The first term that you will want to become familiar with is hypervisor. The hypervisor is the simplest component of virtualization. This is the software which is responsible for decoupling the OS, as well as the applications via the physical resources. The hypervisor comes… Read More

Virtualization Solutions

Virtualization Solution Types Virtualization solutions basically falls under three categories, and these categories are related to the architecture that is used for the virtualization of the server. The key differences between these architectures are directly connected to the relationship that exists among the hardware, and the layer for virtualization. Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) is a virtualization software layer which offers the ability to generate numerous instances which are isolated but share identical hardware resources.  The Type-2 VMM architecture may be exemplified through the JVM, or Java Virtual Machines. The goal of… Read More

Virtualization Security

Security Challenges to Consider While virtualization can bring a lot of benefits to users, there are a number of security issues which should be consider. One of the most prominent of these is called "break out" attacks, a situation in which criminals will escape from a virtual machine designed for guests in order to launch attacks against the hypervisor, allowing them to gain control over the host. This is a looming threat, and a viable attack could occur at any time. When it comes to virtualization implementation, there is a… Read More

Virtualization Challenges

While virtualization gives you many advantages, it is not perfect. Many people who work in the IT field are aware of the fact that taking the time to virtualize IT will bring about a large number of benefits. It will save time and money, and there are many tools that can be purchased via numerous vendors. Despite this, as with the introduction of any new technology, there are challenges that needs to be faced and overcome. Some of the most basic challenges that IT departments may run into is realizing… Read More

Virtualization Issues

Virtualization has its share of difficulties.  When a company decreases the number of server farms it has, it is often possible to see the immediate benefits in terms of price. At the same time, there may be potential problems that lie beneath the surface. First off, it is still necessary for enterprises to handle the servers, and this will require you to make use of more workers and tools, and you will need to update your images whenever you are ready to add to the environment. Many enterprises choose virtualization… Read More

Virtualization Licensing

Microsoft has reduced the amount of flexibility that customers have when it comes to choosing the right virtualization software. They have limited the number of people who can run the software, and they have also placed controls on how the software is run. Microsoft has taken the time to leverage the ownership it has in the market by persuading customers to make use of its virtualization products. One of the ways in which it does this is through virtualization licensing. In addition to this, they also make use of terms… Read More

Virtualization Implementation

Virtualization implementation can be quite tough, and if you do not want to be responsible for it, you always have the option of hiring a vendor who specializes in virtualization for IT. At the same time, if you choose to go down this route, it is critical for you to make sure you work with a vendor who can walk you through all the steps, who will take the time to analyze your environment to look for opportunities which will allow you to lower costs and enhance your utilization at… Read More

Preparing Your Organization for Virtualization

Preparing Your Organization for Virtualization Numerous security gaps may occur with virtualization, but by using the right tools an organization can overcome them.  As with management, the issue of security is something that those new to virtualization may fail to consider. Many organizations make the mistake of not paying attention to certain nuances that are connected to virtualization, and because of this, they often put themselves in positions where they are less secure than they should be. There are a number of security issues to consider for virtualization, and enterprises… Read More

Virtual Infrastructure Risk and Security Assessment

When it comes to virtualization, there are security issues that needs careful consideration. A number of surveys have shown that only a small percentage of enterprises are making use of security in order to give protection for their virtual infrastructure. While many companies move a sizeable number of servers to their virtual infrastructure, they may also increase their attack surface risk at the same time. When it comes to virtualization, it is absolutely critical for companies to have a well thought out security strategy. Though security is critical for virtual infrastructure, many firms have failed to take it into… Read More

Understanding Basic Virtualization

Budgeting is the first step in successful implementation of  virtualization.  If you are working with an enterprise that is interested in virtualization, it is not be a bad idea to make sure you have the funds for numerous investments which are closely related to it. Properly implementing virtualization can bring a number of benefits to your organization, and some of these include reducing the outlays that occur with hardware and power, enhance the availability, and reduce the amount of disaster recovery. The case studies which have been conducted for virtualization show… Read More

