Dealing with Finances after Business change

Any business movement will require certain resources to be spent. Although a company could use manpower as a resource for change, change will ultimately place a dent on the company’s finances. For that reason, business change also comes with a monetary sacrifice. A business leader could even base the feasibility of change on the actual cost on changing. Any type of change – whether for expansion or a change in business plan will cost the company considerable money. For that reason, every stage of the change process has to be… Read More

Introducing Technological Change

A business world is always a technological world. Two decades ago, your business would strive even though the only electronic gadgets in your business were the cashier and the freezer. Today, businesses need to be at par with technology. Through technology, data transfer is faster and customers are not only based on where you are located but also from any corner of the world. The power of the internet can transform your small business into a virtual store open to any person in the world. Communication is also a lot easier and… Read More

Reinforcing Focus after Change

When a company experience changes in its business setting, one of the first things they have to address is to get back on track and continue the business as soon as possible. Time lost during the transition into something better means potential losses with a significant number of clients. The sooner the company gets back on track, the faster the company could post the earnings once again. It can be even more than previous earnings since the company’s change could provide more and better service to its clients. As a result, the company prospers… Read More

Handling Disappointing Company Changes

There are times wherein the company change is bad news to its employees. Instead of moving forward, the company actually takes a significant step backward which means the company is losing resources instead of gaining something. This is also a possibility since a company has to make some aggressive changes if they want to survive. These changes are often caused by company losses on sales, inability to perform as expected in the stock market or simply the loss of customer confidence on the brand. This will force the company to… Read More

Leading the Company During Change

Change in business is a double edged sword – it could become the turning point towards the company’s success or failure. There are companies that through small and large changes in their business goals and settings, were able to harness what the market needs and considerably improve in just a short amount of time. On the other hand, change can also become the reason for a company’s downfall. They may have made changes on their business settings which actually made clients think twice about their services and products. In the… Read More

Controlling the Outsourcing Effects

Outsourcing has been one of the most popular business terms in the past few years – and for a good reason. Most companies that have multi-mullion dollar investments have considered outsourcing some of their basic services to other countries so that they can save millions of dollars a year on some of their functions. Outsourcing is basically an act of hiring someone else to do some of the tasks in your company. But instead of hiring someone locally, you outsource which means you have to get someone from other countries… Read More

Globalization Challenges

Globalization can be considered as a business move for a corporation if they want to significantly expand their business. In gist, globalization for a business means they expand their client base and support not just on their own country but also on other countries as well. Through globalization, companies will be able to significantly increase their earnings which mean more improvement for the company. For its employees, globalization means more opportunities. The more experienced ones increase their chances of promotion as more and more employees will be hired. Not only… Read More

Leadership During Recession

There will always be a leader in business, politics, community or any other organization. Without a leader, the whole organization will crumble as no one will lead the group into doing something they have collectively decided. Sometimes a leader doesn’t even have to consult the group but would have to consider very important factors so that the leader could properly decide what’s best for everyone. For this reason, most see leadership as a lucrative position as a leader can wield power and influence. Everyone follows your decisions and see it… Read More

Leadership Priorities

Changes experienced in business setting is considered as a good sign in terms of business survival. Generally changes are made during expansion and also while minimizing employment and maximizing use of resources. The former is, of course, the desired change of everyone but there are times when a company has to make some cuts not only in their resource usage but also with their employees strength. As a leader, you need to be prepared to face these situations so that you can survive and even smoothly adapt to the different… Read More

Stepping in as the New Leader

Being promoted from an employee to become a leader is probably one of the best experiences.  From a simple follower, you become someone in the forefront as you lead a specific number of employees. Although you will never have to be productive yourself, you are answerable to someone higher if your employees are not as productive as expected. On the other end, you become the representative of the upper management and any concern of your employees about the management should run by you. You are practically a middle man now… Read More

Personal Qualities: Relationship Management

We deal with people everyday of our lives. People interaction forms part of what we do everyday. We can either be communicating with the same people everyday or meet new ones. Forming relationships with the people we meet and deal with is an integral part of personal success and achievement of goals. Simple as it may sound, it is not easy building good and long-lasting relationships. In fact, it is a skill to know how to create and manage good relationships with people. There are those who excel in such… Read More

Personal Qualities: Time Management

Time is an essential element in everything we do. We highly consider time in all our daily activities and encounters with people. But not everyone is capable of managing their own time properly. We either can have too much time or lack of time in doing a certain thing. Some people end up cramming when there is a deadline to beat; some just stay relaxed and composed. Have you experienced having to rush from one activity to another in just a day and cannot even seem to fulfill one? Or… Read More

Personal Qualities: Sociability

Are you comfortable being around other people? Can you easily carry a conversation with complete strangers? Answering “yes” to these questions would indicate sociability, which is basically defined as the ability to relate and associate themselves with other people without any difficulty. The opposite of a sociable person is one who is aloof, shy, or reclusive. They are not at all fond of going out, and they prefer to stay at home curled up in a good book than to go out with friends and colleagues. The extreme opposite of… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Management

The concept of self-management may be applicable to various fields but generally, it is a psychological term which pertains to an individual’s goal of being able to manage personal activities, skills, objectives, and personal autonomy. Managers or high-ranking officers are not the only ones entitled to develop the skill of self-management. Anyone who hopes to achieve personal autonomy can also learn the skill through practice and perseverance. If you think managers or leaders find their functions easy and stress-free, it is actually the other way around. Apart from supervising and… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Confidence

