How to Re-Build Broken Relationship

A genuine relationship, whether personal or professional, is weathered by adversities and tests of time. Meaningful and long-lasting connections with people are developed over time. That is why every relationship must be valued and cherished because once damaged, things may no longer be the same. Relationships in your career are as important as your personal relationships. If it is not nurtured well, the connection and even the bond of friendship will be broken. With this happening, the used-to-be positive and healthy work environment is no longer the same. Uneasiness surrounds… Read More

Managing Relationship Related Stress

In any given relationship, conflicts and disagreements are part of it. You cannot just expect being in an affiliation with your work colleagues without having to go through differences in various aspects such as ideas, values, attitudes, and even goals. This is normal in a relationship and a productive outcome depends on how the individuals deal with it. In the process of ironing out certain glitches in a work relationship, realize that you can be in complete control of the situation. However, stress can be generated in these circumstances. Relationship-related… Read More

Relationship Building with Managers and Team Leaders

Everyone wants to have a rewarding and fulfilling career. People seek for jobs that will match their interests and needs. We also have our own requirements for an ideal company to work for. Apart from good compensation and stability, a healthy and positive work environment makes employees stay and establish long-term goals with the employer. We are bound to stay longer and work better if we easily get along well with everyone in the company. We are more likely to build good rapport with our work colleagues. But establishing a… Read More

Relationship Building among Team Members

Typically, in a work setting, every working individual belongs to a team where a group of members work together with similar functions and work description, though not necessarily similar in interests. Also, individuals in a team generate a collaborative effort to achieve common goals, and may need to give up individual autonomy in order to attain those goals. The organization as a whole can make up a team and this component is by far the largest to be called as such. If you are paired up with another work colleague… Read More

Using Emotional Intelligence to Build Relationships

A successful relationship is a product of creating and keeping a constant and healthy connection with other people. Those who are reaping the successes of life, happiness, love, and contentment manage to keep healthy relationships with others personally and professionally. However, there are those of us who are only good at the start, but find it hard to keep the relationship intact and growing. Eventually, the relationship fails and falters. In building a relationship, individuals should know how to nurture the bond or connection like how a fragile plant should… Read More

Building Business Relationships

In the world of business, gaining profits is not all there is. Even with the best products and good business practices, a solid business relationship among members of the company and the customers is very essential to the success of the business. In fact, interpersonal relationship among working individuals at work has a huge impact on the success or failure of the business in general. Building relationships in business is one of the most fundamental aspects. When getting ahead in business, connecting with people and improving their lives must be… Read More

Non-Verbal Communication in Building Relationships

Communication in a relationship is one of the core essentials that bind individuals together. Since communication is a two-way street, people interact by paying attention when someone talks, and vice-versa. Good and effective communication makes a successful relationship whether in the personal or professional aspect. But communicating is more than just talking. Apart from the use of words, it is also non-verbal. In fact, we communicate more with our actions than with words. Nonverbal communication is also known as body language, manifested through facial and body gestures, eye contact, posture,… Read More

How to Build Genuine Relationships

Talking about building great relationships, we sometimes isolate our approach in dealing with personal relationships toward family members, friends, and special people from our professional relationships at work or career. We may think that since the people we bond with in the personal aspect are those we believe to stay with us in our lifetime, we offer a deeper kind of relationship bonding. For the people we encounter in our career, we build a relationship good enough to keep us thriving at work. This is our common perception when it… Read More

Relationship Building with Juniors

Being part of the management of the company is not as easy as it may seem. Employees may perceive the job to be light and less stressful but the truth is, the role of being a manager or a superior is crucial to the success or failure of an organization. Plus, the responsibilities are heavy and the work is highly demanding of their skills, time, and efforts. As leaders of the organization, managers play a significant role in building employee-employee and employee-employer relationships. Since relationships are essential to the success… Read More

Relationship Building Strategies

In the process of creating connections with our work associates, we have different ways and methods in doing it. But it all starts out in getting to know the people around you. Even at this initial step we already have our own styles in building relationships at work. The advantages of being able to socialize and get along well with people we work with are so outstanding that it can even easily bring the person up the higher level in the hierarchy and contribute to a huge success in the… Read More

Relationship Building Activities

The workplace is where individuals grow to be mature working professionals molded by experience and exposure. Being such, the work setting is usually regarded as serious and businesslike. But people get more interested and excited in coming to work if the workplace also becomes an avenue of fun and good socialization. Healthy and productive work relationships are not formed merely by plain daily conversation and working hand in hand on work assignments. There should be an element of interest among individuals to keep the spark of the relationship alive. People… Read More

Relationship Building Aspects

Each individual requires constant connection and interaction with other people in various aspects, and from all walks of life. There are those we meet who just pass us by; there are also those who choose to stay and create a bond that does not leave us behind. On a personal aspect, we maintain a special relationship with our family members and friends. We engage in romantic relationships with those who offer us a special kind of love. On the professional side, we also create relationships with people at work. For… Read More

Relationship Management Basics

The essence of relationships is highly regarded in the professional aspect because we all know that it is a fundamental tool for the success of every career and business. A healthy and successful connection with people at work depends on how a relationship is managed. In handling a relationship, it must be a mutual effort to keep it intact. Here are important points in relationship management. The Significance of Business Relationships We prefer helping out people we know rather than extending a hand to strangers. Relationships start out as mere… Read More

What is Relationship-Building?