Virtualization Concept

In 2003, Microsoft purchased Connectix Corporation, a company which specialized in the development of virtualization software both for the Mac OS and Windows operating systems. Since then, both Hewlett-Packard and Sun have announced that they too are working hard to enhance their virtualization technology. IBM has been a leader in virtual machines for quite some time, and virtualization has played an important role in many IBM projects. Over the last few years, there has been a noted increase in the amount of academic research that has been conducted on this… Read More

Virtualization Overview

How Virtualization Works Virtualization is a type of process in which numerous virtual operating systems are handled at the same time on one computer. It is a technique of increasing and sharing the physical resources so that a piece of hardware can be pushed to its maximum limit. To understand the power of virtualization, it is first necessary to become familiar with Moore’s Law. This law has predicted that computer processing power would double every 18 months or so. The law also stated that the geometric growth in computer power and… Read More

Virtual Technology Introduction

How Virtualization can Enhance Your ROI Virtualization is a type of technology that allows a single computer to do the same job that would normally be required of multiple computers. It does this through sharing resources from one computer through a large number of environments.  Both virtual desktops as well as virtual servers will give you the ability to house more than one OS, and you can also host many applications locally and in locations which are remote. This frees you from the geographical and physical limitations that you would… Read More

How to Manage Stress

Stress Management People who are assertive tend to be those who have much lower levels of stress. One reason for this is because they are able to express their feelings to others in a manner which is not offensive, but in a way that gets their point across. Someone who uses assertive communication tends to be someone who is honest, and they will make sure that they express themselves in a manner that virtually anyone can understand. While assertiveness is a skill that some people naturally have, for others it… Read More

Role of Assertiveness in Career Building

Being assertive is a critical skill for building one’s career. In the workplace environment, being assertive is incredibly important. When it all comes down to it, your superiors will care little about your attendance record, or how nice of a person you are. In most cases, your employers will remember you if you are an individual who is capable of working towards your own goals and ideas. While being assertive is important in your work environment, this is not the only place where it should be used. Having an assertive… Read More

How to Speak Your Mind

There are times when you need to make a point, but you have to do it right. When it comes to speaking their minds, the vast majority of people in this world fall under either one of two categories: they either speak their minds without considering the feelings of others, or they do not speak their minds at all. To become successful, you must be different from these people. You must know how to speak your mind without offending a lot of people at the same time. However, one thing… Read More

Assertive Communication

Communication is directly connected to being assertive.  People are the essence of business, whether they are managers or employees. Working as a business owner or employee requires you to be an effective communicator, and you must learn how to present yourself in the right manner. Many people tend to think that success in business requires them to be rational and logical, they must always remember is that the human element is also critically important. This is one reason why it is important to develop soft skills, and one of the… Read More

How to Become More Assertive

Becoming more assertive takes time, but there are a number of things you can do to start today.  Being assertive is a skill that most people do not have. Generally, most of them commit the mistake of  being either too aggressive or too passive. Being assertive requires you to be a nice mixture of the two. While developing this critical skill will take time and patience, there are a number of things you can do to start becoming more assertive today. The first step in becoming more assertive is to… Read More

How to Avoid Conflict

Conflict is something that causes a lot of stress, and it occurs on many scales: it can range from small conflicts between family members or friends to large conflicts between countries. Regardless, conflict is a source of stress, and while small amounts of stress can be good, too much stress can become deadly. Having said that, it is important to avoid conflict in your life, and the best way to avoid conflict is to expect and embrace it. Let us find how can you avoid conflict by embracing it.It is first… Read More

How to Use Your Body Language

Your body language communicates a lot more than your words.  A number of studies have proven that your body language plays the biggest role in the way you communicate with people. Since communication plays an important role in the art of being assertive, you must learn how to use your body in a manner which shows others you are an assertive individual. There are certain forms of body language which may convey that you are either aggressive or passive, and these are not the signals that you want to send… Read More