Feeling inadequate, being resigned to mediocrity, and living lonely and unfulfilled lives are very indicative of people who lack self confidence. These people are often timid and shy, although there are those who are good at hiding their insecurities and do not necessarily show any form of shyness when in the presence of others. On the other hand, people who are confident in themselves believe in their own abilities; they understand that although they have imperfections, they have the capacity to change and improve, and as a result, they do… Read More

Personal Qualities: Responsibility

In the wake of problems, there are people who step up and offer their time, effort, and abilities to resolve the issue at hand. Regardless of how complex or how difficult the problem may be, they are willing and ready to do what they can- the best they can. There are also others, who, when problems arise, often seem to find excuses not to help. It is either that they are not capable of fixing the problem, they do not have enough resources to fix the problem, or that they… Read More

Personal Qualities: Self Esteem

Self esteem has been defined as a person’s own affirmations that he has what it takes to live a fruitful life. It is about having the confidence to face every challenge that come their way, as well as the belief that he has every right to be happy, and every reason to deserve success. Stanley Coopersmith, in his book entitled, “The Antecedents of Self Esteem” mentioned that with self esteem, a person can either approve or disapprove of his own abilities and skills, a personal judgment of his own self… Read More

Personal Qualities: Integrity

A personal quality that is vital to one’s overall success is integrity. It is a set of traits that will make a person trustworthy, highly regarded, and reliable, in any situation. Integrity is a broad concept that serves many purposes. First of all, integrity is one’s own choice to commit to universal values and principles. This means that regardless of what the situation may be, no matter what others are doing, a person with integrity will stick to his commitments to do the right things in accordance to values and… Read More

Personal Qualities: Credibility

Being able to persuade someone to believe in what you have to say is not always easy. Trying to win a customer, getting hired, gaining new friends, and building business and work-relationships- these are just some of the many things that individuals do everyday. And to succeed at each of these, credibility is required. Without this fundamental personal quality, it is almost impossible to achieve your purpose. The Essence of Credibility When other people put their trust, faith, and respect on you, it means they deem you as a credible… Read More

Thinking Skill: Creative Thinking

In many aspects of our life, thinking puts emphasis on analysis such as in understanding a message, concept, or idea, following instructions, creating logical reasoning, knowing the wrong from the right, and so on. However, thinking does not limit itself to analyzing only; there is a different kind of thinking skill that allows individuals to look for other options and solutions, to explore other ideas, and to search for new possibilities. This kind of thinking skill is otherwise known as creative thinking. Importance of Creative Thinking Skill Usually, people get… Read More

Thinking Skill: Decision Making

Decision-making involves the use of cognitive processes in choosing from several ideas, choices, and options, and then acting on it. It is a series of steps that starts with an understanding of the situation, gathering information, coming up with choices and alternatives, selecting from these choices and alternatives, and ending with an action. Decisions often revolve around issues such as uncertainties, high risks, alternatives, complexities, as well as interpersonal issues. Importance of Decision-Making Skill Decision-making is considered to be a core skill because in essence, it is a necessary ingredient… Read More

Thinking Skill: Problem Solving

People deal with problems all the time. And because it is something that we are constantly faced with, the ability to resolve problems is considered as a core skill; a basic necessity for people to live life to their fullest capacity. Defining Problem Solving Generally, there are two types of problems. The first one comprises of problems that are well-defined, with clear objectives, methods, and information provided. The second one is the ill-defined, the exact opposite of the first type; it does not have any concrete information, paths to solution,… Read More

Thinking Skill: Reasoning

Reasoning skill involves the process of taking in information and making inferences based on what an individual knows to be true. A gauge of one’s intellectual abilities, reasoning enables people to understand ideas and concepts better, and arrive at logical conclusions. Types of Reasoning There are many types of reasoning but the most widely used are: deductive, inductive, conditional, comparative, exemplar, cause and effect, and systemic reasoning. Deductive reasoning starts with the general theory or idea, and breaks it down to specifics. Such reasoning is usually used by scientists when… Read More

Thinking Skill: Visualizing

The general notion that thinking skills cannot be taught is incorrect. Had this been the case, it would imply that before students start attending school, they are already gifted and equipped with everything they need to be able to make decisions and provide solutions on their own. Had this been the case, there would be no need for teachers to guide students to improve their thinking abilities. Thinking skills can be taught but the question is: which skills are being taught? Visualizing is one skill that should be part and… Read More

Basic Skill: Arithmetic

Arithmetic is the oldest division of Mathematics which essentially deals with operation of numbers such as counting, adding and subtracting. It is one of the most basic skills and is learnt at a very young age. This article aims to appreciate the value of acquiring this skill, and also provide you with techniques on how to learn and develop it. Importance of Arithmetic Education plays an important role in the development of arithmetic skill. During primary level, individuals are taught to count and perform arithmetic operations from simple to complex,… Read More