In ever aspect of life we are in, whether getting involved in the social activities, building our career path, or socializing with family and friends, we interact with various type of individuals.   Such interaction may occur with familiar people with whom we are in close contact like our family and friends or with new acquaintances.   We may also build a connection over a period of time with our work colleagues or members in a club. The fact that we interact with people everyday means that we are building a relationship with these individuals as we associate ourselves with them in… Read More

Zoodango – Powerful Networking Tool for Professionals

Zoodango used to be a regular social networking website wherein it aims to attract users to be part of the website and eventually connect to more users as the website became popular. However, the social network hits a snag when another social networking website took the world by storm. When Zoodango was about to become a viable alternative social networking website, was released from college use and became one of the most popular social networking websites today. James Sun, the CEO of Zoodango have been thinking of competing with… Read More

Top Social Networks for Entrepreneurs

Social networks are a great place for entrepreneurs to advertise their products and services they offer, as users usually visit these websites every time they have the opportunity. The opportunity on visibility for entrepreneurs is just too hard to be ignored. Social networks have to be harnessed by entrepreneurs as soon as possible for a successful business. But because of the development of different social networks, social networking is starting to branch out and target specific users – including entrepreneurs. The following websites are not specifically geared towards visibility of… Read More

Social Network Related Issues

The advantage of joining different social networks is experienced through increased communication between friends, professional and businesses. With the help of social networking, connecting to friends and family is now easier since no matter where everyone is located. All everyone needs is internet connectivity so that their network could be updated with their activities. For professionals, social networking could help in terms of connecting to person that can boost their career. Social networking is even used to prove the legitimacy or credibility of the individual. From entertainment, information to career… Read More

Troubles to Avoid in Social Networking

Social networking is one of the best venues every business and professionals can use to increase clients and establish credibility. Aside from being able to connect to millions of individuals at any given time, the fees involved in social networking is virtually next to nothing. A small business could use the available platform offered by social networking websites and use it to attract customers and increase awareness of their existence. Social networking will even push businesses further as people in the network will continue to communicate and provide recommendations. From… Read More

Social Networking for Solo Professionals

A solo professional is a freelancer who works with different clients for various tasks. It could be a simple office work or other responsibilities related to the expertise of the solo professional. As someone working without a boss or a complete authority over work, a solo professional have complete control of his or her time as well as the intensity of work. Although a solo professional may look like a dream job for many, excelling in this industry is very difficult. The mere fact that a solo professional is not… Read More

Social Networking as Passive Referral

Referrals are one of the best ways to increase client base in any industry. When a business or a representative approaches a client with a good referral, the chance of gaining a positive response from the said client is very good. This technique is often employed by salesmen who wanted to seal transactions with their potential client fast. Salesmen can visit any client without any prior knowledge but a sale could be done because a common ground is achieved through referrals. Referrals could also be used in social networking. In… Read More

Marketing Through Social Networking

Social networking is usually seen as a platform for people to make new friends and connect to old ones. Some professionals use social networking to connect with important people who can boost their chances of improving their career. Users can use social networking to log their activities, upload personal photos and videos which prove their credibility on a certain industry or just to update the members of their network. Some even say that social networking has replaced blogging since it provides more than just sharing of photos, videos and thoughts.… Read More

Getting Help in Social Networking

Social networking is the latest platform for businesses to increase their client base. It is also the tool for many professionals to improve their network in order to be updated with the latest in the industry as well as improve their career. Through social networking, connecting to a lot of people is now easier without spending too much. A consistent internet connection should be more than enough to help the business an professionals set up social networking and eventually attract customers and even business partners. Excellence in social networking is… Read More

Social Networking for Small Businesses

Operating a small business is very challenging. A small business is usually consist of few employees and has a very fragile cash flow. If the cash flow or manpower is changes even by a small fraction, the small business will have to make significant operational changes in order to survive. If they are not able to cope up with challenges posed by these changes, small businesses may never survive. Although manpower is very important, cash flow is even more significant in the sense that it could make everything possible for… Read More

Effectively Using Online Social Networks

Social networking is a very cost effective practice used by professionals and businesses to boost their popularity as well as reputation. Through social networking, they can connect to additional businesses and personalities they see important which could help them in their current business operations. For professionals, social networking enables them to keep up with the latest in the industry, getting constant update from contacts and families and creating new friends along the way. When social networking is properly utilized by professionals and businesses, they could prove to be a source… Read More

Career Enhancement Through Social Networking

In today’s economic situation a person who experiences job loss will find it very difficult to land in a new one if he does not have any support from other professionals who could boost the chances of being hired. This is where social networking could be used during dire economic situation. Unfortunately, getting hired for the job based on your qualifications alone is very challenging. Everyone almost have the same or even better qualifications. But when you know someone from the inside, your contact can vouch for your efficiency at… Read More