Traits of an Assertive Manager

Being assertive will earn you respect, but only few know how and when to become assertive.  High level executives and managers are generally very assertive. However, if they use their positions of power and authority in order to belittle, intimidate, and control those beneath them, it will cause a lot of trouble and loss of respect over the long term. Employees will begin to resent such executives and managers.  Their productivity will eventually begin to fall, and if the dictatorial behavior of the executives and managers continues, it will not… Read More

Know When to be Assertive

There are many scenarios in which being assertive helps. As you go throughout life, there will be many situations in which you will be required to be assertive. In many cases, being assertive will require you to say "no" to the demands of others. At the same time, while there is nothing wrong with telling others "no," you will want to do so in a manner that does not offend them. There are often times when we find ourselves in tough situations, situations where we should say no, but we… Read More

How to Handle Bullying at Workplace

Bullying does not just occur among school age children, and you must know how to handle it.  When most people think of bullying, they think of their childhood, or they imagine school aged children fighting on the playground. In reality, bullying occurs even among adults as well. Just as children bully each other in school, adults will often bully each other in the work place.   To understand why you must be assertive, you must first develop an understanding of the mind of the bully. In most cases, bullies are individuals… Read More

Non-Verbal Assertive Communication

What is Assertive Non-Verbal Communication? Assertiveness is defined as the ability to stand up for yourself without being overly rude or aggressive at the same time. A person who is non-assertive will often be either one of two things, and this is aggressive or passive. In today’s world, falling under either one of these extremes is negative, and will often block you from getting the things you want in life. A person that is passive is an individual who people will be quick to walk on. If people think you’re… Read More

Learn How to Say “No”

While there are many ways to define the term "assertiveness," some simply describe it as "the ability to say no." This definition is a bit deceptive, and does not give a truly accurate definition of what assertiveness actually mean. The reason is because the manner in which you say "no" can mean the difference between coming across as being assertive, and coming across as being aggressive. There are a lot of ways in which you can tell a person "no" but you want to do it in a manner which… Read More

Importance of Being Firm Without Being Rude

Controlling Your Emotions is Key Humans are emotional creatures, and this emotion often gets them into trouble. When you are dealing with people on a personal level, and especially a business level, it is always critical to keep your emotions in check. Assertive people tend to be the masters of this art. When they feel someone is treating them poorly, they can let this be known without resorting to aggression. Being too emotional in business is always a bad thing. You must be able to state your terms in a… Read More

5 Ways to Become More Assertive

5 Ways to Become More Assertive The role of time in being assertive There are many things that you can get back after you lose it, time is not one of them. The reason why the issue of time is important is because as you journey through life, people will make many demands on you. While some of these people will be members of your family or close friends, others will be co-workers or your employers. When you take up your time in order to give in to their demands,… Read More

Silverlight Applications using Visual Webgui

Silverlight is Microsoft’s answer for JavaScript. This web and applications development application has created a buzz because not only it is endorsed by Microsoft; it offers interactivity that would rival JavaScript. It could be developed as an application, a plug-in or could be integrated to a website. Silverlight could be accessed in most browsers and in most operating systems on desktops and in mobile devices. This is often compared to Adobe’s Flash because of its multi-media functions but it comes close to web and applications development languages such as Ajax… Read More

Building Powerful RIA using Silverlight 2.0

When Silverlight was released a few years ago, it practically became the white elephant for developers. You know that it is there and you are very tempted to use it but you do not really know how to implement them in actual applications. Although the first version of Silverlight have that Flash-like ability, it does not have the flexibility like flash and powerful client side coding compared to Ajax. All you have is a programming application that could play a few videos with little to no interaction. You should be… Read More