Basic Skill: Listening

Listening is a part of communication which requires one person to receive a message conveyed by another, and then process this message mentally. Its objective is to gain understanding of the message, so that a response will be made accordingly. Importance of Listening Skill In any area that requires communication, listening takes on a vital role. Without listening, communication will not be complete. More often than not, people mistakenly put a lot of weight on speaking and the ability to deliver a message clearly and confidently, but they forget that… Read More

Basic Skill: Speaking

Speaking is a communication skill that enables a person to verbalize thoughts and ideas. There are two instances when such a skill is required and these are: interactive and semi-interactive. In the first instance (interactive), this would involve conversations with another person or group of persons whether face-to-face or over the phone, wherein there is an exchange of communication between two or more people. In the second instance (semi-interactive), this happens when there is a speaker and an audience such as in the case of delivering a speech, wherein the… Read More

Basic Skill: Writing

One of the most basic skills needed today is writing. It is an aspect of communication that allows a person to compose thoughts and ideas, and note it down for other people to read. Importance of Writing In any type of job, there will always be instances when an employee is required to write something- be it a memo, an email, a report, or even a handwritten reminder, which goes to show how very important and fundamental this skill is for every person. While there are people who can make… Read More

Basic Skill: Reading

One of the basic skill crucial to every individual is the ability to read. Reading is a fundamental skill that allows a person to be able to expand knowledge and widen certain topics of interest. We do not just gather information and insights about various things from listening alone. People who lack the ability to read are just but unfortunate to not have this basic skill because it deprives them from getting equipped with apt knowledge and makes them feel mediocre in this ever-competitive world. Reading also polishes a person’s… Read More

Types of Core Skills

If you keep asking yourself why you were not as successful as the others were, why you failed to get that promotion, why you did not land that dream job, better ask yourself if you have the right skills needed for you to achieve your endeavors. In the corporate world, most employers choose to hire candidates who either have the potential to develop their skills or those who already are skilled enough to perform the job. Core skills are the most indispensable skills. People who possess them are more likely… Read More

Introduction to Core Skills

Though modern man has mastered number of skills, not everyone can possess all the skills. There are certain skills that are more essential than others, while some are required only for certain job positions. Because of the large number of skills being utilized today, the question one must ask is: “What are the most important skills we need to have?” The answer to this question is core skills. These would refer to skills that will equip a person of the main capabilities needed to perform his role effectively, whether in… Read More

jQuery Smart Libraries

jQuery is a well known programming language for JavaScript and Ajax for a good reason. Since its inception, developers around the world are constantly working with the framework. Their work is not just based on creating new applications based on jQuery but on creating new functions and tools that will improve the framework. Because of this support, thousands of scripts can be freely used in various jQuery based applications. A good example for the continued support of this framework is the recently released tools for jQuery: Concrete and Selector. The… Read More

Art of Managing Performance

Performance management is a process that involves the effective managing of teams and individual performances in an effort to achieve high organizational performance level. A very important aspect of this process is the communication between the supervisor and the employee in order to fully understand the objectives of the organization, and know various ways that will help these employees work successfully towards achieving the organization’s objectives. Performance Management Defined Performance management has been further defined as: 1. The development of individual competencies. 2. The provision of guidance and support to… Read More

Importance of Continuous Learning

In any organization, continuous learning means growth through learning events and experiences. It can be applied to individuals, team, and organizations- a process that will help them to achieve their overall objectives. Undergoing a continuous learning process entails change; one cannot learn and still be the same person, team, or organization. There is a constant evolution in the way we think and act, brought about by new understanding, new knowledge, and new skills. One of the worst phrases that any person or entity can say is “I already know that”… Read More

Tips to Boost Performance

It makes a lot of sense for working individuals to continually improve themselves in order to keep up with the rest, or to stay ahead of them. Unless a person is waiting to get fired from his job, steps must be taken so that skills and abilities will be honed and developed, and also to make room for new skills to be learned and acquired. Supervisors and managers play a crucial role in helping their people boost their performance. Without the proper guidance and support of superiors, performance improvement efforts… Read More

Performance Related Issues

On average, we spend one-third of our time at work, and in some cases, we spend a lot more time working than the required 8 hours. Work gives people a sense of purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction, and at the same time, it provides them the financial stability they need. Job performance is a very significant aspect of a person’s career, and it can make or break a person; it could take his career to the next level, or keep it stagnant and uneventful. How a person performs at work impacts… Read More

Annual Appraisal Process

An annual appraisal, otherwise referred to as annual performance appraisal, is a management system that will evaluate the level and quality of an employee’s performance. The immediate head of the employee conducts the appraisal, by filling out an assessment form that has been designed and developed to specifically meet the standard and key requirements of the organization pertaining to job functions and contribution. The result of the evaluation is discussed in-depth with the employee. Five Fundamental Annual Appraisal Sections Annual appraisals can be derived from standard models or can be… Read More

Self-Assessment Techniques

Self-assessment refers to an employee’s description of his accomplishments, in relation to his job’s key objectives. It is a tool that provides him an opportunity to describe and put into light the major contributions he made to the organization. Note that an employee’s assessment of his own job performance may be different from how his superior, or the organization in general, perceives it. Basic Guidelines for Self-Assessments The following should be present in a written or documented self-assessment, for it to be effective: 1. Restatement of objectives – The objectives… Read More