Establishing Credibility for Better Networking

A successful business in any industry is largely based on their credibility. With credibility, clients will continue to patronize the company because they know they can be trusted. This is also the same for professionals wherein they can easily find a job or client if they can successfully establish their credibility. Credibility takes a lot of time to be established. Companies and professionals have to work hard before they could be regarded as credible in the industry. But once you start gaining clients, your credibility in the industry will grow… Read More

Professional Social Networking

Social networking has revolutionized the way everyone connects online. Instead of traditional email and instant messaging, social networking lets individuals connect through various forms of messaging offered by social networks. But aside from simple exchange of greetings, social networks have also enabled users to share more than simple data about themselves. Photos and videos could also be shared to everyone that’s a part of the network. Everything a person needs to know about the individual could be known through their social network profile. But social networking has transformed in different… Read More

Social Networking Structure

Social networking has evolved in the past few years to cater to the demands of the users to improve the user’s experience. Through these changes, the identity of a social network is established that users of the social network could now identify a social network without the website telling them who they are and what they do. Because social networking websites have identities, they now have components that distinguish them from other online services. These components are virtually untouched as the changes in different social networks are practically cosmetic. A… Read More

Social Networking Overview

Less than a decade ago, connecting to people meant communicating via snail mail, fax, phone calls and beepers. Since then communication evolved into email, IM (instant messaging) and SMS messaging through mobile phones. Today, these facilities are looked down upon as very simple communication tools which do not give additional personal experience. People want to share more and at the same time learn more about individuals they communicate everyday. Simple email exchanges provide necessary data about each party, but today, just two persons sharing data is considered insufficient. For that reason, social… Read More

Personality Development Tips

To enhance one’s personality, you will need to exert a lot of effort so that this will be achieved successfully. Take note that this is not a one-time endeavor; it is something that you will need to work on for a period of time. Among the initial steps to take in order to build a good personality is to identify which areas need to be developed. To do so, you can carefully observe yourself and discover your own flaws, or you can also solicit feedback from people who care about… Read More

Self Awareness

Self awareness, in the simplest terms, is the discovery of one’s own personality. It allows us to discover ourselves; our likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and our own individuality. John Locke wrote on his much discussed publication entitled “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,” conceptualized consciousness, which according to him determines self identity. If you want to develop a better personality, one that will help you succeed in life, the first step is to be able to know yourself. If you are conscious about your positive and negative behaviors and… Read More

Subconscious Mind Programming

Remember the saying “what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve”? This is something that many people believe in and continuously do so because they know that it is the truth. Your mind is a very powerful tool that you can use to achieve anything you want in life, be it success, wealth, greatness, or good health. There are two distinct aspects that make up the mind and these are conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind functions by interpreting the information taken from our different senses… Read More

Conscious Mind Programming

The mind is the single most powerful tool that can control every movement and every thought. It comprises of the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind functions to interpret data that is being sent into the brain, and is used to develop and enhance our mind and thought process. Although only a fraction of our brain activity is done through our conscious mind, it is considered very important and delicate because it controls the information being sent to the subconscious mind. You probably know that we have control… Read More

How to Control Your Mind

Are you easily frustrated by even the smallest mistakes? Do you have anger management problems? Do you find managing work and personal life rather stressful? An essential element in personality development is being able to control anything that goes into your mind- your thoughts and ideas are very important because whatever your mind conceives will dictate your actions and behaviors. The mind is a very delicate matter; it can grasp just about anything and everything. Try to keep your mind blank for a few seconds and you will find that… Read More

Importance of Time in Personality Development

It is true that when it comes to improving oneself, you can always initiate it regardless of age, position, or career. However, once you do get started, time will always be of the essence. You cannot expect to attain significant success towards change if you take your own sweet time, doing things only when you feel like it. If you aim for personality development, you need to be able to manage time effectively. You are of course advised against rushing the steps that need to be undertaken, but you also… Read More

Importance of Body Language in Personality Development

Body language, which is best defined as a non-verbal form of communication showed through facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body movements, says a lot about one’s personality. In essence, if you want to achieve an effective personality, you will also need to improve your body language. There are many ways you can improve your body language, but like most things, it needs practice and consistency so that it will become part of you, and not just something you can do for a certain period of time. If you want to… Read More

Importance of Speech in Personality Development

In every aspect of our life, a good personality holds a very important value. Whether you are a budding professional, an established career person, or perhaps a home-maker, it is something that will help you develop and maintain solid relationships with others. One of the key facets of personality development is speech. This is the ability of a person to effectively communicate verbally. Some people are gifted with verbal communication skills, while others are simply to shy and unsure of their abilities to even want to try. Speech is important… Read More

Importance of Behavior in Personality Development

Personality is what defines a person. This includes unique aspects about him, his character, his beliefs, and his behavior. Fundamentally speaking, when these traits are positive, then his personality becomes positive; and when these are negative, then his personality is also negative. Our topic focuses on the importance of behavior in molding one’s personality. To begin with, let us define behavior. It is the set of responses coming from vital emotions specific to a person. People behave differently in a given situation; some behave well and appropriately, while others do… Read More