Silverlight Toolkit

Since 2007, Microsoft has been very aggressive in developing Silverlight to developers. This simple programming language for plug-ins in web browsers has come a long way from simple animations to handling more powerful applications that could be launched in web browsers. With the help of Silverlight, developers should be able to render applications that could rival Ajax based application. Barely one year after Silverlight was properly introduced to developers and users, the programming language is now on second version. Easily realizing the need for new and improved functions, Silverlight v.… Read More

Deploying Silverlight Via SMS

Another method in which SMS can be deployed is through SMS, or Systems Management Server. The purpose of the SMS style of installation is to automate the deployment of this tool in a manner that can help you avoid desktop visits, as well as human error. By using the SMS method, Silverlight can be distributed electronically via the network to a primary location on the target computers. You will first need to choose the target computers that you want to install the package on, and it will also be necessary… Read More

Importance of Basic Laws

No matter who you are, or where you live, you are subject to laws. There are many types of laws, and in some cases too many. While only those who attend law school can learn the bulk of the many laws which we have, it is important for non law school students to become familiar with the basic rules and regulations for learning it is an important life skill. Much like finance, while laws are taught in school, it is only taught to those students who are working towards becoming… Read More

Developing Applications in Silverlight

Silverlight is a high end technology which gives developers the ability to generate web applications that can be processed within the browser. When you develop with Silverlight, it is important to understand the application structure for Silverlight. A Silverlight application will be comprised of three things: The application classes or services which are implemented within the application assembly, The in-package library assemblies as well as resource files which can encapsulate The UI and functionality. The third element which comprises the Silverlight application structure is the On-demand library assemblies or resource… Read More

Business Communication Services

You have a company, you begin a day’s work with a brief meeting with your employees. Later on that day you hang visual graphs of production rates of the past few weeks, where everyone can see. After lunch you get an e-mail concerning a complaint from the customer stating that the product isn’t working properly, so then, you notify your employees and explain the case after apologizing to the customer about the inconvenience. By the end of the day a shipment has finally arrived from the vendors, containing parts that… Read More

Business Proposal

How do you write an effective Business Proposal? Business proposal is crucial for anyone who needs to obtain capital for business. If you seek out Venture Capitalists or Angel Investors, most will not even talk to you unless you have a well written business proposal.   One that gives them convincing reasons as to why they should invest in your business. Many business ideas require a large amount of capital, and this capital can only be obtained from three sources. This is either through loans, using your own money, or getting an investor to… Read More

Business Messages

Messages are constantly being sent by people all over the world, they can be verbal through talking or written through mail. In business world the style sending a message is different. Here you are dealing with executives of the companies, sales agents, managers, employees and clients. If you want to convey proper messages to people who are part of your business cycle, you need to have the correct approach which is discussed in this article. What is a Business Message? Generally a business message has precise content related to the… Read More

Online Presentation

Online Presentation Introduction In the modern world we have a special tool to where we can communicate with a person or party within a significantly short time, this tool is called the internet. Since modern technology has moved its way in to our modern world we are able to work business with the internet, allowing us to perform business with employees overseas and with clients overseas. With business conducted over the internet this brings the need of online presentations. In this article you will learn how to propose an online… Read More

Employment Communication for Job Applicants

Employment Communication Employment communication plays an important role between an applicant and the employer, the question what is employment communication? Employment communication is a conversation you have with an employer. For example you have an interview for a job you have applied, you show up, the interview starts by asking several basic questions such as what is your age, name, history, etc. Later the employer approaches you with more profound questions such as what qualities do you have that will be suitable for the job position you have applied? And… Read More

Art of Being Assertive

There is no specific number of life skills which are important for you to learn, and the life skills which are important to you may not be as important to someone else. This is one of the reasons why many colleges fail to teach students these skills, because the skills are vague and may vary in importance from one person to another. However, many of these life skills are universally important, and if you do not develop them, you may find it difficult to achieve success in your life.  The… Read More