How to Handle Performance Anxiety

When dealing with unfamiliar and unique situations, we sometimes feel anxious. If an individual does not know what to do or what to expect, it is common to feel restless, concerned, and worried. The extent of anxiety would depend on whether this person feels he can cope or not. When gifted with a high level of self-confidence and self-esteem, people will be less likely to get anxious; however, for those with very low regard to oneself, it can be expected that anxiety in job performance can be very severe. Effects… Read More

Setting Realistic Performance Goals

There is a big difference between successful people and those who cannot seem to get anywhere; the difference does not have anything to do with age, educational level, race, or social status. The difference lies in the setting of goals to get to where they want to go. Goal-oriented individuals are confident and are always “on the go.” They are a productive group of people who can handle difficult situations with higher chances of accomplishing objectives compared to those who are simply “doing their job.” Importance of Setting Realistic Performance… Read More

Performance Management

Performance Management is defined as a process by which an employee and his supervisor establishes a clear understanding about the job functions of the employee; how he can perform his job satisfactorily; how the supervisor can help the employee to improve his work performance; and lastly, how the employee can contribute to the overall objectives of the organization. Often times, the root cause of poor performance is the lack of clear understanding and expectations between the supervisor and the employee which is why there is a need to implement performance… Read More

Performance Development Planning (PDP)

Companies differ in terms of processes and methods used for performance development, depending on the culture and the objectives set by the management group. But as a general rule, there is at least one Performance Development Planning (PDP) session in a calendar year that is being facilitated by the supervisors of a organization; a one-on-one meeting between the supervisor and the employee to outline, discuss, and re-evaluate personal goals as well as the organization’s goals to make sure that the employee works toward achieving these goals successfully. In the PDP… Read More

Performance Development System

Developing Core Competencies Developing core competencies is inherently dependent on the individual’s commitment to improve his performance. It is essentially a self-directed endeavor, and the organization is simply there to provide guidance and support to this person. In their effort to help an employee to perform well in various situations, many organizations have utilized a performance development system designed specifically for their employees. Its main purpose include the alignment of individual goals with the organization’s goals; organizational effectiveness by identifying core competencies required of every employee from the different levels… Read More

Performance Development Aspects

In the organization’s plight to give effective performance development programs to employees, it is necessary to ensure that key aspects are given much attention. The entire process is a collaborative effort between the employee, the supervisor, and the organization; the supervisor facilitates the performance review, and thereafter, tackles on the key aspects: defining career goals, making assessments of the skills and competencies of the employee, as well as the drafting of developmental activities and setting of timeframes for each. Whatever transpired during this session will be forwarded to the appropriate… Read More

What is Performance Development?

Performance development is considered a very important aspect in the growth and progress of individuals in their respective careers. It comprise of several strategic processes that are integrated and utilized with the purpose of developing individual capabilities that will benefit the employee, specifically, and the company as a whole. It focuses mainly on performance, along with its classification, measurement, factors, and management. To gain a better understanding of performance development, its definitions are discussed here, in addition to a thorough explanation of why it is vital for career-oriented individuals to… Read More

Online Task Management Tools

The Internet has paved the way for various opportunities and breakthroughs. Through it, we are now enjoying the benefits of fast communication, online shopping, online bill payments, easy access to information, and even the chance to work at home. Additionally, with the Internet, getting things done in the office has never been easier. We can simply do video-conferencing to hold meetings with colleagues, superiors, and clients who are located elsewhere; we can send emails to people who are in other parts of the globe, taking only seconds for them to… Read More

Personal Task Management

Ideally, work and personal life should be kept separated; however, there are times when our personal activities get in the way of work, and vice versa. An example is when you need to watch your son’s baseball game, and there is a business meeting scheduled, or when you have to meet with a client, and are already running late for your anniversary dinner with your spouse. Because these things cannot be avoided, making use of personal task management is deemed necessary. What is Personal Task Management? Personal task management is… Read More

Task Management for Team Groups

To build a great team, every member should be working on the same goal. How is this achieved? Before anything else, understand that teams are formed mainly to handle tasks created to help the company grow and profit. This means that each individual member of the team should know how to become efficient and effective when it comes to doing the tasks assigned to them. This is where task management takes on an important role in helping the team become productive. Many factors contribute to keeping a team working on… Read More

Task Management for Project Leaders

Task management is the key to performing any endeavor successfully. We can use it for managing our tasks in the office, as well as in getting things done at home. It keeps us efficient, thereby being able to finish our tasks sooner than those who prefer not to follow a set of workable systems. In project management, this is even deemed a necessity mainly because each project can be performed and completed by working on a series of tasks. If there are tasks left undone, then the project is rendered… Read More

How to Prioritize Tasks

When you are working on a particular task or a set of tasks for a period of time, you will most likely come up with a to-do list. When your list includes at least half a dozen line items, it is common for us to find it difficult to know which ones to do first and which ones to do last. Mind you, your to-do list can be overwhelming and even stressful to you. A very important aspect of task management tackles on knowing how to prioritize tasks. If you… Read More

Task Management and Productivity

Productivity is defined as the value of one’s output divided by time, which could be further subdivided into the output hourly or daily. In any business, being productive is essential to garnering profits; the more productive, the better. One of the very essential ways to ensure high productivity is to know how to manage tasks. If an individual is given five things to do for the day but does not know how to prioritize, he could be wasting away precious hours which should have been spent doing things that are… Read More