Importance of Character in Personality Development

There is an ongoing confusion between behavior and character, so defining each one should help clear this up. Behavior is a means by which man expresses himself; it is something that can be learned through training, and is something that may be governed by one’s emotions. Character, on the other hand, is innate within a person. It is governed by the mind and is seemingly unchanging despite the circumstances a person is placed in. A person with good behavior is popular among his peers; he does not do anything that… Read More

Why Personality Development is Important

A person’s personality is defined by their characteristics, behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. These aspects start developing during childhood, and are strengthened and molded as the person grows into adulthood. A very important thing you need to remember is that your personality, regardless of what it is now, can develop and evolve. The significance of this understanding is that you can still do something about your personality today, which means that if you think your personality needs to be changed or improved, then you can make this happen. Why is personality… Read More

How to Avoid Negative Thoughts

Every individual’s personality is characterized by patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Our mind and behavior are closely connected to each other. We manifest into actions what we think. We react either positively or negatively according to what we think. A person who tends to entertain more of the negative thoughts than the positive ones is someone who possesses a not-so-good personality. It follows that if you think negatively most of the time, you also manifest undesirable behaviors and outlook in life. So, do not be surprised if people will… Read More

How to Enhance Your Personality

Many of us go to great lengths just to improve our personality. We want to be admired by everyone in terms of the way we look and the way we dress up. That is why some people would spend money going to salons and derma clinics just to look and feel good. You want to impress others with the way you think and the way you interact with them. So those who lack the confidence in their communication and interaction skills really make an effort to become better in conversations… Read More

How to Develop Positive Personality

Every person has a unique personality that characterizes the totality of being an individual. Our personalities may be perceived by others as good or bad. People see you and think of you as having a bad personality if you tend not to socialize, you always seem grumpy and overly serious, you think more of pessimistic thoughts, and you do not look presentable with your manner of dressing. On the other hand, you are known to have a good personality if you have a cheerful disposition, you appear neat and well-groomed,… Read More

Know Your Personality

How well do you know yourself? How well do your friends and other people know you? At times, we may think that we completely know our true selves but we may not realize that there are certain things about us that we are not aware of. Did you ever experience being described by others as such when you think it is not you? We have a component of our personality called the unconscious that transcends our conscious self. So beyond our known personal identities, we manifest certain traits and characteristics… Read More

Different Personality Types

Every human being is indeed unique and has different sets of individual traits and characteristics. Even twins are not completely the same with each other based on studies. We all possess different types of personalities yet we manage to understand each other and interact regardless of these differences. However, not all of us are aware of our individual personality types. In this article, we will learn the different personality types of human beings according to research and careful observation or study of psychological experts. As you go along, learn to… Read More

Components and Aspects of Our Personality

An important part of understanding our personality is learning its components and its essential aspects. Our personality comprises of different fundamental characteristics and constituents that make up the totality of an individual’s whole being. We need to understand what these factors are in order for us to better appreciate our unique personalities. The Three Components of Personality Sigmund Freud is known for his study on the three basic components that greatly affect our personality. He created the three levels of awareness that are congruent to the three different parts of… Read More

What is Personality?

Do you ever wonder why whenever we describe someone’s personality, we usually refer to the attitude and behavior? It is because our attitudes speak of our personality. But there is more to behavior and attitude that comprises a person’s character. Our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical well-being all build up our so-called personality. We become observant of the people around us and those we interact with and study each one’s personality. We usually describe another person’s personality as good or bad. When someone has a rude and unlikeable behavior, we… Read More

Unanswerable Questions

Our minds sometimes amaze us because of its ability to think of things beyond rational and logical thinking. This is why humans are known to be the most valuable creatures on earth because we have a level of cognition that is comparably different from the rest. We have the ability to question the things that are happening around us. More than that, we go beyond plain asking and would even come up with questions that seem illogical and unanswerable. Children are the perfect example of those who tend to ask… Read More

Behavioral Questioning Techniques

Interview preparation involves many factors to consider. One of which is the preparation of responses to the questions that will be asked where the meat of the interview process is based on. An interview is basically a question and answer portion between two individuals. When seeking for a job, applicants initially go through interviews during the hiring process. As part of the groundwork, jobseekers must learn the kind of questioning style that interviewers usually apply in order to excel and surpass the interview stage. Traditional interview questions have long been… Read More

Polygraph Questioning Techniques

Polygraph testing is very much like psychological examinations. A polygraph exam is conducted using a series of tests which are designed to evaluate the truthfulness and deception or fallacies in various situations and aspects. Companies may use it to screen job candidates but more commonly, it is used to investigate criminal incidents. This kind of examination uses different polygraph tests and questioning techniques which we will learn in this article. Types of Polygraph Questioning The major tool of any polygraph examination is the measure of a person’s responses to a… Read More

Sales Questioning Techniques

The essence of asking questions is very true in the field of sales. Through questioning, a company will find out how a particular product or service can be advantageous or beneficial to a customer. It also gives entrepreneurs an idea of how the sale can be improved and developed. Proper questioning in sales helps build rapport with customers because the art of selling is all about creating a good relationship between clients and customers. When you know how to entertain your customers with good questioning skills, they are more likely… Read More