Task Follow Ups

Living in a hectic world is not easy. We miss out on even the most important things in our day to day activities. Yes, you can be well-organized and insist that you have always been dependable in whatever it is you do but, we cannot always say the same thing for others. A lot of factors can affect one’s efficiency as well as the success of every task, and if we are not careful, we might just forget and overlook central points in our task. That is why there is… Read More

How to Manage Tasks Efficiently

Everyone is given 24 hours everyday to work, to eat, to sleep, and to do the things they want to do. We all have the same amount of time to live as we please and to get our work done, but why is it that there are people who are more productive than us? Why is it that they can complete projects earlier than we do? This article will help you understand why. Efficiency is about doing things quickly and still producing the same excellent results. It is about maximizing… Read More

How to Create a Task Management Plan

Task management is all about managing your tasks properly in an efficient manner. The activities that are part of this process range from planning, setting priorities, checking needed resources, testing, documentation, and reporting of outcomes. Since we are often presented with numerous tasks daily, it is important that you not only know what are involved in task management, but that you should also come up with a plan to help you. Understanding a Task Management Plan A task management plan is the answer if you aim to deal with your… Read More

Task Life Cycle

Task management involves familiarizing yourself with the processes, tools, principles, and even the life cycle of a task. An understanding of these aspects is necessary so you can make the most of it and ensure completion of the task. While it is true that these may depend on the factors surrounding a particular task, invariably, the concepts remain the same. When it comes to its life cycle, we will discuss the basic phases included, which can be modified depending on the complexities and objectives of a given task. The Basic… Read More

Task Management Aspects

A task is any undertaking designed to help a company reach their objectives. It could be a sub-category of bigger outputs or bigger tasks which you can complete in various lengths of time, from something as short as 15 minutes to even one that requires longer durations, such as 15 days. In task management, which is considered as the process used to help anyone handle tasks efficiently and effectively, various aspects are involved. These include managerial, behavioral, and other aspects such as those involving technological advancements to assist any individual.… Read More

Task Management Principles

As with many things, task management is governed by certain principles. These are the foundation by which we base our actions and decisions on. Because of their value, it is essential for every task manager to familiarize themselves of the principles that are part and parcel of every task they perform. A very important point you need to remember is that principles are sets of rules that have been tested over time. By using these, you could save yourself from mistakes and frustrations which will only cause undue stress and… Read More

Importance of Task Management

Why is their a need for task management to be incorporated in our everyday work? To begin with, if you are like most executives, you must have at least 25 individual tasks for you to take care of on any given day. Not all of these are of the same significance as the others; some are urgent and important; others are not urgent but important; there are those that are urgent but not important; and of course there are always those that are not urgent and not important. When you… Read More

Task Management

Business executives are faced with an armload of tasks everyday. Part of their key responsibilities is being able to manage the tasks assigned to them effectively and efficiently so as to maximize productivity among themselves as well as their subordinates. If you are an executive, you need to learn and understand what task management is all about, and how you can use this to perform well in every task given to you. Let us start by getting a clear overview of task management, along with the benefits you can get… Read More

Improve Your Website Using jQuery Plug-ins

Developing an online application or at least an interactive website can be easily done through jQuery. As one of the leaders in JavaScript frameworks, jQuery is constantly updated by it is developers as well as its adaptors. You can see a brand new library based on jQuery presented almost everyday. Aside from various libraries developed through jQuery, plug-ins are also created based on this framework. This is just a small part of jQuery but can become very significant because it has allowed developers to improve their website without drastic changes… Read More

Selection of Impressive jQuery Plug-ins

The popularity of jQuery could be easily measured by the impressive variety of plug-ins created. While there are those plug-ins that might only cause more harm than good, these are often the fault of developers. jQuery developers could easily crunch out plug-ins because of the extensive functions available for developers. But other plug-ins are not your run-of-the-mill plug-ins as they offer more impressive functionality for your Ajax or JavaScript based website. The following are the impressive plug-ins that could truly transform your Ajax or JavaScript based application. • Full text… Read More

Learn How to Use Two jQuery Versions in One Application

jQuery is undoubtedly one of the well known Ajax and JavaScript frameworks. Developed in the early days of Ajax, the framework eventually became the staple of various developers because of its ability to provide various functions for a variety of purposes. Because of its impact on JavaScript, Microsoft has even teamed with this framework as part of their offering in ASP.Net. Aside from powerful support from jQuery, developers around the world have also developed various libraries based on this framework. The ease of implementation of jQuery in various settings was… Read More

Smart Yet Hidden jQuery Capabilities

Developers focused on JavaScript and Ajax based applications will most likely encounter jQuery. Recognized as one of the biggest frameworks and libraries, developers should be able to find their needed functions to implement an efficient online application. Aside from enjoying ease of integration, developers can also take advantage of the security provided the framework. Cross-browser capability is also a possibility when using jQuery. But the framework is not just for ease of implementation and security. There are some functions inherent in jQuery that push capabilities of your online application. More… Read More

Learn How to Restrict jQuery

Developing an Ajax and JavaScript based application can be easily done with jQuery. As one of the most powerful frameworks, it has become the choice of many developers on how to create an application. It can work with ASP.Net or it can be used as a standalone framework to create an application. Developer support is even impressive as there are small libraries created for specific functions everyday. Once the framework is implemented in an Ajax based application, the functions from jQuery can be called and implemented in the client side.… Read More

Strategic Planning During Uncertain Times

Times are indeed uncertain. A particular business might exist today and disappear tomorrow. A particular customer might exist today and be gone tomorrow. A significant cost item may be so low today and become so high tomorrow. A major raw material component may be in plentiful supply today and suddenly become scarce tomorrow. Business or organizations are in for uncertain times. The strategic planner must bear in mind to expect, and to expect more of the unexpected. These may be the only keys left to unlock the door of survival… Read More

The Art of Planning Strategically

The allure of conservatism in business or organizations stem from the conviction that pioneering efforts does not pay off. Many believe that it is better to be a follower than a leader. This is probably the reason why many prefer to wait and see and then follow. In many instances this idea may be well founded but it is not always the case. When planning strategically, the same premise may be true. Business or organizations may be well contended with a plan, followed from others in the same or similar… Read More

Organization Strategic Planning

Organizations are structures. And structures are specifically designed to satisfy certain minimum provisions. Within these structures are forms and forms have to satisfy conventional specifications and requirements These specification and requirements, management thinkers believe are embodied in the following: clarity, economy, direction of vision, understanding of the individual, decision making, stability and adaptability, perpetuation and self-renewal. Clarity is defined as knowing where one belongs in the organization. If you do not know where you belong in the organization, you would be at a loss as to what contribution to make.… Read More

Strategic Planning During Downsizing

Business and organizations have experienced tremendous change and upheaval in the last hundred years or so. Academics have identified at least three major changes and upheaval that have currently shaped the modern day business climate. The Essentials of Downsizing First, there was the agricultural economy. When man started settling down instead of hunting, he started domesticating animals and establishing farms. Wealth and success then, depended on who had vast tracks of land converted into farms and depended on who had the most number of domesticated animals. Second, there was the… Read More

How to Improve your Strategic Plan

A Strategic plan is a basic tool for business or organization. It is what gives it a written and concrete expression of its basic direction. It answers the basic question of the business or organizational direction, What do we want to be in the future? How do we hope to occupy that position in the future? An absence of a strategic plan, an indispensable tool for business or organizational success, may have negative repercussions that may well hang on to the future. Plan to Plan Since perfection is a character… Read More

Strategic Planning for IT Business

Information Technology or IT is a byword in business or organizations. A foundational understanding of IT is however essential before the strategic planning task is to begin. Information technology or IT refers to the collective means to assembly and electronically store, transmit, to process and retrieve words, numbers, images, and sounds, as well as to electronic means to control machines of all kinds, from everyday appliances to vast automated factories. This simplified definition according the MIT Center for Information Research is helpful in a better understanding of IT. The implications… Read More

Importance of Strategic Planning in Supply Chains

Supply chains are basically networks. They are networks of facilities, people and distribution options whose primary purpose is procurement and transformation of goods so that can then be delivered and distributed to potential customers. Supply chains can be pictured as arteries that supply business or organizations its industrial life. Disrupt a supply chain and you will find business or organizations gasping for breath and clinging to dear life. Strategic Planning improves Efficiency Networks are interconnected and interdependent. One is connected to the other in a peculiar relationship and one is… Read More

Strategic Planning in Challenging Environment

Every time there is a modern business is discussed, the issue of a challenging environment is first on the agenda. Modern business is synonymous with a challenging environment. Theories, rules and trends that have been the backbone of business have become if not less effective, almost obsolete altogether. Today’s business environment is just changing so fast and so unpredictable that one has to decipher it from different angles and viewpoints. Modern Business: A Challenging Environment The conventional no longer holds true for modern business. There is a new set of… Read More

Importance of Intelligent Strategic Planning

Intelligence is a potent weapon to those who possess it. Without intelligence human beings simply become at par with the animals. It is intelligence that sets human being distant from all other species. It has its special and unique purpose in each individual. History tells us that the ancient Greeks won their battles not because of brute strength and superior weaponry but by fighting intelligently. Instead of fighting one man to one man, they fought as a team, rendering the opposing forces doomed. They used intelligent offense. The ancient Romans… Read More

Role of Research and Development in Strategic Planning

Business or Organizations who are in their infancy or who are in their maturity need a very essential tool to assure survival. That tool is none other than Research and Development or R & D. Research and Development was extensively used by the pharmaceutical industry and those involved in scientific projects because it was considered an essential, a necessity. Today, however, small, medium-sized and large business and organizations have to employ research and development. It has become a necessity as well to business or organizations that desire to survive in… Read More

Role of Mission Statement in Strategic Planning

The development of strategic planning begins with an agreement on a definition or purpose for the business or organization. It basically answers the question, What business are we in? This question will dictate the type of products or services the business will offer as defined by the needs and wants of the specific market. This agreement on a definition or purpose for the business or organization is commonly termed as the Mission Statement. This Mission Statement can be thought of as a kind of constitution or charter that is established… Read More

How to Share Strategic Plan

The success of business or organizations in its specific undertaking is credited to a well designed and thought out plan. Business and organizational direction is dictated by specific plans, designed by the planning team. So we have business plans, strategic plans, marketing plans, distribution plans, and so on. To make these plans profitable and useful, these have to be communicated throughout the business or organization, must especially to the employees who is most qualified and most affected by its implementation. What steps do business and management do to achieve the… Read More