Traits of Strategic Questions

Strategic questioning is a special type of asking questions that creates a difference and brings about change in the personal and social aspects. It lets individuals explore their own tactics and techniques in going about the change. You can also use strategic questioning to help other people come up with their own solutions to any issues or problems. In a larger scope, strategic questioning develops or creates new information instead of communicating what is already known and the person sharing new information has ownership of it. It generates active participation… Read More

Provocative Questions

In learning the art of asking questions, you will discover that questions do not only vary in structure but also in motive or intention. There are questions that simply seek for information while some questions are meant to clarify or verify unclear concepts. There are also questions that will motivate a person to act and bring about change either in the perception or in actions. Because questions vary, you even hear people ask you irrelevant and unnecessary questions but still these are considered questions. Although we say that asking questions… Read More

Questioning Techniques to Promote Thinking

Critical thinking is a very important aspect in every individual. Questioning techniques were designed to develop our cognitive skill. Questions are as good as the responses provided so it is better to sharpen our questioning skills. Our level of thinking is not so much sharpened when the questions asked are more on factual recall or stock knowledge.  We get to hone our cognitive aspect through higher level questions that require more than basic knowledge-level responses. Questions must be constructed in a way that triggers evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of facts… Read More

Questioning Technique

In the language of computers, if you key in the wrong information or data, you would get the wrong information out. This same premise is true for the aspect of communication as well. You gather wrong answers from wrong questions. So, how do you make it a point to elicit the correct responses with the proper information from others? The answer is simply to ask the right kind of questions. We say that questioning is one of the major tools in communication but asking the right questions is the ingredient… Read More

Questionnaire to Elicit Information

Conducting research is one of the essentials tools used by many organizations as an accurate and precise method of gathering data. The research team must identify what they want from the research or how they want it to be conducted. Failed researches are brought about by the inaccurate use of the research method. A very common method used by most researchers in the collection of data is through the use of questionnaires. Choosing the Type of Questionnaire to Use After deciding to use a questionnaire as the method to conduct… Read More

How to Paraphrase Questions

Too often people ask us a lot of questions and some of these may be complicated or not properly structured so we need to repeat back what was asked in order to verify if that is what the person meant. We call this process paraphrasing. The term simply means repeating another person’s ideas in your own understanding but retaining the thought of the statement or question. Simple as it may seem, not everyone applies paraphrasing in all of their conversations. It is a useful technique to help you unlock the… Read More

How to Formulate Questions

It is human nature to ask questions. We all do so, and this inclination usually starts during our childhood days, and continues until maturity and even up to the last moments of our lives. Just imagine if we all live each day without asking questions. There will be chaos and misunderstandings and we would all be endlessly searching for answers to the things that we want to know. It is not enough to simply ask questions for the sake of asking. Maybe when we were kids, we are spared of… Read More

How to Ask Powerful Questions

One of the most effective tools in communication is the ability to ask questions. Being able to ask effective questions is a skill we must acquire. Skillful questioning is one of the key ingredients of solid and successful relationships, strategic planning, and significant exchange of information and opinions. Questions that are poorly constructed and weak can lead to a poor communication exchange and may cause misunderstanding. Skillful questioning techniques are considered the foundation for powerful questions. With powerful questions, we are able to dig deep into a confusing issue and… Read More

How to Ask Better Questions

We know the fact that asking questions is very critical, yet this reality is often misunderstood and disregarded. It is perfectly normal to be inquisitive. In fact, this behavior even helps a person in learning the things that should be grasped. It also makes us understand why we do the things we do everyday and lead us to knowing what is right and what is wrong. However, questions have to be well-constructed and asked properly. Whenever our questions are weak and poorly created, the chances of getting the information that… Read More

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Asking the right question is very important in order to get the right information and in achieving the purpose of asking questions. When you formulate and ask your questions appropriately, you are able to understand easily, and if comprehension is not fully achieved, you are able to ask more questions that would dig deep into the information. An individual who is able to progress the manner of questioning from easy to moderate to creative level is at the same time developing cognitive growth. This concept was studied and introduced many… Read More

Closed Ended Questions

Questions may be of various forms and purposes but they generally fall into two main types: open ended questions and closed ended questions. Open ended questions are meant to gather more information through elaboration and explanation. Closed ended questions, on the other hand, are asked to verify and confirm, usually eliciting only simple and specific answers. The focus of this article is on the concept of asking closed ended questions and the manner of asking such type of question. We ask questions at any point in our conversation with other… Read More

Open Ended Questions

In any type of conversation, asking questions is a crucial part of it. Effective communication does not just require active listening but also the ability to ask the right, relevant questions. We ask different kinds of questions to the people we talk to. When seeking for more information, we ask open ended questions. These questions are asked to encourage the speaker to talk more about the topic or anything that interests the speaker. Using open-ended questions should be done frequently in a conversation as it makes us “tell our own… Read More