PEST Analysis

Strategic planning is affected not only by internal and external variables but also by the macro environment. A framework that serves to scan external macro environment factors in which business or organizations operate is grouped into the four factors of Political, Economic, Social and Technological and referred to as PEST analysis. These macro environment factors affect business and organizations in their operations so that they have to be incorporated into the strategic planning framework. Political Factors Political Factors are government regulations and government legal issues that define formal and informal… Read More

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a framework wherein it evaluates the internal and external factors of the business in attaining its objectives. It is very useful when generating an effective strategic plans or alternatives. SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It defines for different aspects of the situation within the business itself. SWOT analysis is a tool that can be used by the managers by reviewing the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, then a helpful and concrete strategy can be formulated in order to ensure that the… Read More

Strategic Planning Foundation

Foundations are fundamental, basic and necessary in any undertaking or structure. Buildings have foundations, education has foundations and in business, strategic planning also has foundations. Foundations have the uncanny ability to preserve the structure of business or organizations and foundations do something else that is extremely important, they spread the load and stress to make the structure of business and organization stable. Foundations are Fundamental How does a business or organization create the foundation of strategic planning? This is a question that may cause our brain to be engaged in… Read More

Strategic Plan Creation

Creating a strategic plan may be easy to some people. There are templates available in the market. The creation of strategic plans that do not work is of no value; it is fiction not reality. In the real world, while fiction entertains, amuses and provokes, it does not contribute to the goals of business or organizations. Realistic Strategic Plan Can a strategic plan work? Can it actually work? This thought provoking question will be our criterion as we as we navigate through the maze of planning workability. What works will… Read More

Understanding Strategic Planner Responsibilities

Unless responsibilities are clearly defined and assigned, it is not possible to accomplish any task in business or organizations. Without responsibilities, people in business or organizations would not be able to establish goals for themselves and without such goals; business or organizations would come to a standstill. The strategic planner has certain responsibilities that have to be clearly understood. What are the primary task that he should perform? How does it contribute to business or organizations? The Strategic Planner Conceptualizes The fundamental resource of the strategic planner is thinking. He is there to… Read More

Strategic Planning Models

Strategic planning models are as numerous as the various proponents to it. A quick check at a list of the greatest management thinkers and their ideas places the list at more than thirty. This does not include other management thinkers who have had ideas that are put to use but are not acknowledged by the academe. Our scope is limited to a strategic planning model that we have named as the strategic square. It is a group of four strategic planning models, corresponding to the four sides of a square.… Read More

What is Strategic Planning?

Many scholars have defined strategic planning in various ways. Strategic planning can be defined as specific plans, goals and objectives of an organization or a company that includes the policies and the resources employed to achieve the said plans, goals and objectives. These plans, goals and objectives basically answer two very simple questions: 1) What does the organization or company want to be in the future?  2) How does the organization or company plan to get to that position in the future? Plans, goals and objectives must be specific so… Read More

Facilitator Tips

Every participant who joins a workshop or program expects a facilitator to be professional at all times. This person should be an expert in the given role. This is what every facilitator needs to uphold and demonstrate. Keeping a professional demeanor is not just about faking it for as long as you can, but making it a true and natural reflection of your personality regardless of the position, career, or aspect in your life. Along the way, experienced facilitators gradually learn to incorporate these professional attributes and share them with… Read More

Working with JSP Sessions

Working with JSP Sessions In this JSP tutorial, you will learn about JSP session object methods, getCreationTime, getLastAccessedTime, getId, invalidate(), getMaxInactiveInterval, setMaxInactiveInterval(), removeAttribute(String name) and setAttribute(String, object). This section details the syntax, usage, example and explanation of more session object methods, such as: getCreationTime getLastAccessedTime getId invalidate() getMaxInactiveInterval setMaxInactiveInterval() removeAttribute(String name) setAttribute(String, object) getCreationTime: The getCreationTime method of session object is used to return the session created time. The returned time value would be in milliseconds, the time value is midnight January 1, 1970 GMT. General syntax of getCreationTime of… Read More

Focus Facilitated Discussion

Perhaps one of the most challenging functions of the facilitator is to keep the entire process on track from the onset until it culminates to the closing part of the event successfully. Probably, time is a major factor in staying on track. But the flow of the discussion is another factor to consider as well as the type of participants present during the session. Staying on track means keeping focused on the topic in a facilitated discussion. It also means being able to follow the flow of the program or… Read More

Creative Facilitating Techniques

Many facilitators get to use at least one type of visual aid to help them in their facilitation task. Visual aids enhance the learning process of the participants and increase retention of the grasped knowledge during the discussion. When planning to use any visual aid, the material should be prepared ahead of time. During the preparation stage of your facilitation task, you should have the tools ready instead of having to prepare them at the time of the event. Early preparation reflects the professionalism of the facilitator and earns respect… Read More

Setting Facilitation Rules and Agenda

A very crucial part in the preparation for your facilitation role is setting the guidelines or “ground rules.” Since the primary function of the facilitator is to ensure smoothness and to make the entire process easy, establishing the ground rules will help in governing the group and the interaction of each participant throughout the course of the activity until the desired objectives are met. In some organizations, they call these rules as “agreements”, “operating principles”, or “practices.” In a classroom setting or in a training session, it is referred to… Read More

Facilitator Intervention Techniques

In a group discussion, the primary role of the facilitator is to manage the traffic or flow of conversation, keeping the interaction smooth by guiding and controlling who speaks when. At the start of the session, the facilitator should establish the ground rule for the discussion part and review the guidelines before the discussion starts. In order to properly guide and control the group, the facilitator has to engage and be involved during the interaction. Apart from showing interest, it also makes it easy for the facilitator to intervene in… Read More

Group Discussion Facilitation

In a facilitated discussion, the group seeks to arrive at an agreed decision after all viewpoints have been entertained. The facilitator does not make the decision because this is not his responsibility. The role of a facilitator when it comes to decision-making is more of assisting and leading the group to achieve a common understanding of the issues discussed. When the participants share common interests and opinions, a conclusion is easier to achieve. On the other hand, when the members have conflicting ideas, this is where the facilitator is challenged… Read More

Facilitation Planning and Preparation

Facilitating an event or a workshop is a huge task and an important role to take. If chosen as a facilitator for a particular group activity or organizational event, realize that you have the potential to carry out the function because the management sees your abilities and skills in facilitation. So, given the facilitation skills you have and your knowledge in facilitating an activity, your main responsibility starts from planning and preparation of the workshop or any kind of group session assigned for you to facilitate on. It is during… Read More

Facilitation Ice Breakers

Many facilitated sessions start with an ice breaker. This technique can be an opener for a workshop or seminar and effective way to start a team building program. Participants engage in interactive and fun activities before getting to the main course of the discussion. Ice breakers also allow people to get to know each other and help them work together as a team. The use of ice breakers in a session is not just to start the program but it also break natural barriers among the group members, increasing the… Read More

Creating Synergy in Facilitation

Teamwork is a fundamental value that every facilitator must promote to all participants in every facilitated session, program, or workshop. In order to achieve the objectives of the group, they have to share common interests and perceptions. Depending on the kind of facilitator that manages and directs the group, the participants can easily attain their shared goals with cooperation. A skilled and seasoned facilitator knows very well how to bring each member together, making them work as a group rather than on an individual approach. Understanding the Concept of Group… Read More

Facilitator Core Skill 4: Data Gathering

One of the essential skills and core responsibility of a facilitator is to record the data and output gathered in the course of the discussion, and making sure that they are being acted upon. For recording and note-taking to be successfully done, the facilitator has to know and be clear about what needs to be recorded, how to record it, and who will perform the task. In most cases, the facilitator himself is the sole note-taker in a session. But depending on the kind of session that is facilitated, a… Read More

Facilitator Core Skill 3: Effective Questioning Techniques

In any situation, questions are asked for varied purposes and one of which is to check for comprehension. Some people ask questions for clarification. Some ask to obtain answers or information. Asking questions is a skill that every facilitator should develop and master. The questions that facilitators ask to the participants may bring a dramatic change in their lives. In every discussion, asking the right, proper questions motivates the members to come up with their own choices and solutions so these questions have to be thought out with preparation and… Read More

Facilitator Core Skill 2: Active Listening

In any aspect of communication, listening is an integral part of the whole process. Basically, we listen to understand and comprehend the message that the speaker is saying. But this becomes a challenge to many of us since we tend not to make use of good and effective listening. According to statistics, we listen to only about 25-50% of what we hear in a particular conversation. And at the end of the day, we forget about 46% of everything we have heard. If you are a facilitator of a team… Read More

Facilitator Core Skill 1: Building Rapport

In order to effectively reach out and work with the team members, a facilitator has to learn the fundamental skill of building rapport. That is, the need to create and maintain empathy or a sense of connection with the members. Building rapport is not done the easy way; people have different ways of establishing it with other people. There are those who have the natural ability to easily create a good relationship with others. Their is a  need to understand the essence of the skill and learn it to come… Read More

Characteristics of an Excellent Facilitator

The role of a facilitator is not that easy if you think about guiding the group throughout the whole process to achieve a smooth and productive result of a discussion, training session, or team activity. The facilitator guides the participants to a “learning journey” in discovering their own experiences and exploring those of others, identifying their strengths and weak points, and sharing what they already know to the rest. In some cases, the facilitator also shares his knowledge apart from just guiding them in the process. Since the task is… Read More

Facilitator Role and Responsibilities

Facilitation is a task that requires leading a group session in a smooth and organized way. Often, in a seminar or convention, the person who leads the event is called a facilitator. But this role is also carried out in other aspects.  One example would be a member who is in-charge of presiding the meeting is doing the task of a facilitator. In a court setting, the judge acts as the facilitator of the session. Members of human resource department also take the role of facilitators in certain company activities. In… Read More

Tips to Prevent Relationship from Breaking

Relationships at work are vital in the growth of the employees and the success of the business. Establishing good connections and affiliations with your work colleagues can be easy as long as you have the willingness to get to know the person. And this is very helpful in the job because these are people we see and deal with everyday; they are not passers-by or typical strangers you meet on the road. If you are able to get along well with your colleagues at work, you perform your job productively… Read More