Types of Questions

Did you ever wonder why we ask questions? We ask questions if we want to find out something that is not known and even with the things that we already have knowledge of. Even little kids ask questions out of curiosity over the many amazing things they see and experience around them. Questions provide answers to our curious minds, things that need reasoning, things we do not understand, and discovery of something new. Questions make us reflect on the way we deal with life and promote a better understanding of… Read More

Questioning Attitude

A curious person asks a lot of questions. They say that an inquisitive individual doubles the chances of acquiring new and increasing knowledge about many things because the person does not stop asking questions. We all have a questioning attitude even at an early age. Kids seem to have an endless list of questions in their minds about the many wonders that astonish them. They would probably ask what rain is and once you start to give an answer, they will not stop throwing you the “why’s” of everything that… Read More

How to End Your Presentation Gracefully

The conclusion part is one of the significant and important aspects in a presentation other than the introduction. People remember best the last thing they hear and the last thing you say. In closing a speech or a presentation, it should be more than simply closing it or telling the audience that it is over. You should leave a take-home message or drive them back to the main points and wrap up the talk in full circle to the main objectives. Let us find out some helpful techniques in wrapping… Read More

Handling Unexpected Events During Presentation

We learned that good preparation is a secret ingredient to a successful presentation. But even if you have rehearsed well enough, do not expect too much. There may be unguarded moments during your presentation that will paint a flaw in the almost too perfect speech. Yet, an effective presenter is ready for any circumstance and possible occurrences. A true professional knows how to handle unexpected and troubling situations. It is more of a conditioned mindset of waiting and preparing when it will come rather than asking if it will ever… Read More

Handling Question and Answer Sessions

The Question and Answer session is part of many presentations. Both the questions and responses are generated by you, as the presenter, and your audience about the subject given. At certain points in your presentation, you ask your audience some questions to check for comprehension of the subject or to elicit ideas from them. In the same way, your audience asks questions for clarification and supplemental information. At all times, you need to anticipate any type of questions from them and be ready with your responses. The kinds of questions… Read More

Effective Presentation Guide

Many of us dread public speaking or giving a presentation because the mere thought of speaking before a group of people is enough to bring about nervousness. However, this kind of experience is one good way of building confidence. It may not always be easy talking in front of a crowd but there are ways to manage the fear and anxiety or even recover from a poor presentation. Just follow simple tips to make your presentation experience a memorable and effective one, both for you and your audience. In this… Read More

Presentation Visual Aids

People have various ways and styles in learning. There are good listeners, those who do well in retaining information and comprehending ideas based on what they heard. Others prefer to have a visual learning approach, meaning they need to picture out or envision what they hear so they can easily comprehend. In delivering a presentation, both oral or verbal and visual approach will work best. As in any form of presentation whether professional or informal, the use of visual materials is key to a successful presentation. You let your audience… Read More

Presentation Planning

A fundamental element in a successful presentation is preparation. If you are asked to make a presentation, give yourself ample time to organize and plan things out so it will be an impressive result. An effective and successful presentation is a product of carefully planned and well-rehearsed preparation. You need to develop a presentation scheme for an organized approach. In your planning, three essentials should be outlined on your planning sheet. These are establishing your objectives, knowing your audience, and preparing for the content or material. Planning your presentation helps… Read More

Creating Effective Visual Aids

In an oral presentation, the auditory sense of the audience is the fundamental method in getting your message across. However, a plain verbal manner of presenting can elicit boredom and slow grasping of ideas. For your audience to understand what you are explaining, visuals will reinforce your message. So, they do not just make use of the auditory sense but visual stimuli as well. But visual aids need to be well-designed to be effective. You cannot just flash them to your audience without explaining what it means. Visual and verbal… Read More

The Power of Words

When we engage in an oral presentation especially if the purpose is to persuade and convince your audience, we have to make it a point to impress them from start to finish. One of the important elements that should be considered is the use of words and language in a presentation. The Power of Words Words can be so powerful it can build or destroy good relationships and can transform or change viewpoints. In the technical aspect of communication whether oral or written, the choice of words reflects the individual’s… Read More

Setting Objectives for the Audience

In an oral presentation, setting objectives is as equally important as attaining them. This should be done at the onset of the preparation stage for your presentation. After choosing a good topic to present or after being provided a topic, define first your presentation objectives before going any further with preparing on the other elements. The Essence of Goal-Setting Why is it important to set goals for a particular undertaking? Goals and objectives define the purpose of any task or activity. Even in our individual lives, we each have our… Read More

Presentation Anxiety and Fear

Have you ever spoken before a group of people or a crowd? Everyone must have had their share of it whether it is in school, in your company, or in any other situation that calls for a presentation or public speaking. Looking back on the first time you ever spoke to an audience, the experience must have been unforgettable and dreadful. Well, they say it is a natural thing to feel that way. Even if you are already a working professional, sometimes you cannot just get rid of fear every… Read More

How to Make First Impression

The first-time experiences are always critical in any situation. In the aspect of delivering a speech or a presentation, creating an impressive outcome is as equally important as nailing the objectives. If it is your very first time to ever conduct a presentation in your company, making a good first impression should be a primary goal. ‘The first impressions last’ according to cliché, but do they really? As a presenter, you might want to learn how to leave a good lasting impression to your audience. This you will understand as… Read More

Know Your Audience

Speaking before a group of people consists of important elements. One of these key constituents is the audience. In a presentation, the listeners are one of the very essential components because they act as the judge to your performance. They also play a big role on the achievement of your presentation goals. Without an audience, it would defeat the purpose of a presentation. The audience members may not really have to be a large number; even a one-man audience presentation is already considered a presentation in itself. However, in most… Read More

How to Create Good Atmosphere for Presentation

Every presenter aims to deliver a memorable presentation to his audience, something that would create an impact on their lives or on their viewpoints. As a presenter, you are like the captain of the ship who maneuvers the vessel to the point of destination. In a presentation, apart from the challenge of attaining the objectives, it is also a challenge to keep the atmosphere lively and pleasant from start to finish. As a presenter, it is imperative that you will have to answer questions such as, How will you set the right mood for your presentation? How will you… Read More

Essential Qualities for Giving Presentation

One of the challenges any working individual will probably encounter in the workplace is to give a presentation. Usually, the boss will appoint the employee to conduct a presentation of a particular agenda. In a sales-oriented and marketing company, the sales representatives will also have to come up with a periodic presentation of their sales report. In related terms, they call it a business review. In order to prepare yourself for any presentation to be done at work, you have to learn the basic skills in delivering a good presentation.… Read More

Importance of Presentation Skills

Working professionals are required to come up with a presentation during a company or department meeting. If you are a working individual who may be just starting out in your career or who is already at the height of your profession, you need to learn the basics of presentation skills and understand its importance. Regardless of your position or designation in your office, you should be ready in anything that may be required of you to do such as making a presentation. Conducting a Presentation A presentation is like a department… Read More

Unconventional Marketing Tactics

Marketing requires a great deal of creative skills and innovative ideas to develop activities and programs that would capture the interest of the buying public. Because of the competitive nature of marketing among many businesses, marketers in many companies try non-traditional and exceptional forms and means of marketing approaches. These unconventional marketing strategies is otherwise called guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing refers to exceptional and unusual techniques in performing marketing activities with a goal of attaining maximized outputs from minimal resources and expenses. Because these are unconventional forms of marketing, it… Read More

Email Marketing Tactics

Because marketing and advertising can be costly on the business, some companies resort to cost-effective marketing campaigns and activities. One of which is the email marketing campaign. If you wish to gain public awareness for your business online, this form of advertisement is one of the best ways to utilize. Each day, more and more email users resort to this medium of communication because it is so convenient to use, and so more businesses utilize email marketing as one of the primary advertising campaigns. Email marketing is budget-friendly, convenient, and… Read More

Online Marketing Techniques

Businesses invest in marketing and product advertisements to gain public awareness and increase the target market. Traditionally, marketing and promotional activities utilize offline marketing such as the print media, television, and radio. But marketers have gone beyond the conventional in their strategies. The advent of internet technology has paved the way for a more dynamic and extensive marketing approach. Almost every business engages in online marketing which elicits more interaction from the customers and even prospects, globally. Developing Brand Name Recognition in the Website A company that ventures into online… Read More

Global Marketing

A company that takes on a wider scope in their business coverage conquers the global market especially if it has established a competitive advantage in the industry. However, not everything works the same way as how business successfully operates in the domestic field. Some companies fail in going global because of the false assumption that the approaches that work in their country goes true in the international aspect. So, these businesses embark on the same product, same marketing campaigns and even the brand names and packaging. Failure to consider the… Read More

Creating Effective Advertisement Campaign

Marketing can be one of the most critical and tedious aspects of the business. A company spends money on marketing activities in order to gain public recognition as a way of increasing profit. The ground work of promoting and advertising your products and services is no easy task. A company should not just recklessly spend on advertising without studying their market and the industry. In fact, a good research should be conducted in order to determine how to properly address customers’ needs. Advertising work is a lot of work. And… Read More

Developing Customer Relationship

Since customers are the ‘meat of the business,’ companies should put value in building good customer relationships. Once you are able to establish connections, you keep loyal customers who continue doing business with you and bring more people into the business. Good customer relationships drive the business to success. Just make people believe in your ability to satisfy their needs and fulfill their expectations as well as in your products and services. In the process of finding people who would believe in you, consider making a relationship with them and… Read More

Understanding Customer Needs

The essence of a business is all about their customers. A company exists because it aims to gain profit and the only source of such profit are the customers. All the sales activities, production, and marketing plans have a common objective and that is to attract customers to purchase their products or services in order to bring in money to the company. Surprisingly, not all companies know and understand their customers fully well. Some companies fail to take time to get to know their customers and relate to them. The… Read More

Marketing Strategies

A company that aims to reach a wide scope of target market and increase public awareness develops important strategic marketing decisions out of the results of marketing research for the purpose of targeting more potential customers and increasing company profit and revenue. Various marketing strategies are developed according to the needs of the customers and the positioning of competitors based on the results of marketing research. Marketing strategies are designed to target an increase in the business profit and revenue growth by addressing customers’ needs and increasing the level of… Read More

Marketing Analytics

Marketing analytics is the science or study of analyzing the customer data covering marketing research, marketing strategy, and marketing plans. The objective of a marketing analysis is to identify the general interest of the buying public and understand the growing changes and possible threats of the company as they relate to the strong and weak points of the business in the industry. The Need for Market Analysis In the study of evaluating and investigating the market and how the market moves, a market analysis must be conducted by the company.… Read More

Market Segmentation

One of the critical aspects of marketing management is identifying the target market and creating market segments with common specific wants and preferences where a business bases its marketing strategies and orientations. A group of individuals or organizations having similar characteristics causing them to also take on a similar product or service need is called a market segment. This term applies to consumers who are classified into groups according to the use of a similar product or service. Why a Business Needs Market Segmentation When the market is treated as… Read More

Marketing Orientation

Marketing orientation is defined as the implementation or completion of a marketing concept that essentially caters to the customers. The term is otherwise known as marketing concept or consumer focus. With marketing orientation, a business revolves its strategic decisions around the wants and needs of the target market, including potential customers. A company that is marketing-orientated has the commitment to valuing customers and the customers’ needs. In fact, it can even contribute to the transformation of a company’s business culture. This marketing concept involves three essential steps in being customer-focused.… Read More

Market Research

A successful business organization takes competition seriously by being aggressive in their marketing campaigns. But a careful company studies the market trend first and understands the movement in the business world before investing on marketing programs which can be costly and risky. One of the ways in studying the market is through a marketing research. This process has to be given high consideration since the outputs and results will help the company figure out the suitable marketing campaigns for the targeted customers. Marketing Research Explained Market research, also referred to… Read More

Types of Marketing

The concept of marketing encompasses a wide coverage and may even be associated with sales. In fact, sales and marketing are two different concepts although both are closely coordinated. Marketing is the presentation of the products and services and making them available to the customers with the goal of generating profits. Sales, on the other hand, is the output of marketing implementations. A business produces good product sales out of effective marketing programs while poorly planned marketing plans end up in low sales generation. Focusing more on the concept of… Read More

Importance of Marketing

Marketing is a very important aspect in business since it contributes greatly to the success of the organization. Production and distribution depend largely on marketing. Many people think that sales and marketing are basically the same. These two concepts are different in many aspects. Marketing covers advertising, promotions, public relations, and sales. It is the process of introducing and promoting the product or service into the market and encourages sales from the buying public. Sales refer to the act of buying or the actual transaction of customers purchasing the product… Read More

Marketing Management Introduction

Marketing management is a broad scope of the study of marketing focusing on the practical application of the techniques and marketing activities of a certain company or business. This business discipline encompasses marketing planning and strategy, orientations, and processes needed in attaining company goals by providing value to clients. Since it has a wide coverage involving all factors required to satisfy customers, marketing management must be all-pervasive and part of every employee’s scope of work, from the subordinates to those in the higher management. Marketing Research and Analysis A business… Read More

Meeting Tips for Team Members

The meeting participants play an important role in a meeting. They are the intended recipient of the message or information and the ones responsible for the meeting discussion. Without them, a meeting is not possible. Although we may think that the bulk of the job in making effective meetings is on the facilitator or the manager, the participants also portray an essential role. Because of their importance in a meeting, team members must cooperate to achieve the meeting goals and fulfill the purpose of the meeting. In what ways can… Read More

Meeting Tips for Managers

Managers must make it a point to constantly keep up with the latest updates about their team’s progress and individual performance through regular meetings. Constantly communicating with them is a good way to discuss work issues and deliver new information. Effective managers never fail to schedule regular staff meetings. Whether it is a personal or one-on-one meeting or a group meeting, the important thing is that open communication is encouraged between the manager and the members. When can managers call for a meeting with their subordinates? When is it necessary… Read More

How to Avoid Arguments during Meetings

Conflicts are rooted from differences and contrasting ideas between individuals. Disagreements are not naturally bad. In fact, it is normal and a natural part of life since no two individuals share the same viewpoints at all times. The person you are talking to may agree with you but you can never tell whether the agreement is just because that is what you want to hear, but not what the person actually believes in. The occurrences of conflicts in meetings at work or in business can be unsettling and disruptive. It… Read More

How to Conduct Effective Meetings

Meetings, for the most part, are plain talks and discussions. You cannot expect fun and perks in a meeting. Instead, the atmosphere is one that is serious. If a meeting is not properly facilitated, it can become pointless and ineffective. Meeting facilitators have to make sure that it turns out to be insightful and effective by knowing the methods in running a session. The role of being a meeting organizer or facilitator may not be that easy, but the things to do are not that complicated, either. Unless the facilitator… Read More

Disadvantages of Meetings

Although organizing meetings at work is essential in attaining a specific purpose and achieving goals, there are also disadvantages and drawbacks in meetings. A meeting would turn out to be ineffective if the organizer failed to properly facilitate the session and if the meeting agenda is not observed. Basically, these are the two major outcomes of an unsuccessful meeting. There are many factors and other adverse effects that may occur in a poorly facilitated meeting. Because of the lack of supervision, conflicts are bound to happen, decisions become hard to… Read More